Thursday, April 9, 2009


Another beautiful day in Saskatchewan. Another day for Brent to fight against the challenges in his life. The swelling that is occurring is getting worse. They have no idea what is causing this swelling so tests are being done at the moment. Scot and Carolyn (Cary) are waiting to hear from the Doctor what the next step involves. The liver and kidneys are not functioning at one hundred percent thus the lack of urine being passed.

Let's continue to support this family with our love and prayers.

Keep hoping.Keep loving.Keep praying.


  1. Heavenly Father, in your mercy hear our prayers for the healing of this young boys body, peace for his parents and wisdom for the medical staff involved. We humbly bring our petitions to you through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

  2. Dear Heavenly Father, please allowing healing to Brent, who is so young and full of such promise. Please give peace of mind to his parents and allow then to get the rest they need and strength to hear what the medical staff may have to tell them after Brent's tests. We pray all these things in your son Jesus Christ's name. Amen.

  3. Father God, you are the creator of all things on Heaven and earth. We trust that Your WIll be done and that peace may be found, knowing that You are in control of all things. Father God, please give the Peterson family a sense of calm, knowing that YOU are in charge. Your WIll is the true way.
    To You be the praise and the glory!
    jodine and lowell

  4. Praying for God's wisdom to guide the doctors, God's strength for Brent and Mom and Dad and for comfort for all.
    In His Everlasting Love,
    The Grimm's

  5. Dear Petersons,
    Things looked like they were coming along with Brent last Fri. Sat. etc. and we are now so very sorry to hear of these problems. We pray the Lord will touch Brent at this very moment and this swelling will diminish--the liver & kidneys function normal--in the name of Jesus we pray. And will continually keep praying.
    I & G, Edmonton

  6. Thank you for this update. Our thoughts and prayers remain with you all day as you travel this journey. Praying for discernment for the doctors, healing for Brent and peace for Scot and Cary. Rest in His strength. You are supported and loved.

  7. Adding our continued prayers to the ones above...may you feel God's arms surrounding you and may you feel His peace throughout this troublesome spot on your journey! While we don't know you personally, we have realized the small world that we live in as we follow your blog...(we are friends of the Belair's, the Hamilton's, the Weibe's, the Sauers, and the Matice's)...the great family of God that draws us all together as we unite for yours is truly amazing!! We continue to trust God for a miracle in Brent's life. God bless you all today with His abundant grace and peace!! ..sincerely, Randy and Laura Dyck, Prince Albert

  8. Dear Carolyn, Scot, and Brent:
    "Call unto Me, and I will answer, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not." Jeremiah 33:3. This is my prayer, that God will provide divine revelation to the medical team for wisdom and direction as they care for Brent. As we approach the Easter weekend, I claim for Brent
    Isaiah 53, specifically verse 5: " by His wounds we ARE healed"! Continuing to pray for you all, knowing that God can do the impossible, and thanking and praising Him for His amazing grace. Great and mighty needs bring great and mighty answers. Always trusting God.
    Continuing to love, hope, and pray.
    Merla and family.

  9. On a weekend when so many of us are fortunate to be spending it with our families, we will be thinking and praying for Scot, Cary and Brent.

    We will also give thanks for the continued support and skills of the medical professionals who are working so hard to help Brent get better. And to Pastor Rob for providing updates to us each and every day.

    Cary & Scot: Stay strong. You are not alone.

  10. I believe in the sun even when it is not shining.
    I believe in love even when I feel it not.
    I believe in God even when He is silent.
    -written on a POW's cell wall.
    This has often encouraged me to keep believing. Corrie Ten Boom is one of my heroes of the faith and she tells of how her sister Betsy said, "There is no hell so deep that Jesus is not deeper still." This valley you find yourselves in may seem to be so long and dark that you feel lost, but God knows you are there. God knows what the Drs. don't know. I am always comforted by the fact that God goes before me and I just need to hold His hand. He will never get so far ahead of me that I will end up loosing my grip on His hand. You are not alone.
    Much love and prayers,
    Linda Holmes

  11. Scot, Carolyn and Brent,
    I get a lump in my throat when I read the updates - it's hard not to be afraid. You are all incredibly courageous. I continue to pray for your strength, healing and continued faith.
    Love and hugs,
