Thursday, April 2, 2009

We celebrate her life this Friday, April 3, 2009
Elim Tabernacle
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
3718 8 St. East
1 p.m.


  1. A beautiful young lady on the inside and out!

    "Those who look to Him are RADIANT, their faces are never covered with shame." Psalm 34:5

    It is sad to lose a dear family member or friend but in the words of Psalm 30:5, it is good to know that although "weeping endures for a night, JOY comes in the morning!" Although we do not understand why Katie Rose's race on earth was over so quickly, we do know that she has run and finished her race well, I pray that I will follow her lead. She is shining like the stars FOREVER AND EVER (Daniel 12:3). I pray that I will be a BRIGHT LIGHT for the Son too! Please be assured of my love and prayers for all of you.

    Thank you Pastor Rob for your faithful updates.

  2. Scot, Carolyn and Brent, you were in my first thoughts this morning! What a beautiful picture of Katie. I wish peace for you today!


  3. Love this picture of Katie Rose! So precious!! I just want you to know that the ladies and I will be praying for you again this morning at Bible Study. I Love You Lots!


  4. Katie. What a great life taken way to soon. Great memories. What a laugh!

  5. Scot and Carolyn, Have been following Brent's progress through the blog and wishing you could feel the great big hug I's like to send you. I will pray strength and peace for you today.

  6. Scot and Carolyn,
    Brent is my first thought when I wake up in the morning. I (we) pray for him and you guys everyday - for peace, strength and healing. I know Katie's funeral is going to be packed and you won't get to see everyone but know I'll be there - a presence to encourage, show support and love.
    Val and Kurtis Bowering

  7. I am a friend of Nadine Tubman's and have been praying for your family since this whole journey began.... I pray that you remain in the shadow of the Almighty while you go through this unfathomable time...Psalm 138 The Lord's Goodness to the Faithful.

  8. Katie is greatly missed within the church community, my 2 little girls whom she had at one time or the other are greatly missing her. We love you and hope to meet with you at the Father's side in eternity.


  9. We think of Brent every time the Band rehearses at school and are missing him and praying for him and both of you as well.
    Debbie Tilk

  10. Roy and Laurel KempApril 2, 2009 at 8:53 AM

    We are honored to join the many who are standing behind you in prayer. We pray that the Lord will surround you with His presence and envelope you in the peace that only He can give as you celebrate your precious daughter's life.

  11. Rosie you are home now, happy and surrounded by friends and family. We will stay here with Mom, Dad & Brent and keep you in our hearts forever. I will miss hearing my "Hi Auntie Jan" and listening to all the plans you & Kiersten made for the day. Knowing you are waiting for me reminds me to keep Jesus at the center of my life daily. We love you Rosie and miss you so much.

  12. Scot and Cary, our lives are better because we knew and love Katie. Danielle & I will join in the celebration of her life and how it touched ours. We continue to pray for you and for Brent. May He give you peace that passes all understanding. noreen

  13. what a beautiful picture of my girl:) love you and i miss you so much rosie!


  14. I wish you strength and courage - both of which you have already demonstrated and both that you can never have enough of when coping with such a terrible thing.
    No parent should ever have to lose a child, no parent should have to suffer seeing their child in pain and fight for his life but my thoughts and prayers are with you and with Brent.
    We have not met, but I am the mother of one of Katie and Brent's friends and I wanted to express my sympathies to your family and my wishes for Brent's recovery. Brent is often in my daughter's thoughts and she wishes for him to heal and get strong.

    Leah S - Vancouver, BC

  15. Scot & Carolyn: I can't imagine losing my one and only daughter as you did. How your heart must ache. We are uplifting you in prayer that God will strengthen you and give you peace as you go through this Memorial Service and remember sweet Katie. We will be there. And if we don't get to embrace you, know that we weep with you and send our love.
    Irvin & Grace

  16. All I can say is BEAUTIFUL picture... it appears to be a photo shoot or something... thank goodness for the pictures so we can keep the memories alive. Scot, Cary, and Brent, we are all keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. Stay strong and remember there are many who love and admire you. xoxo

  17. Carolyn&Scot &Brent,
    Everyday I look at the blog and hope and wish for uplifting news.My heart is breaking thinking of everything you both have had to endure this passed month. Never have I seen two stronger parents and true friends of their children as you have shown everyone and yourselves.Know that so many people are hoping and praying for Brent and yourselves to stay strong.All my love Mo

  18. Wow - what a thing to have to endure! Think of you often and I am on the blog often. We are all rooting for you!!

    Wendy E and many from the Eye Care Centre, SCH

  19. Your so BEAUTIFUL Katie <3 I miss you every single day. You are remembered forever <3 I can't wait til the day I come home to see you!

    Mr & Mrs. Peterson and Brent- You are always in my thoughts and prayers. I think you constantly and praying. Brent you are soo strong! God is walking with you every step of the way! You can get through this! You gota keep fighting and God will help win this battle! I love you all so much <3


  20. 12:45 p.m. Thurs. April 3, 2009
    May God's peace and strength be yours as you "celebrate the life" of Katie in her memorial service today. And may God grant you courage as you prayerfully "hope for the future" with Brent.
    We uphold you in prayer...

  21. What a beautiful picture of a beautiful girl!

  22. I weep for your loss, and pray for healing and strength for your family .

  23. Katie we miss you! Beautiful picture!
    Tammy Klassen

  24. As you celebrate Katie's life tomorrow, my prayer is that it will play a role in your own healing process, as a part of you has been broken with grief. Our wishes are for Brent's healing, but you will need to heal also. I hope that you will share moments of laughter & happy memories amidst your sorrow. Praying again for God's peace & strength for you as you face each day. Rhonda B

  25. Wewant you to know that we have been praying for all of you .May God give you the strength that you need today & in the coming days .God does take care of all our needsLove &prayers Harv & Bev.

  26. I want you to know that you are constantly on my mind. My Kyle is the same age as Brent, and when I see him I think of and pray for Brent. My prayer for you is that God will give you strength and peace beyond all human understanding. I will be praying for even more on April 3rd.
    May you stay close to God.
    Dianne Martin

  27. Hi Cary, I don't know if you remember us, we met you at the hospital when my mother in law was having heart surgery. What an absolutely beautiful girl Katie is!! I wish we had met your family under different circumstances Cary. I wish we could have known Katie. This beautiful picture of her speaks without words of how sweet and happy and loving Katie was. Our prayers are with you, Scott and Brent every day. We were honored even to have a short visit with you at the hospital. You are amazing parents and I think Brent will have many stories of angels visiting him during this time. Michelle Dueck
