Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Tuesday morning at Regina General:

  • Scot and Carolyn (Cary) try to find a parking space (why is the parking at that hospital so stressful for the families of patients?)
  • Carolyn (Cary) is dropped off and goes to see her son Brent
  • Carolyn (Cary) begins to read a teen devotional book to Brent
  • Scot finally finds a parking spot and makes his way to Brent's room in a good mood (cause we all know that Scot's always in a good mood!)
  • Brent is the same as last night - resting, blood pressure low, 25 % oxygen on respirator
  • Scot walks in talking and Brent hears his Dad's voice
  • Suddenly, Brent's eyes open wide for awhile and he looks at his Dad
  • That made Scot's day so far - being able to look at his son's eyes and have Brent looking back
  • The healing journey continues..........

Keep hoping.Keep loving.Keep praying.


  1. Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!!

    What an awesome gift for Scott and Carolyn. You have been patient and Brent is healing.

    I will continue to pray for this family.

    Thanks for the wonderful news!!

  2. You go Brent!!! Keep on and know that we are all behind you!!! Thank you Lord for this precious gift!!!!

  3. Just wanted to let you know that our mom's group at Hilcrest Apostolic Church in Moose Jaw prayed for you today! We all pass our love to you from parent to parent! God's blessings for a good day for Brent!

  4. Brent, your baby steps make my day! Love you tons!
    Auntie Jan

  5. I am crying as I read this. Knowing that Brent's baby steps are going in the right direction is going to help me in my little battle.
    Scot, remember I told you to give Brent a kick in the butt at the funeral. This is so much better for him. Continue to tease, you have him going the right way.

    Continuing to pray, love, and hoping.

    Hugs, and love


  6. Praise you Lord! Very glad to read this. Scot and Cary, you guys are absolutely terrific. You both are great inspiration. Hugs and more hugs to each other. Love you Brent, you are awesome!

    Titi/ Soji, Emmanuella and Danielle

  7. *chuckle* Of course Scot is always in a good mood!! *chuckle*

    Scot, Car & Brent ~~ You guys are amazing! God is even more amazing in the way He is leading you through your circumstance!! Praise God for small miracles - God is working it all out according to His great wisdom!!

    Love you all tons!
    (Auntie) Edith


  9. Way to go Brent, keep on fighting boy.
    Scott and Cary what a wonderful day!
    All the best, as we continue to fight.
    Sending our love,
    Adele Bandet and family &
    Huw Morris and family.

  10. Such encouraging news the past few days. Keep fighting Brent!! We are all behind you Scot and Cary!!

  11. This is so awesome!!!!! I can't wait till hes back at school and in saskatoon!!!! Keep on trucking brent!!!!!!

    All my love and support,


  12. We may be faint and weary, but our heavenly Father is all-powerful. Our feelings may fluctuate, but He is unchangeable. Even creation itself is a record of His steadfastness. That's why we can sing these words from a hymn by Thomas Chisholm: "Summer and winter, and springtime and harvest, sun, moon, and stars in their courses above, join with all nature in manifold witness to thy great faithfulness, mercy, and love." What an encouragment to live for Him! Our strength for the present and hope for the future are not based on the stability of our own perseverance but on the fidelity of God. No matter what our need, we can count on the Father's faithfulness.

  13. Great News Brent keep up the great work! Scot & Carolyn you guys are an inspiration to us all. Take Care
    Sharon Skibinsky

  14. Awesome news, Brent you keep going and we will keep praying, miracles are being performed here and I am in awe as I read this blog, God is great. Scot and Carolyn we are continuing to pray for you all and we are all here loving you.

    Pastor Rob, thank you so much for being faithful in writing this blog.

  15. Way to go, Brent! I am so proud of you!! Scot and Carolyn, I am so thankful for you to have these moments (and for all of us to be able to read about them and share in the wonderment with you). As every other minute in the past weeks, you continue to be front and center in my thoughts and prayers. Peace be with you! Love you lots!


  16. Thanks for the update....Prayers and thought continue. Stay strong! Greater is He!
