Monday, April 13, 2009


Brent is doing well today. The dialysis is working great and being effective. Everything else is the same. The swelling is going down (significantly) enabling his body to heal properly and faster. The swelling around the dressings has gone down. Brent is more alert during the day. The blood pressure is still not stable.
A funny thing happened at the hospital tonight - Carolyn (Cary) told me the story of how Brent was sticking out his tongue (it took him some time, but he did it). Both Mom and Dad were in the room with Brently. Scot cracked a joke about how Brent was sticking his tongue out at his mom. Well, tonight the tables turned on Scot and when asked the question, Brent made it very clear that he was giving the gesture to his Dad (in a loving way of course). Then, Brent slowly gave his Mom a high five. A moment of joy and laughter for Scot and Carolyn (Cary) at the end of this Monday. Hearing the joy and laughter in Carolyn's (Cary) voice as she told the story was awesome.
Scot and Carolyn (Cary) THANK YOU for all the love, prayer, and support.
Keep hoping.Keep loving.Keep praying.


  1. WOW, what a momentous evening for you, Scot and Carolyn. I am relieved and thankful for the days' reports, and the healing that has occured on this Easter Monday. May all three of you rest in the presence of God. May He give you incredible peace and big time sleep tonight. I have a feeling you could likely use a good night's sleep. Blessings from an Elim sister.

  2. That's priceless!! I can totally picture it, too! God is good!!!
    Love you all!

  3. hey guys, what awesome news to hear after the scare around Good Friday. Brent's sense of humour is a healing really is the best medicine! We continue to pray and ask for healing and comfort!!!

    Cort, Ang, Ashley, Chris

  4. What a glorious moment for you all!!! God is GOOD!!!!"Our God is an awesome God" My prayers will continue for this amazing family! Words cannot express the joy that I had when reading this latest update and the thank-fullness to our Heavenly Father for all that He has done and all that He will do!!!!

  5. Wonderful news... wonderful God... wonderful parents. What joy this brings to our hearts.
    Way to go Brent - keep on laughing and healing.
    Holding you close and lifting you up in prayer

  6. Praise the Lord!

    Still praying.

  7. Thank you Lord for these moments of joy and encouragement. Praying for more blessings for each day. Sandra

  8. Hey you guys have me crying again, only tears of joy this time.Words cannot express how happy this makes me.I love you Brent and I thank you for the strengh to hang on and heal well your Aunt once again learns to pray and lean on the lord.You are totally amazing and our God holds you close to him.Carrie and Scot I love you and you are the most amazing people. Love Auntie Heather

  9. Thank you, Jesus, for the gift of laughter.I can see the look of mischief in Brent's eyes.This is healing for both body and soul;we're so glad to hear this news... we'll continue believing and praying......Shirley,Leland,Ali,BJ

  10. I pray God will continue to give you these moments of joy and laughter throughout the coming days. He knows after all you have been through that joy and laughter will bring healing for all of you.
    God bless you Brent(I would have so loved to see you sticking your tongue out at your Dad!), Bless you too,Scot and Car. We are so blessed to have you in our lives.
    Love, (Auntie) Barb, (Uncle) Dwayne, Ryan, Tanner & Jaeda

  11. Didn't your Mom teach you not to stick out your tongue, ha-ha. Good job Buddy, you are so strong and we are sooo happy that you are making baby steps! Keep Fighting. We love you!
    Scott & Carolyn you are doing amazing!
    Love & Prayers,
    Brent & Tammy

  12. Scot, Carolyn and Brent, Thank-you for sharing this very special moment. Oh that we can all take another look at the moments in our everyday and hold on to them just a little bit tighter!!! Keep it up (all of you!)! With every breath, I continue to pray today. Peace be with you!

  13. Our God is a good God....keep pressing forward.....He has plans for hope & a in Him....and He will direct your paths.....What an awesome thing to hear God is doing miracles each day in your life...praise God!!!!! Always praying, always luving, always hoping.....

  14. Great news , our prayers are still with you all.

  15. This is such great news! Praise the Lord for Brent. He is so blessed to have parents like Scot and Cary....Wishing you a healing week with many more little miracles for Brent....My prayers are with you!

  16. The moment I read the heading of this newest developement, John 20:16 came to mind-and The Message tells us-" will be sad,ver sad and then your sadness will develop into gladness"(joy). God is so very present and shares every moment with you-the sad ones and then the encouraging and joyful ones. Keep on trusting- know fully in your hearts just how much He loves you, Scot, Carolyn and Brent.If it were not so, He wouldn't of sent HIS Son-but He sent His best for our best-that is, for our greater good. (1John 4:10) Praise the Lord! Oh, how He loves you! And so do we as we join in your joy at the news of this wonderful moment! With our love, our continued prayers, Tim & Cathy G.

  17. Praising God right along side you guys! He is so awesome! Praying the next week is filled with many more moments of joy and laughter.
    Richard, Jennifer, Logan and Mikaela Smith

  18. Brent, great work bud!!!
    Scot and Cary, Im so happy....words cant express how I feel right now after reading the entry for Monday...Keep Loving , Laughing and Believing. Im just so happy!
    Keep on fighting Brent.
    Love Adele

  19. wow haha thats awesome... brent just keep on trucking I know you can make it... your doing really awesome... scot and cary just stick in there your also doing really great... I miss you alot brent... we need you to come back to toon town...

    All my love and support,

  20. We rejoice with you with each momentous step toward full healing.
    The Froese's

  21. This is great news, way to go Brent you are a very amazing young man, full of surprises. Scot and Carolyn, you are fantasic parents and are a true inspiration to me. Our thoughts and prayers are with you as you continue on in this journey!
    Rob, Lorri, Zack & Nate

  22. Brent you rock!!! You have made my day as well as your mom and dad's. Keep going bud. We all miss you and love you. Hoping, loving, praying.

    Hugs and love,

    Drew, Sheila, and kids

  23. Joey and Steven (Brents friends from school)April 14, 2009 at 10:10 AM

    Joey: Wish you were back at school, I miss you!

    Steven: God, this has been a real emotional ride for me. This is fantastic news for both me and Joey to hear. I hope it goes well again tommorow.

  24. That's great!! How beautiful the sound of his laughter must have been! Great to see you on the weekend Carolyn.

    Renee Dynna

  25. That's awesome! Brent you are such a character! Keep it up buddy. What wonderful and reassuring gestures for Scot and Carolyn to see.
    Our thoughts and hopes are constantly with you all!

    Patty, Kevin and Dillon Booth

  26. Thank you so much for this update. SOOOOOOO happy to hear some positive news. We will continue to pray without ceasing for Brent's healing - that his blood pressure will stabilize, for Scot and Cary's strength, and that the Holy Spirit will guide and comfort.

  27. Scot and Cary:

    Great news! It is so good to hear good news. Glad to hear of the daily miracles that God is giving you. Be encouraged! We're still praying for healing for Brent and for peace and rest for you.

    Daryl, Rowena and Shaya

  28. How wonderful that the Easter holiday brought new life to Brent! What an encouraging update. We all continue to mourn with you and REJOICE with you as these small strides grow into giant leaps of healing and faith. Be strong and courageous. Be encouraged.

  29. I am so thrilled for the "moment of joy and laughter" you had with Brent. what an encouragement!! Keep trusting! Praying for you. Lawrence & Shirley

  30. Hooray, Hooray! Thank you Lord for another miracle at Easter. You are so good. Your mercy is new every morning. Great is your faithfulness.
    We are rejoicing with the good report, and know that there is much, much more in store.
