Thursday, April 2, 2009


"Little Man" Brent is putting up a big fight in the greatest challenge for his life yet. Here's what's happening today:

  • Brent has a fever and is quite flushed
  • his heart rate is still way too high
  • blood pressure is just ok - needs to become lower
  • the infection - has grown some since last surgery so they are trying new antibiotic
  • the fluid around lungs is slowly disappearing
  • there is challenges with the liver at the moment
  • there is alot swelling in the leg where they took the last vein for the aorta operation
  • this is Brent's twelfth surgery in 33 days
  • this is Brent's fourth aorta surgical repair

Brent is in seriously CRITICAL CONDITION. However, everyday there are small miracles happening. The latest - Brent's kidneys started shutting down earlier today, but now they are working. When the doctor looked at it and did the tests he called it a miracle.

Let's keep hoping. Let's keep loving. Let's keep praying.

Thank you for your prayers.............................

your blog responses are strengthening and encouraging the Peterson's in a huge way..thank you for your thoughtfulness!


  1. Thank you for the update.

    I will continue to lift this family in prayer. Miracles do happen and we should never doubt that when God is in the picture. Although I have never met this family I want to let them know I am praying for them.

  2. Stay strong and continue praying. We are with you!!!

  3. Every breath is a prayer.
    Uncle Mattias, Auntie Jan, Reid & Kiersten



  5. get well brennt.
    we need you here again!
    although we haven't seen each other in a long time ..
    it's nice to know your still around.
    love you brennt. xoxo

    - Morgiie. (:

  6. My prayers are with Brent and all the Peterson family. Brent is such a strong amazing boy!!!! Keep fighting Brent!!! Our prayers are with you!!!!

  7. Every breath and every miracle, no matter how big or small, mean hope! Keep fighting Brent!!! You have amazing parents and a tremendous support system that is fueled by prayer..."the effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much"!!! We have righteousness that comes only through our faith in Christ and with so many praying, you can be sure that God hears and is answering. The miracles of today are uplifting all of us and we rejoice with you, (even though the road ahead is tough and seems unbearable), and we in no way trivialize the good news as you fight the fight of your life!! We continue to pray for your miraculous healing, but while you and your parents continue to battle the day-to-day, we also pray for you to withstand and hold strong, and with the backing of so many believers encouraging you forward, we know that you are being strengthened as each joy and new concern arises. We are all waiting and praying fervently for the day when we can see that the steps forward outnumber the days that you fall back. Remember...these 3 steps forward and 2 steps back are getting you closer to healing and restored health! Take baby steps and while you are fighting this fight in your flesh, we are all praying for your inner man and that Christ would indwell each of you and give you healing and strength. God's most abundant blessings to you all, and with continued prayer...Laura

  8. Our hearts are heavy for you all as you wait on Brent and prepared to say your farewell to Katie tomorrow....until we all meet in heaven!

  9. Prayer is a wonderful comfort and a salve that makes everything feel better. We hope that our prayers make you all feel strengthen in he Lord and comforted in knowing that you are not going throught this alone. with all our love and wellwishes, jodine and lowell

  10. Art and Star DueckApril 2, 2009 at 5:35 PM

    WE are praying so much for a miracle for your son

  11. Thank you Jesus for small miracles and for hearing our heartfelt crys for healing Brent. Car and Scot...My heartfelt prayers and thoughts will be with you tommorrow ar you honor the wonderful,beautiful life of your daughter Katie. I wish I could be there to celebrate her life but unfortunatly I won't be able to. Give each other a huge hug from me!! Praying for Brent and you both constantly.
    God Bless and comfort you!

  12. We have never met the Peterson family, and can only imagine what they are all going through at this time. You are all in our prayers continually. God is still on the throne. Be still and know that I am God.

  13. From the depths of my heart and soul my prayers are with you, Brent, and your amazing parents.

  14. amanda-tayler-lynn-14April 2, 2009 at 5:57 PM

    Lets go brent lets go, hang in they brent we all know you can do it, you've come so far so they no way you can give up now, School and first period arnt the same without you so stay strong, get better, stay better, come home so we can all ditch school and come see you cuz everyone knows as soons as your in saskatoon your going to have a huge line of ppl to see you. so getting stronger every time someone pray for you

  15. Margaret GiesbrechtApril 2, 2009 at 6:10 PM

    Praying that you might feel God's loving arms around you at this critical time. We lift you up in prayer all the time and pray that God may heal Brent. Love, Aunt Margaret

  16. Checking for updates constantly and praying for all of you constantly! Sandra

  17. In Jesus precious name, 5 promises in Isaiah 41:10. So do not fear,for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strength you and help you; I will uphold you with my rightous right hand. I claim these for you, Scot, Cary and Brent. Shirley D

  18. I come to "check on" Brent every time I come to my computer, continued prayers for you all, and healing prayers for Brent.

  19. Still praying! AND... waiting for good reports, my faith builds as I pray for you!

  20. Our God is an awesome God He reigns from heaven above. With wisdom power and love our God is an awesome God!

  21. "Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world. " John 16:33

    We already have the Victory! We've been given a gift, the healing power of Christ. We can pray for healing and Know that it will be done. We will continue to do so.

  22. One phrase that I kept going back to when my husband was in his accident was "God does not give us anything he knows we can't handle, but I just wish he didn't trust me so much". My thoughts and prayers are with you, your family and with Brent for his healing. That MediHoney I mentioned before will help so much with stopping infection on open wounds and skin, there is no pain involved with changing the dressing as there is with the vac dressing, my husband said that was the most painful thing he experienced. I know it is not a miracle cure, but it will help keep infection away in wounds, which is a small step in the healing. The Surgery ward (5300) at RUH is where the information can be obtained on the honey, it is new, but there are no risks and it will help with the infection. My thoughts are with you in this time of trial.


  23. Carolyn,Scot and Brent; We pray several times a day for all of you. Our Bible study group, our family and friends are also praying. Don't give up! We can't be there tomorrow but we are praying extra, as you get ready to celebrate your precious Katie's life.
    What beautiful pictures of your children are on the blog.
    When Davey was in hospital many times and things were very bleak, these are some verses that I read over and over; Joshua 1;9,and Lamentations 3;22-26
    Love and prayers, Hettie and Gerry Johnston

  24. "The steadfast love of the Lord never changes. His mercies never come to an end." We are praying for you all to experience His love and mercies.

  25. Thank-you for sharing your painful experience with those who love and care for you so that we can support you with friendship and prayer; even those who don't know you are caring and praying. Lean on the Everlasting arms.

  26. Please know that I continue to pray for you Scott and Carolyn and for Brent. Also as you celebrate Katie's life tomorrow may you rest in the hope and comfort that she is safe in the arms of Jesus and that one day soon you will be reunited with her. The Lord's Return is so very, very near and I pray that encourages you as have walked through the valley of the shadow of death with Katie and as you walk through this difficult season watching your son fight for his life. Trusting the Lord for His incredible Hand of healing on Brent's life and complete recovery. What an incredible Family we belong to that although we have not met we can stand in the gap for our brothers and sisters in Christ. When you feel like you can't go on, or pray anymore, please know the Lord has put Brent and you on our hearts to pray and to stand in the gap. Isaiah 26:3 "Thou wilt keep Him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee." May you sense and know the Lord's peace and love in such a special way this day.
    Praying for you!
    In Christ,

  27. Brent...I have never prayed so hard, so frequently, so adamently in my life...we're definitely going to talk when you are out of that hospital...keep fighting the good fight!


  28. Thinking and praying for your family - tomorrow as you remember your beloved daughter with all those who love and care for you. And for healing and comfort for your son. LaWanda Schneider Saskatoon

  29. You are all constantly on our minds.
    Know that you all are being upheld in prayer all day. Tomorrow is a special day for Katie. Bless her soul. Thrive on her memory.
    Praying for miraculous healing for Brent.
    May you find peace.

  30. Scot and Carolyn-I just want you to know that Brent and you are being prayed for often each day here in Texas. I have family and friends in NC, SD, and TX praying for you, too. Even though none of us know you, our hearts hurt for you deeply as you walk through this difficult time. I pray that tomorrow will be a sweet, precious time as you remember Katie. I will continue to pray for complete healing for Brent. With love and prayers...Ann

  31. We love you and are praying for you!! You are admirable parents!!

  32. I have never met your family, but my sister and brother in law, Laura and Ryan, used to go to Elim. My family will be driving all day tomorrow, and we will pray for you, Scot and Cari, as you attend the difficult public memorial for your daughter, and for Brent as he battles his injuries.
    Trust in the Lord with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind and lean not on your own understanding.
    Proverbs 3:5
    Tina and Michael Sauers

  33. Scot, Carolyn and Brent,
    Every minute today you were in my thoughts and prayers. Staff and students at school are all with you in spirit as well. Katie is in my thoughts constantly. She's up there watching out for you and wrapping her love around all of you. Peace be with you.

  34. Thank you so much for providing these updates. Scot and Cary's family and friends, and people like me who have never met them, are so thankful for the news provided.

    Brent is such a fighter...we all trust that he will continue to fight his way back to health and back to the arms of his loving parents.

    Scot and Cary, please know that so many people are with you on this journey. We pray for Brent daily and we pray for you, especially as you prepare to attend the service for your precious daughter.

    You are not alone. Your faith and strength are an inspiration. God bless.

  35. I pray and ask other to join me to create the largest most powerful prayer of faith and recovery for your son. To remember and celebrate your Katie. I pray for you during this most difficult time, find your strength in the Lord

  36. Dearest Carolyn and Scot,
    We have been daily reading the blogs and prayfully upholding Brent to the Throne of God, in His Healing Arms. Tomorrow Katie will be honored and released to Jesus by so many caring people. May you be blessed, comforted, assured and strengthened by the love and prayers of many, including us. Our hearts ache at the loss of Katie in your lives and the days that face you. We can relate to the hope you cling to as you care for Brent and watch him fight for his life too. May your every moment be comforted by your Heavenly Father and the Peace that passes all understanding surround you.
    I miss you Carolyn and though I personally never knew your beautiful children, you radiated with love for them whenever you spoke of either of these gifts God blessed you with. May all the motherhood memories never be lost. May your heart be full of peace knowing that Katie is with Jesus, full of the joy that was promised her in heaven. Brent too is being covered by the blood of Jesus as he battles for his life on this earth. Dear Jesus, Fill Brent with Your Spirit. Give Brent the strength and will to win this battle. Bless the hands of all who touch Brent and fill them with Your Wisdom.
    Praying for each of you in His Holy Name!
    Lyla & Jay Fuller

  37. Scot, Carolyn & Brent - may you find strength and peace in your trust with God and each other. You are all in the thoughts and prayers of all of us at St. Paul's.

  38. Constantly praying for Brent. Celebrating Katie. Loving Scot and Cary. Trusting Him.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Lifting you up to our God who was, and is, and is to come. May He be your source as you walk through tomorrow and the days ahead. Psalm 23.
    In Prayer, Carla Seier
