Wednesday, April 1, 2009


On this first day of April we have some more news about Brent. We want you to read the following with a heart full of hope, yet prepared for the seriousness of Brent's battle. If you are teen or child following this blog - please make sure you have a parent around when you are reading the following news.

Life for Brent right now is a huge battle. The surgery last night took a huge toll on his body. This afternoon he's now having challenges with his heart rate and there is fluid around his lungs. We know you are already praying but right now life is critical for Brent and more than ever before he needs a supernatural miracle.

You are being a wonderful support system for two incredible, engaging parents - Scot and Carolyn (Cary). We are asking you to be a greater support by writing a note on this blog. PLEASE DO NOT TEXT THEM or CALL at this time as they are tired and focusing all their energy reserves on the activities around Brent. Scot and Carolyn (Cary) read your blog responses over and over again as their source of healing. If you have been following this blog I am asking you today to leave a response - whether it be just your name...a one sentence note...or something longer or We love you...etc...Please leave a response. Through that response they receive strength and encouragement.

Brent is in very CRITICAL CONDITION at the moment.....we're cheering you on LITTLE MAN
He needs a supernatural miracle.....

Keep hoping.Keep loving.Keep praying.

We'll keep you posted............


  1. I have been following this blog update from day one, and I want to tell you that I have never prayed harder for anything, then the healing of your family. Every time I get on my computer, I check to see if there is any change in "little man's" condition. It pains me to see the newest challenges that he faces. I too have a child, and cannot imagine what you are facing right now. It brings me to tears every single day. I am an RN in Saskatoon, and have seen many times families pull through something like are strong, you are loved, and God will take care of your "little man". God will never give you anything that he knows you can't handle. Believe in the higher family is praying for yours.

  2. Praying!!!!!!!!
    Hoping, but most of all BELIEVING!!!!!!!!
    YOU ARE LOVED!!!!!!

  3. May our Loving Father surround you with His grace, peace and strength and also wrap His arms around Brent and minister unto him preciously and perfectly. You are all such a testimony and you are all very much loved. Praying for you.

    Lester Solberg

  4. Hey there,
    I do not know Scott and Cary, but I am an old friend of Nadines. We have been praying since this started. I work in a ministry in the city, and I have emailed my board of directors and they are praying, my family is praying. Everyday I see people who have no hope, but what an incredible thing we have, this hope, this Jesus. Just know that so many people all over the world, literally, are all praying in hope with you, for you. May God hold you closely to His heart.

  5. Hi Scot and Car,
    Don't know if you remember me but my name's Becky, I used to be Jas and Nadine's nanny and was at your house a couple of times with them years ago. I guess about eight years ago now. I remember both Katie and Brent as being full of energy, lots of fun, very happy kids. We all watched Space Jam together in your living room, and I remember Katie had her hair stuff out to play hairdressing with Tory. I've always been happy to hear how you guys are doing through Nadine, in the years since then, and thought of you with lots of affection (especially for letting me sleep in your basement!). Anyway I have been thinking of you so much this month and praying that God will be all around you. My mom and family in North Battleford are also praying for you all. Just wanted to let you know. Remember that you are stronger than you think you are. Jas and Nadine were with me the night my dad died (as you might know) and that is what they told me that night...I didn't believe them. I remember praying that God would just take my whole family to heaven so we could be together again. But it turned out to be true: I was stronger than I thought I was. I know there is nothing to say, nothing at all, at a time like this. So I will just say: you are not alone, you will never be alone, and neither will Katie or Brent. You are a family forever and you will survive this. Nothing stops love.
    Love, Becky

  6. We are continually praying for all of you. You know how special your family is and has been to us. May you feel peace and strength through this itme and may our Heavenly Father wrap you and surround you with his love.

  7. I don't know the Peterson Family and I have no relationship with them other than this blog. I have followed this blog for the past month, reading, hoping, and praying for Brent to get well after reading about their story in the Regina Leader Post.
    I have cried more than once thinking of Scot and Cary and all they are going through. I have wondered over and over what I could do to here I am writing to you Cary and Scott, sending you love and prayers, hope, strength and encouragement.
    I pray daily for Brent to get well and for you to have the strength to endure and push ahead.
    I'll continue reading and praying daily, and will be thinking of all of you on Friday.

  8. Praying for God to help Brent through this, and help you through this too. I do not know you but have been following since the beginning, and praying that you don't have to go through any more pain.
    Nikki in Regina

  9. My Little Incredible Hulk,

    I know that you are fighting a long hard courageous battle that you maybe getting tired from. But I also know that you are strong willed person that can get through so much.
    I am waiting for you to come home so I can give you a nice big slobbery kiss.

    Scot and Cary, close your eyes, take a couple of deep cleansing breaths, and feel God's arms around both of you holding you up. Lean on him as he is carrying you through this rough patch again. His love will never faulter or leave you.

    Close your eyes again, take another couple of deep cleanwsing breaths, and feel the arms of all the people in this world that are supporting you at this time. Knowing so many people around the world that you have never met are praying for the same thing. BRENT, AND THE 2 OF YOU!!!

    Hugs, love, and prayers

    Drew, Sheila, and kids

  10. Scot and Cary: I have been thinking of you 24/7 since the accident. I pray, I cry, I think of good memories: when your family spent the week end with us at the Meeting Lake, Scot coming to work in the our garage, your baking Cary, Katie's smile and how her and Dan-Elle got along, teasing Brent about "the game", Scot's coaching voice yelling "c'mon Dexter!!!!", etc. etc. etc.
    I am sending you all my hugs and my thoughts are always with you.
    From Darcy, Darrel, Dexter and Dan-Elle

  11. I don't know you, but I believe in the same God of peace and love that you believe in. I will continue to pray for you, for your son, and for God's ultimate plan and purpose. May you feel His nearness and unfailing love each minute of each day.

  12. We do not know your family personally, but we have been following your blog and fervently praying for your family. The Christian radio station challenged all listening believers to uphold you in prayer shortly after the accident, and our family has been doing that several times a day ever since. Please know that our hearts are hurting with you and our thoughts have been with you all. May God make his presence known to you all during this stressful time. You are being supported, upheld, prayed for constantly and loved in Christ. Bless you Brent, Scot and Cary.....and especially Katie as we remember her this week.

  13. On our knees. Please keep us updated.

  14. Keeping you in prayer....

  15. Cary and Scot, We are praying for you!

    All our love,

    Uncle Al and Aunt Nettie

  16. To the family,

    I understand the hardship you face right now. Keep praying. Remain faithful. We are all standing with you with strength and support.

  17. I do not pray alot, but i have been following Brett's progress ever since that sad day of the accident. I am praying right now for him, you as the amazing brave parents and your angel in heaven. I pray that God will guide you and give you streghth and that he will help little man heal. I think of you often and hope that you know how many people are praying for you and your family.
    God Bless...

  18. So sorry to hear of this serious challenge. Praying for strength for you and healing for Brent. May you feel a peace the surpasses understanding in the midst of this stressful time.

  19. Praying for you right now.

  20. Every time I feel a burden to pray I check the blog.  The last few days, when the burden is greatest, there has not been a new update.  BUT when the update IS posted, the time stated in the blog has ALWAYS lined up with my origional promptiing.  Scot & Carolyn, I am not saying this to boast.  I am saying this as a reminder of the power of the Holy Spirit to rally the troops on your draw in the family of God in these difficult awaken our spirits to strengthen yours in this deepest of valleys you are walking.  "Holy Spirit I call out to You to strengthen the inner most parts of these precious parents who need the supernatural provision that only You can offer.  Grant them sustaining grace and the physical strength to walk through these moments.  Angels of Glory, stand with them and surround them and Brent. Hold them up and let them not stumble. May your Glory rest on their countenance as a testimony to your power and love. May all who meet them see Jesus, as they continue to 'pour out' to Brent and support each other. In the power of our Resurrected Lord, Jesus Christ, I pray, Amen."

    Elaine H., Altona

  21. Scot and Carolyn I can't even imagine how you must be feeling right now. God is bigger than this and he can work miracles. I know because I've seen it in Jordan and Chad's life. As you know they were very sick when they were born. We are all praying for you and your "little man". May you find rest and peace in this difficult time. Love you both tons!!


  22. Scot and Cary: We just read the update we will be praying for Brent. We will pray that God and Katie watch over Brent and let him pull thru this.
    All our love
    Brian & Tammy

  23. I wish I could hug both Cary and Scot.... Just to let them lean on my shoulders for a while... you guys have been doing an upstanding job of supporting your son in this very difficult situation. I wish I could take away some of your pain and suffering....I pray and cry and worry daily... as a mother I can imagine what kind of pain you both must be in... please know that you are loved... by many... even by people like myself who have never met you or your family... you are all very special... keep up the wonderful work... and trust in the lord.... *HUGS*

  24. I have been following your blog regularly. My prayers are being sent for you all to get through all of these challenges and that Brent can pull through.

  25. Come on brent we all know you can do it, be stronger then ever and pull though this, band and socail just arent the same with out you, in fact tommy douglas isnt the same with out you, we all miss you and of course praying for you, so make it thought this, and getting stronger so we can all come see you

  26. I do not know the Peterson family, but have follow the blogs since the accident.. I have and have being praying and hoping for Brent condition to improve everyday...I have two teenage children and cannot imagine what you face everyday..I will hope and pray for your family everyday..May god and your family keep you strong through this time in your life..

  27. Yesterday's Daily Bread:

    "The aching void, the loneliness,
    And all the thornclad way,
    To Thee I turn with faith undimmed
    And 'mid the darkenss pray." - OJ SMith

    "When we know that God's hand is in everything, we can leave everything in God's hand."

    Know that whatever happens God cares. He also understands - He watched His only child suffer and die. Through each minute of the day remember that He has an endless supply of strength and perseverance - just for you. He is ACTIVELY present with all of you, gently leading you through your struggles, emotions and decisions.

    I am praying.

    Donalda (Penner) Reimer

  28. Been standing with you in prayer from the beginning .God will surely see you through all this .
    He is the greatest physician ever known .commit it all to him !
    love always .

  29. Dear Scot and Cary, I don't know you or your family, my brother told me about Brent and Katie and I have been faithfully reading the blog since, hoping and praying for Brent. Also for you Scot and Cary, for strength and courage to face all these challenges.

  30. We may not be able to make a sense of this struggle, but God has a plan. Let us pray that your lives are being used by Him to fulfill His purpose. Be loved.

    Praying for strength and healing...

  31. I don't know the Peterson family but I am a mom and I have been following this blog and praying for the family.

    My heart aches for both of you and I am praying for a miracle for you. I wish there was someway I could just give you both a hug as encouragement that everyone, people you do not know are following you down this path.

    This has been a very long, touch ordeal and you sound like such wonderful loving parents.

    Please know that you both along with Brent are in my thoughts and prayers.

  32. I am so sorry to hear this, it really sucks. I was so glad to hera he was getting better and then things took a wrong turn. I wish I could be there and help. I miss Brent alot at school....

    All my love,

    Scot and Cary I am so proud of you, you are really strong people...

  33. Holding all of you close to our hearts.
    You are in God's care and in our prayers,
    Bill and Debbie Judt

  34. Scot and Carolyn, here I am just feeling only a fraction of the overwhelming emotions you must be facing every day. Katie would be so incredibly proud and honored to know of the passionate depth and unyielding strength of your love for Brent, right now. This is God's love as we all know it in just its smallest measurement. Yet I still plead with Him to grant you even more of His love, and to gently guide you through this painful journey. And the same strong and merciful arms that carried Katie home to Jesus, and that are carrying Brent through this varied spectrum of healing and restoration, carry you now, the next moment, and through this whole experience. Your faith, hope, and trust in God brings glory and praise to Him.

    In fervent prayer and unwavering hope,
    Bill and Glory

  35. So sad to read this update. Still praying for you all.

  36. Yes, though I walk through the(deep, sunless) valley of the shadow of death, I will fear or dread no evil, for You are with me; Your rod (to protect) and Your staff (to guide), they comfort me. Psalm 23:4 Amplified

  37. Dear Peterson Family,
    My heart aches for you and yours and I have spent hours in prayer for you as it has hit my "mothers heart" so deeply. We will continue to pray for you that God would lift you up at this time and give you the strength you need.
    With our love and prayers,
    Tracy and Gord Hundeby

  38. The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear Him, And rescues them.
    Psalm 34:7

    Stay strong, pray hard. Your family is in our constant thoughts and prayers.

    Jonny & Leah Gibson

  39. I read each day of the incredible strength shown by Scot and Cary. I am overwhelmed by the terrible circumstances that have consumed their every breathing moment since the terrible accident. I remember Katie each day as a vibrant, conscientious young lady at Pearson just a few years ago. I was amazed by her maturity and wisdom. She was a delightful girl to be around. Heaven has become a better place because of Katie. Brent is a true example of the will to live and the desire to keep on fighting. God knows what a wonderful, polite and respectful young man he is, He just needs more time to do His work. As I send this note I am reduced to tears at the thought of ever having to endure such pain and uncertainy as Scot and Cary have in the past several weeks. No one could ever begin to know how they are feeling. I only wish that peaceful days are near. I think of your family every day. My thoughts continue to be with you. You are absolutely amazing people. Please keep the faith as I know thousands of people are supporting you

  40. I just read about the turn of events for Brent..know we are praying praying praying..I prayed today for strength for Scot and Cary for these next few days especially. Dear Lord be with this family! Love you guys, Dan and Bonnie.

  41. Just want you to know,you are always in our prayers. May God hold you close at this time,He is the creator,He knows just what Brent needs to get through this. I thank God for your faith and trust in Him,that is what will carry you through.Keep holding on. love you so much!!
    Darren,Denise,Cole & Austin

  42. We are praying for Brent constantly, and also for you, Scot and Carolyn, that God will heal Brent completely and also give you His strength and peace. Rom 15v13 "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him..." We've been following this blog closely - thank you Pastor Rob for taking the time to keep us all up to date so that we can pray for specific needs.
    PS Chris got gold in the city final as per your request - though he didn't score three goals!
    With love
    Angela, Cort, Ashley and Christopher

  43. Hey Scot and Carolyn and Brent!

    My name is Gina Smith and I'm a member of Elim. Though I don't know your family personally, I feel connected to you through our church family and as brothers and sisters in the body of Christ. I've been mourning with you over the loss of your lovely daughter (who I met a few times) and during your journey with Brent's health. I've been praying and will continue to pray for God's healing both in your hearts and in Brent's body.

  44. Our thoughts and prayers are with your entire family

  45. If a hug could really make it all better, know that we're sitting here with our arms wide open. You've been in our family's thoughts and prayers daily.

    With faith, hope and love,

    Ann Holtsman

  46. Brent, Scott and Carolyn, I am praying for you all.
    Sandra W

  47. Dear Petersons,
    We're from your sister's church in Winkler,MB. & have been following this blog. We have been upholding you in prayer & asking the Lord to hold you & shelter you in the palm of His hand.
    We pray for healing for Brent & strength for your as parents as you also morn the loss of your daughter. Dear Lord, be with this family.

  48. Our thoughts and prayers are with you everyday Scot and Carolyn, I grew up with Scot, have been reading blog everyday and praying for miracle in Brent's body and also for stength for Scot and Carolyn.

    Leslie Olson and family

  49. Cary, my dear friend, I love you and am praying for you constantly. noreen

  50. Thank you to Pastor Clark for your frequent updates on Brent, Scott and Carolyn. Our hearts are very heavy today out of concern for Brent. As parents, we cannot imagine the immense stresses that Scott and Caroline are experiencing at this time. We are trusting that God will meet your every need at this time in His miraculous way. I share your blogs with mom (Elsie Muller) and she continually expresses her concern for you as a family.

    Darlene and Ken Kruger (for the Muller family)

  51. Behold, the eye of the LORD is on those who fear him, on those who hope in his steadfast love, that he may deliver their soul from death and keep them alive in famine. Our soul waits for the LORD; he is our help and our shield. For our heart is glad in him, because we trust in his holy name. Let your steadfast love, O LORD, be upon us, even as we hope in you.
    Psalms 33:18-22
    Robby and Sara Burt

  52. You are on my mind all the time and we as a family are praying for you everyday, I am very sad to hear of this turn, I wish I was there to hug you.
    The best thing we can do right now for you is pray for all three of you and know that God is in control, may you find the courage and strength to continue facing these challenges and find yourself renewed in God's presence.
    love you all, Lorri Gaucher

  53. We serve a MIGHTY GOD, who works miracles. He's awesome in our midst! Praying, loving, hoping & believing.

  54. Scot and Cary,
    This turbulent rollercoaster goes down again. We are praying as always for strength for you form God and may His gracious healing powers be with all of you to pull this rollercoaster of emotions back up to a bright future and this time stay there. You have suffered enough! Our prayers are always with you.
    Terry, Sandra, Kwinlon, Kalynne, Kaydon and Karlin Martin.

  55. Scot and Carolyn,
    I'm just about to head to church. Our prayer group will be lifting you guys up as we have from the beginning. We think of you and pray for you everyday. Even our kids have been praying for Brent in their prayers. May you feel his arms around you today. Please know that many are praying for you.
    Richard, Jennifer, Logan and Mikaela Smith

  56. Lord I bring this family before you and ask Lord that you will give them ALL strength, for Brent and his healing , and for Mum and Dad for their continued Faith in you Lord. We continually pray for a supernatural miracle for Brent, Lord be with him and his parents. You are a God of Healing and we ask this of you now. Bless this family Lord, Love them and surround them with your Spirit.
    Lord I pray this in your Glorious name and declare Brents' healing.

    Chris S

  57. We cannot imagine the journey you are on, we pray daily for you all, may you find the strength you need at this difficult and prayers from Canwood!!

    Matt & Joy
    Tristin, Walker, Hadley, Kyran Maess

  58. Hey there,
    I just wanted to let you know that our kid's club at Lawson Pentecostal is praying for Brent tonight for this healing. May you find the rest you need in the arms of our loving God!
    Shawna Lavender

  59. Cary & Scot - My heart aches for you and words of comfort are hard to find. So I too will keep hoping, loving and praying.
    Bonnie (Buhr) Meier

  60. Praying and praying and praying for this family.

  61. Scot and Carolyn,
    I have been following the blog as well and remembering to pray for your family during this difficult season. May you continue to hold on to hope.

  62. I've never met you or your beautiful children...but have read this blog many times a day....and can feel your pain...but want you to know that we are praying and have tremendous faith...Not believing that God can heal...It is knowing that He will....

  63. ive read every entry on this blog, i luv u all and hope things will get better very soon

    Dan-Elle Kramchynski <3

  64. "Do you not know, have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and His understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength . They will soar on wings as eagles; they will run and not be weary they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:28-31

    Praying for you.
    Kevin and Kim Ohlmann

  65. Love you guys so much, still praying fervently. Words are hard to find, but our hearts are full for you, Gord, Trudy, Ben & Carlie

  66. May Jesus take you by the hand and help you find relief throughout this time of sadness as you journey through your grief and care of your son. May you feel the healing touch of every thought and prayer that's sent with love and sympathy from friends who truly care. In this difficult time may you find the kindness of friends to comfort you, compassion to warm and sustain you and the unfailing love of Jesus to bring peace to your heart.

  67. Carrie and Scot. Our love and support are with you at all times. You know how much Katie and Brent have meant to us over the years. We are praying for you and I am sending butterfly kisses to my boy. Stay strong Brent, keep fighting we need you to come home.

  68. Scot & Carolyn,
    Just know that I am praying like I've never prayed before. I read this blog several times a day and update my family so they can pray too. I pray for your strength in getting through this time. Kelvin & I remember when you were expecting Katie. It was at Marlin & Edith's wedding - You were very pregnant but glowing all the same! We pray for you as you grieve her loss and celebrate her life at the memorial. I continually pray for Brent. I cry many times when I read the updates because I can only imagine how you must be feeling as we have 2 precious boys.
    We will continue to pray with dedication.
    Kelvin, Sheila Neufeld
    and our boys Kyle(13) and Scott (9)

  69. We believe in miracles. Get better Brent you are missed. Scot and Carolyn our thoughts and prayers are with you.

    The Atteberry's

  70. I have been following this blog from the beginning. Words cannot express the heartache I can imagine you are going through. Scot, Cary, Brent and family. "Trust in the Lord will all your heart and lean not on your understanding." We do not understand our circumstances, but know that God is good all the time. He is faithful and just and wants to encourage and strengthen you. His life was given in exchange for ours...and what does the Lord require? To act justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with our God. You might feel like you are walking through a deep valley, but God will carry you through.

  71. As next door neighbors of Scot and Carolyn's for the last five years we have seen the children grow so much. There is not a day that goes by that we don't think of you. Stay strong and always remember of the amazing support that is here for you.
    Joleen and Kent

  72. Praying in Ontario for this young man's recovery.

  73. We are praying for God to sent his unwavering Love and Peace to you as you struggle through this most anxious time. We hold you in our prayers and in our hearts. Keep fighting CHAMP.

    Jason & Tracy

  74. My name is Glenna Ambros, I am a friend of Jason & Nadine's. I have been praying for your family since the day I heard of this horrid accident. I will continue to pray for you as parents--that God will give you the strength and peace you need. And of course, will also continue praying for Brent's body to heal.

  75. My family is praying for the Peterson Family. Please know that God is with you and keeping your wrapped in his arms!
    The Gajadhar Family

  76. I've been following this blog since the beginning, and have been praying for all of you. Having gone to Bible College with Harvey, and knowing Nadine, I feel a connection, and my heart goes out to all of you. Scot & Cary....I'm amazed at your strength, even though you may feel you have none; we are assured that God doesn't give us more than we can handle, even though sometimes it seems like He does. He is always there to help us get through the tough times, and if needed, He carries us. It would seem now like He is just saying "trust me"...He is still in control and still in the miracle working business. As you prepare for Katie's memorial on Friday, I'm sure your hearts are grieving even though you know where she is. Having lost our only daughter, too, I know the grief that is there, but I know, too, that Heaven is that much closer now than ever before...just because she is there. Now Katie is there, and Heaven will be very close and real to you, too.
    I cannot begin to know how you are feeling...both losing a daughter, and watching your son battle for takes a special kind of person to handle that, and you are two very special people. We are praying for God's touch for strength, wisdom, and peace as you face the coming days.

    Phyllis Funk

  77. My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness....For when I am weak, then I am strong...2 Cor. 12: 8,10

    All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be...Psalms 139:16

    When you feel like you can't go on it is then that our Heavenly Father lifts us up and carries us....

    Remember....We live by faith, not by sight 2 Cor.5:7

    praying always....

  78. Sending as much support as I can.
    Cindy Smith
    The HEART Group

  79. Scott and Cary, I am praying for you and your family everyday. The prayer line at our church has also been praying. Please know that we will continue to pray for all of you.

  80. Starting our shift-but please know that every breath while we are here is a prayer for all of you. Our GOD IS IN CONTROL. Lots of love-
    Merla, Natalie & Cathy

  81. God is with you...He will never leave you nor forsake you. He promises us that, and He is true to His promises. Always.
    Praying for you all.
    Brian and Holly McHolm

  82. What you are going through is unimaginable. May the love of strangers comfort you.

  83. Scot and Carolyn....keep the faith. We are praying with you.

    Noreen and Dave

  84. Scot, Carolyn and Brent,
    You are so loved! I don't know the words to say what I'm feeling or to bring you comfort, and I know we are not meant to understand. Please know that every minute of my day is filled with prayer and hope for all of you.

    ~ Gwyn

  85. One night I had a dream--
    I dreamed I was walking along the beach with the Lord
    and across the sky flashed scenes from my life.
    For each scene I noticed two sets of footprints,
    one belonged to me and the other to the Lord.
    When the last scene of my life flashed before me,
    I looked back at the footprints in the sand.
    I noticed that many times along the path of my life,
    there was only one set of footprints.
    I also noticed that it happened at the very lowest
    and saddest times in my life.
    This really bothered me and I questioned the Lord about it.
    "Lord, you said that once I decided to follow you,
    you would walk with me all the way,
    but I have noticed that during the most troublesome times in my life
    there is only one set of footprints.
    "I don't understand why in times when I needed you most,
    you should leave me."
    The Lord replied, "My precious, precious child,
    I love you and I would never, never leave you
    during your times of trial and suffering.
    "When you saw only one set of footprints,
    it was then that I carried you."

    May God carry you through this difficult time. You will all be in my prayers.

    -Megan J., Kincaid SK

  86. Dear Carolyn & Scot,
    I've been following this blog early on, ever since Joan let me know about it, & you & your family have been on my mind constantly. Several times a day, I have been lifting you all up in prayer. Like so many others have said, it is unimaginable what you must be going through. One thing is crystal clear, though.....& that is that you have an unwavering & incredibly strong faith, & there is no doubt that that is where you are gaining your strength from to get through each day, & at times, even each moment. I'm sure that you must be exhausted. I have been praying that you will find ultimate peace & rest, knowing that our God, who is gracious & passionate, IS IN CONTROL. He meets us where we are, & promises to walk with us, no matter how low the valley may seem. I pray that you will continue to feel His presence & be at peace. I don't know Brent at all, other than the little baby boy that you had when I worked at Circle Drive, but he is my prayers that his body will heal & be restored. With caring thoughts, Rhonda B

  87. Our thoughts are with you, as you walk this pathway. He says: Fear Not, for I am with you!!!! And we keep on praying, knowing He is in control, and hearing our cries! Madelaine

  88. Cari & Scot:

    You are in our prayers and in our thoughts. May God give you His strong love and deep peace. We are praying for healing for Brent and for strength and peace for you.

    Daryl, Rowena & Shaya

  89. We don't know each other but I've been praying for you for over a month now, praying for miracles as only God can do, and for strength for you and your family during this time.

  90. Your family has touched my heart and I have been praying for you. May God Grant you the grace to endure and tthe strenght to carry on. God and Brent will do this is their time. we will lift up prayers and know that God is in charge

  91. I do not know you or your family, but I have been following this blog since it was started.

    I understand the loss and pain that you are dealing with on a daily basis, and wanted you to know that you and your family are very much loved and blessed by a stranger in Paddockwood, Saskatchewan.

    Sending you many prayers and blessings for recovery and healing as well as thinking of you both with a heart full of love and hope for your little man.

  92. My family and I are praying for you! May God hold you up when you feel like you can't stand anymore. We pray for strength and recovery for Brent. God bless you all....when all is quiet, listen and you will know that God is by your side.

  93. We pray everyday for Brent for complete healing and strength. We pray for you , Scot and Carolyn as well everyday. We are blessed to know you guys and be a part of your family and please know that you are loved very much.Katie was a very special girl and our kids loved her very much, Kelsi loved seeing her on sundays!! Brent is a strong young man, there isn't a min. that goes by that we aren't thinking or praying for him.

    Love your cousins....Megan, Paul, Kade and Kelsi Andrews~~~

  94. We're praying for you guys and so is every child in our ministry. I so wish we could be there, but in Christ, we are very near. We love you all.

    Barry & Ramona Maurer

  95. We love you and we are prayig for you all. Our thoughts are with you always. Where two or more are gathered...He hears our prayers. Peace to you all. Lowell and Jodine

  96. Brent we are all thinking of you at lbp.and my own family has been having you in mind all times of day and we cheack this blog atlest 5 times a day to see how things are coming.we are all hoping toghther that you get better we all hope you get better soon! we do all love you brent please get better as soon as you can !

  97. Been thinking about Brent ans his family ever since I drove by the accident.

    Lots of love and prayers,
    Brent is in God's hands.

  98. Thinking of you all, praying for healing and for strength for you. God bless.

  99. I just want you to know that I care and that I am praying for you.

    Thelma Solberg

  100. My dear friend, Words cannot express how we feel for you right now, our heart breaks. We are praying for you, for strength, hope, and peace. Praying for Brent. Remember that God is faithful. We may not understand the circumstances that are taking place, but God will reveal it in His time. Thank-goodness we have God to lean on. Holding you up in prayer. Wade and Sharilyn Klassen and family

  101. Cary and Scot - We want you to know that our family has been praying for you. Jackson and Carter remember fondly the fun times at our last Giesbrecht gathering in Abby. Especially playing with Brent and his "Tony Hawk" remote control skater and Katy playing with them at the playground. We love you guys and are in constant prayer for all of you.

  102. Our family continues to uplift each of you in prayer. I check this blog multiple times a day and I am praying for the healing and comfort only our Father in Heaven can bring. I weep with you and my heart aches but I HOPE with you as well. We will put our hope in Jesus and find peace in His unfailing LOVE.
    You will continue to be in my prayers.
    In His precious love,
    Tammy Grimm

  103. Cary & Scot: I have never met you but have been following the blog regularly. It is obvious that you have the love and support of so many people. You are in our prayers every day.

    You are facing challenges that no parent should ever face, yet through it all, your strength and faith has been solid. Always know that you are not alone in this journey. Your family will remain in our prayers today, tomorrow and beyond.

  104. Scot & Carolyn,
    we are sending our thoughts and prayers!We love you both!
    Try and stay strong!
    Brent we love you little man!

    Brent,Tammy,Brandon and Donavon.

  105. I do not know you but have been following the blog daily and sending up prayers for your family. Please know I will continue to do so. Saskatoon Follower

  106. Your family is loved by so many people and your faith is such a testimony.

  107. Just adding our prayers to the multiplied many others.
    Elaine (Letkeman) and Dwight King

  108. Scot and Carolyn,
    I'm continuing to pray for a miracle for Brent. Our great God can do it, He and He alone. I called my mom and although we've never met you, we're both praying for you all.

    Claudia Shafer

  109. We love you guys so much, and our hearts are aching for you! You are constantly in our thoughts and prayers. "I know the plans I have for you...."

    Etcha (and family)

  110. Scot and Cary,
    I've been following the unbelievable rollercoaster that has been your life for the past month, and it so reaffirms what I've known for years. You are excellent parents of a truly amazing and exceptional family. You and Brent have been in my thoughts constantly; I am so desperately eager to have the little big man pop by LBP for a visit. We can all only hope to be as strong and amazing as you two if we ever face such a struggle.
    All our hopes and prayers with you always,
    one of your LBP family,
    James Simpson

  111. I have been following your blog on Brent and the Peterson family and I will pray for Brent and his parents tonight that he will rally from this set back.

  112. I have been following this blog everyday and praying for your family. Scott and Cary you are wonderful parents please take care of your selfs. All our prayers and thoughts are with Brent that he will get well soon and will be thinking of Katie on Friday.

  113. May God's strength,peace,and love surround and comfort you now and forever. You are in our thoughts and prayers always.
    Jennifer(Peterson)Ryan,Sadie,Zoe,and Gabriel Grosskleg

  114. Car & Scot,I wish I could wrap my arms around you both and take this pain away..I can't but I know that Jesus is with you and with Brent. May you feel His srong arms around you. Lean on Him..He is strong and He will carry you through this in ways unimaginable. I check this blog many times a day. You and Brent are ALWAYS in my thoughts and prayers. Just a note from my devos today...Trusting god isn't based upon personal strength,but rather upon a personal God waiting to provide refuge.
    I love you and pray for you guys often.
    These updates are VERY much appreciated!!
    God Bless.

  115. We have been praying SO much for the whole Peterson family. Nadine and Jason were our music pastors in Moose Jaw, and we are friends of Norm and Angie. God Bless!!
    Sam and Ruby Dilsner

  116. Aunty Cary and Uncle Scot, Dale and I think of you and Brent everyday and are praying for you. With all our love, Dale and Shauna Wilk

  117. Still praying for you all,

  118. I don't know the Peterson family, I live in Regina and have been following the blog since it was in the paper. I am amazed at what strength you have as a family, and what support you have from your friends and community. I know someone who has met you during this time and I know that they think very highly of you and are amazed at the strength and compassion you show to all those around you even though you are going through such a trying time.

    There are many many prayers coming your way, from me and from others I've asked to pray for you and Brent. I wish I could say something profound or helpful, but I guess all I can say is that there are so many more people than you can even imagine who have read or heard your story and who are thinking and praying for you all.

  119. Dear Scott and Cary, I am praying for you all! Have forwarded your prayer requests to some prayer warriors. Please know God is with you... He has promised never to leave us or forsake us. My thoughts and prayers will be with you through the night. Love from Beverly

  120. "Above you are His tender mercies – around you is His unfailing love – and underneath you are His everlasting arms". (from a Roy Lessin card). We are praying for your family.
    - a friend of Gina Smith

  121. i can't stop thinking about your family at this time. my prayers are with you, i know God's hands are wrapped strongly around you...please keep leaning on Him in this challenging time.

  122. Praying for Brent's complete recovery, for that wonderful "peace that passes all understanding" and the strong arms of the Comforter to be your strength.

  123. I miss Brent so much at school, and wishing he can win the battle soon. I miss his personality, and his company. Please carry on in your healing Brent, and though I do not pray often, I am praying for you every chance I get.

  124. Dear Heavenly Father,
    Father I pray today for Scot, Carolyn and Brent. Father I too have never prayed so hard in my entire life. I pray that you lay your healing hands upon Brent. I pray that Brent's condition improves with every minute of the day. I pray for these marvelous, parents that show your love through all that they have been through. I pray for strength for the family, I pray for peace in their hearts, I pray to you our loving God that you take care of this very special family, and pray that they always feel your presence and love in all that happens. Thank-you for Pastor Rob that keeps us updated. Thank-you for all that you will do in our lives. Thank-you that we, who don't know this family really feel attached to them only by the grace of God. Thank-you that we are all your children and that in your eyes we are all related. I pray this in the most mighty powerful awesome name of Jesus.

  125. Scot, Car, and Bub,
    I am interceding like never before...though my heart is broken, I can't even begin to understand what you're going through. I am in awe of the support for our family from so many...even strangers.
    So in this dark hour, as I know you're weary from it all, please find comfort in the fact that thousands are surrounding you and holding your arms up and carrying you before the throne of grace... I've never prayed online before, but in case there's someone out there reading this who doesn't feel comfortable with their own prayer, please feel free to agree with mine..
    Lord, we ask you for a supernatural healing right now for our Brent. We hold on to the hope that You have great plans for his life. Plans to give him a future and a hope. We believe that where 2 or 3 are gathered in Your name, You are there in the midst and You hear our prayers. So we come before You, as a large group of people, and we humbly ask for your divine intervention right now in the name of Jesus. We ask for a supernatural healing in Brent's body, even now Lord. Amen.

    I love you.

  126. Scot, Cary and Family,
    Scot, it has been years since I've seen you, but this last month you and your family have been in my thoughts and prayers constantly. We can't even begin to comprehend what you are going through, so we just pray. There is a church just down the street from my office and the sign this morning said "God will not lead me to what He will not lead me through." I thought of you and your family. God is there with you, even in times when we question He is still there. Reading through these blogs daily, I see you and Cary as an incredible example to parents to just trust God with these precious lives that He has entruted to us. My family prays often throughout the day for Brent, that God would do an incredible miracle in his life. We pray that God's arms just hold you and that whatever it is you are needing at that time, that God would provide to lead you through what he has lead you to. We are praying and trusting God with you.
    Sharon (Grimm) and Darryl Biro

  127. To our Dear Peterson's,
    May you continue to hold on tight to our Lord's hand, and remember he has promised to never leave us. You are doing an amazing job as parents, and we are certain God is satisfied with your work. May you find strength and peace in him. Brent, we love you and you are always in our prayers, your strength and endurance has been such an encouragement to us, keep pressing forward!
    We love you all and you are constantly in our thoughts and prayers!
    The Estrada's

  128. Whenever you come to my mind, I pray, which is quite often during the day. Thinking of all of you...and praying for a miracle.
    Love, Cindy Mathies

  129. I too have been following your blog daily. My prayers be with Brent during this incredibly serious time. My prayers and heartfelt hope go to the Peterson family. We love you Brent and you are in our prayers, keep fighting and never give up!

    Nabeel Khan

  130. Your family has been in my thoughts and prayers continually for a number of weeks now. The regular updates on this blog, and phone calls from your parents have certainly helped to remind me often to pray for all of you. I continue to pray for healing for Brent, and for strength and patience for you, Scot and Cary, as you wait for the events of each day. I realize anew how much God cares for each of us and how carefully He plans the events of each day for His honor and glory. May God continue to give you strength and calmness day by day.
    Love, Lucille

  131. We love you all! You are always in our prayers
    With God everything is possible!

  132. Even though we are far away, you are in constantly in our thoughts and prayers. no words can even match what you are going through . . know that you are loved and supported by many all over the world. Let the peace of God reign in your hearts. Brent, we are praying for you every day.
    Tonia & Alexey (Russia)

  133. Praying for healing for Brent,and strength for Brent's family.
    Colleen Dragatis

  134. We hope, We love, We pray.

  135. I am a friend of Nadine and Jason. I've been following the blog and praying for Brent, Scot and Cary. May you find healing, strength and comfort at this time.

  136. May God just be your everything right now.

  137. WE BELIEVE...and we're believing with you.

  138. I am praying for your family. I worked in the nursery with Katie all the time and I miss her there already. Scott and Carolyn, you two and Brent are uppermost in my thoughts and prayers.

    Renee Dynna

  139. My thoughts and prayers are with you all as you continue to wind your way through this most difficult time. May God's presence surround you and I pray that you find the strength that you need by knowing that your family, friends and complete strangers are rallying together through our faith and praying for Brent's recovery.

  140. Praying for you! And believing for miracles!

    Lori Updike

  141. My prayers are never-ending for you. I'd love to give you a warm hug, Cary. You are surrounded with the love of family and friends who care and pray for you. All 3 Bible study groups I'm part of are praying for you. May God sustain and hold you. We are praying for God's healing hand to be extended to work a miracle.
    Linda Holmes

  142. I am a Regina Mom who has followed your story, I pray for that miracle. Please know how much you are thought about by a total stranger.

  143. Scot,Cary and Brent,

    Scot and Cary you are in my thoughts and my prayers. I am prayig for healing over Brent's body. Know that you are deeply loved by your Elim Church Family:>

    Tamara Adams (Pastor Ang's roomie)

  144. God I pray that you would give this family peace and rest. We stand in the gap on their behalf. May this day end with much hope and anticipation of what tomorrow brings...our God of miracles.

    I really am at a loss for words. I weep, I pray, I pray and I weep. I cannot imagine...perhaps if you knew how many thousands of people are praying, that might give you just a tiny bit of strength. Thank you for sharing your lives with us all. We are forever changed. Forever grateful. I check the blog before I go to bed, and before I head to work in the morning. Always praying and lifting you up before the throne of God. May God's loving arms be so firmly wrapped around you, sustaining you through these moments and days ahead.

  145. I am praying for Brent,and believing for a total healing,a touch from the Master's hand.
    Also praying for you Scot and Carolyn,I think you are both amazing!
    Love in Christ,
    Dale Litzgus

  146. Praying for God's peace and comfort for you and the rest of your family. We will continue to
    pray and believe with you for Brent's healing.

  147. Like so many others, I don't know the Petersons at all, but there are connections through a friend who has told us about the situation. I am also praying for Brent and the parents especially. I can't imagine what they are going through! May God give you even more peace and comfort than you could ever imagine! God bless.
    Sending our prayers all the way from Germany

  148. Although I don't know you two, Scot and Cary, well, I've been getting to know Brent very well the past couple years. We've both joined the Worship Team at Church, and we've all grown together that way. The Worship Team has descriped themselves as "one family", so we're all understanding this struggling, and fighting. I'm always hoping and praying for you all.
    God Bless! :)

  149. wow. 150 comments, and counting...scott, car, brent, this is just to show you guys that there are so many people out here who love you and are caring for you...we love you and continue to pray for brents healing and energy and understanding for scott and you all so much!


  150. uncle scot, aunty cary, Brent, we love you sooo much. praying continual, for you all and for the doctors. love jojo

  151. Scot and Cary, you continue to be an incredible example of parents living out God's tireless love for your kids. We are praying for Brent and for both of you daily. Every Sunday, our little church here in Redvers is lifting you up together. Thank you for keeping your eyes on Jesus. Blessings on you all. Love John and Windelle Seargeant

  152. Just want you to know there are people praying for you constantly in Winnipeg...complete strangers but brothers and sisters in Christ. Scot and Cary we trust in the Lord's grace and mercy. You are a beautiful picture of our Father in human form. We pray for Brent without ceasing.

  153. Hoping and praying for you all.

  154. We are all praying for a miracle in Brent's recovery. His big sister is watching over him.

    Tammie, Garry, Chris & Jessica Huculiak

  155. Praying and Believing for a supernatural miracle for Brent. May his testimony glorify God. May your testimony of faithfulness and love also glorify God. May God's arms that are holding you comfort and give you peace through this time...We will continue to pray for Brent's complete recovery...both physical and emotional. We love you!

  156. I am a mother of 3 in Regina, who has been following your blog ever since the accident happened and was posted in the newspaper.Please know that many people are praying for your family and for your son.You both have incredible strength and I your faith will bring you through this.Times like this can be overwhelming, but always remember God will not deal you more than you can handle. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this very difficult time in your life

  157. Debbie Hoback VeugerApril 2, 2009 at 8:47 PM

    Scott and Cary,
    We just wanted to let you know that we follow this blog every day sometimes many times a day and are praying often for you and for Brent. God does have you wrapped in his arms of love. Let him hold you and carry you through this time. He won't let you go. Our Intercesory prayer group continues to hold you up in prayer.
    much love
    Debbie Hoback-Veuger

  158. Brent you are in our prayers and in our hearts
    Greg Donna Ryley

  159. Keep the faith and believe in your heart of hearts that God can and will provide the miracle you seek for Brent. Your love and courage and strength will help you get through this difficult time, just as much as it will help Brent recover. Never stop believing that miracles do happen! I keep you all close to my heart and in my prayers.

  160. Trevor ConquergoodApril 5, 2009 at 9:18 PM

    Dear Scott and Cary
    Lorna and I are deeply involved in sending you our positive energy and love. Our prayers are for Brent and his healing and also for you as a couple. Your family, friends and community are surrounding you with a beautiful aura of love and support that you can draw from and lean on when you need us.

  161. Scott And Cary,
    I went to LBP school. Though I am much older than your children, Scott coached my younger brother in soccer, and my sister and Katie were classmates.
    I want you know that I am praying and thinking of you and your family constantly. I had the privledge to attend the celebration of Katies life with my younger sister.
    Please know that your Katie, though I did not meet her, has saved me. I had lost my way so to speak and at her life celebration I was able to re-dedicate my faith in Our Father. I felt love and warmth at Elim, and I will be attended sunday mornings, as well as C & C.
    I am thinking and praying for you. Thank you for your beautiful children and for your strength in our Lord.

    "You give and take away, You give and take away, my heart will choose to stay. Lord blessed be your name"
