Friday, April 17, 2009


DAY 50 of a journey the Petersons didn't choose or expect...

Brent is getting ready for his seventeenth surgery. This surgery is routine (can we call surgery routine?). His vitals are looking great, except for, you guessed it - the blood pressure needs to become more stable.

The Peterson's are extremely grateful for all your support. Words cannot express their gratitude.

Keep hoping.Keep loving.Keep praying.


  1. This is awesome news scot and cary and brent! Prayers are being answered slowly and everyday we pray for more and more miracles to be answered. Good Job Brent!! we love you guys very much.
    Jake and Natasha

  2. Just wanted to keep in touch and let you know we are still cheering you on Brent!
    Thanks for the updates Pastor Rob!
    Scott & Carolyn, we continue to pray!
    Brent & Tammy Klassen

  3. im so glad Brent is startin to get better.
    even though that blood pressure is off.
    buut your such a strong fighter Brent.
    you can do it, we all knoow you will :)

  4. Hi Scott and Cary! It's Becky the Ex-Nanny again. :) Just wanted to tell you that I called my mom to chat yesterday and almost the first thing she said was "How is Brent doing?" Her internet hadn't been working for a few days so she hadn't been able to check this blog...but your family was the first thing on her mind.
    Just wanted you to know you remain very much in my family's and my own thoughts. May you have strength for the day, today. I'm also thinking of Katie today and of our great hope that the people we lose step into More of life, not less. Think of her at the moment that she was Most Happy, Most Herself, Most Katie: that is her now. I believe it with all my heart.

  5. It's been great to hear of the positive steps that have been occurring. May God continue to strengthen all of you, giving you the rest and peace that you need.

    The Froese's

  6. Go, Brent, go!!!! You are doing so awesome, little man! Keep it up! We love you! Peace be with you!

  7. Indeed good news from afar does gladdens the heart. We are rejoicing with you Brent, Scot and Cary. I tell you, I have not seen such a great amount of prayer been sent to heaven. Brent, I bet you have a great calling of God upon your life and the devil just cannot stand you, well, the battle is won. Scot and Cary, only if you know how much your journey so far has changed lives and kept us all stronger in faith. We love you three and look forward to having Brent back in the church ministry. Keep on with the good fight, victory is SURE!!!

    Titi, Soji and girls

  8. Praise God! Brent, Scot and Car we are so happy that the news is positive. Dwayne reminded me today that God's mercies are new every morning. We all need to remember that, otherwise we can get stuck in the past, stuck in negative thoughts... you know what I'm saying! May God give you new blessings from heaven today.
    Love you all,
    Barb, Dwayne, Ryan, Tanner & Jaeda

  9. What awesome news!!!! I am so happy that Brent is doing better!!!! Words don't seem to be enough to express my joy at seeing prayers answered!!!! I believe God has a very special purpose in mind for Brent, someday we will be able to ask God all the "whys" but for now all we do is trust inspite of our questions, doubts and pain. And he has promised to work all things out for good. We can stand on His promises. From your friend and co-worker Beverly

  10. Thanks paster rob for the updates. I check the blog everyday. So happy to hear the good news. Keep on fighting Brent you are doing great. Keep hanging in there Scott and Car you are wonderful parents. We will contunie on Praying for a full recovery for Brent.
    Love you The Millard Family

  11. Sending our love,
    Adele and Family
    Huw and Family

  12. Glad to hear that things are looking up! Praise God! Now for a question - has anything been determined as to the status of Brent's spine, or is that still unknown?
    Glad to hear that Brent has his ipod and Wii! Last year when we met Brent and Katie at the CPC reunion, they had their Wii along to share with everyone - that was a fun new experience for our family! Way to go, Scot, on figuring out the code to get into Brent's ipod - a possible new career for you?! You are a genius!! We're thinking of and praying for your family every day...
    In Him, Natalie and Jason Dueck and family

  13. so glad to hear that he is doing better today. Looking forward to seeing you on Monday Carolyn. Robbin Al and Kyle

  14. It is such a good feeling to hear that things are progressing in small but positive ways. We are excited to see you again - we're healthy now:)

    I am overwhelmed again by the people that follow this blog and hang on every word, then pray for Brent's healing and your strength. Maybe this is one way of how God is using this situation to bring people to their knees and together. I know I have prayed more than ever before and will continue until Brent is totally and completely healed. Even then I will pray because your family has changed and will never be the same.

    Every once in a while I realize afresh that Katie is not here and it startles me. I am sad for you and for us, but I also can picture her so happy and complete that it's hard to hurt too much.

    One of my favourite verses comes to mind continuously, Prov. 3:5 & 6. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowlege Him and He will direct your paths." I am believing this for all of us.

    Love, Jan, Mattias, Reid & Kiersten

  15. Still praying for stable BP and healing here in California. May the Lord bless you and give you rest and peace.

    Claudia Shafer

  16. "Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." Psalms 119:105 Praying that you continue to allow the Word and Light of God to support you during this journey.

  17. Just want you to know today that you are thought about & being prayed for.......& rejoicing in the steps forward with Brent's health! Your journey has made me keenly aware of the gift of life, & I am appreciating my kids so much more in the last month, & have cherished special family times. Those may not be words of comfort for you, but just know that your grieving & anxiousness has not been in vain. Your faith has been such an example to so many others. We continue to keep you in prayer! Rhonda

  18. Such AWESOME news...the healing that is happening...With God ALL things are possible!!!
    I keep trusting and PRAYING with you and for you all!!Car & Scot I also pray that God will renew your strength daily. Know you are never far from my thots and prayers :) Love you guys

  19. Thanks for the update. Wonderful to hear continuing steps towards healing. Praying for continued healing, strength for Scot and Cary, peace in spirit and great blessings on Katie in heaven. May His strength be perfect.

  20. I am so happy to hear this positive news.All of you are in my daily thoughts and prayers.
    Like Jan said,I too have prayed more than ever
    Love and prayers,
    Dale Litzgus
