Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Brent's surgery went very well. He is resting with Mom and Dad beside him.


  1. Will send up a special prayer for a restful night for both Brent and his parents!

    God Bless.

  2. ..."My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me...For when I am weak, then I am strong. 2 Corinthians 9,10 NIV

    My prayer is that God will give you the strength you all need for every challenge that lies ahead; one day at a time.

  3. Scot, Carolyn and Brent,
    I'm praying for a peaceful night of rest for all of you as well as continued healing. Katie must be doing a fine job of standing guard over her little brother. She always did look after him well - quite the "mother hen"!! I miss her. Peace be with you, tonight and always! Love you lots!

  4. We are so glad to hear that the surgery went well. When people talk of trial and tribulations - they have no idea! May God keep you well and give you strength for what you are enduring.

    Hein Family

  5. Good news. Still hoping and praying for you all. Peace to you.

  6. God is good, and I thank Him for the daily miracle of life. Brent, we are still praying and patiently wait for your healing.

    love you bud!!
    sandy , lane

  7. Praying for you all before bed as we have been since the day of the accident. God's healing to Brent, peace and rest to Scot and Cary and blessing on Katie in heaven. Still hoping, still praying. Good night.

  8. Hi, continue to check this blog daily and so thankful that we can keep in touch. Continue to pray for you all daily, say Hi to Brent for us and give him a kiss and hug from us! Love you guys keep up the good fight! Uncle Norm, Aunt Ang and girls

  9. My prayers , hopes & thoughts are you Carolyn, Scot & Brent.
    We have a date Brent to go racing at the Velocity Raceway when you are feeling up to it. See if you can beat this old lady!!!!
    If there is anything that I can do for you guys ,please feel free to give me a call.

  10. Still thinking and praying for this incredible family.

    I have learned so much about faith and patience and trust through this family.

    God is certainly working through them to help so many others witnessing their journey of faith.

    I hope things are going well. Will look forward to the newest update.

    God Bless

  11. The best part about checking the blog and not finding anything new is that means things are progressing and/or steady. Both of those scenario's are good news and reason to give God glory!

    Keep believing Brent - we know you are a reflection of God as you walk this road.

    Scot & Car, know that so many people have come back to spending time in prayer before the Lord and are continously encouraged because of your faith and trust. Keep looking up!

    Love you much,
    Jan, Mattias, Reid & Kiersten

  12. We're still praying for you, Scot, Carolyn and Brent. We check the blog frequently and are happy when there are no crises!

    We are so thankful to God for all the healing that has taken place already, and we know he's still doing a great work!

    Hope Brent is enjoying the Wii...

    Angela, Cort, Ashley and Christopher

  13. Just a note from our tiny congregation in Powell River: we're praying for you regularly and keep in touch with Brent's progress through this blog spot.

    Love in Christ
    Linda Wegner

  14. We continue to keep you in our prayers constantly, and thank God for the work he is doing.
    The Estrada's

  15. So glad to know there have been no set backs and Brent is showing the nurses how to cook. Let's hope he cooks as good when he gets home as he does on the Wii. Cary thank you for all your prayers, all is well there. No matter how much you are faced with you always have time to lift your friends when they are down. I am in awe of you and your strength. You guys are such a wonderful family and as I said before, You make my world so much richer for having you in my life.
    Hugs, prayers, believing, loving

  16. Still praying....still supporting you all. God's blessings and peace.
