Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Hey everyone,

There's been some challenges these past few hours. Sometime last night one of Brent's lungs collapsed. The medical staff diligently took proper action and took care of him. There are no side effects other than Brent has been really tired and groggy today. The respirator is back to 35. Brent slept all afternoon . They did an ultra sound on his lungs and everything now looks good. Some anxious moments throughout the day, but now we can have confidence that Brent is once again moving forward in the right direction.

A prayer, "Father, the Lord Jesus Christ has taught me to ask, seek, and knock. I ask You to grant healing to Brent. I seek you for the release of Your power into his life. I am knocking for the blessing of physical and spiritual wholeness in Brent's life (Matthew 7:7)" AMEN

Confidence that healing is happening.
Confidence that God's in control.
Confidence that Brent's in great hands with his parents, family, friends, Regina General medical staff, and God.
Confidence he's moving forward.

Keep hoping.Keep loving.Keep praying.


  1. Two steps forward and one step back, that's the nature of recovery. We're always praying for God's richest grace and healing touch to fill your lives. Go Brent and GO GOD!
    Love you all,
    Mattias, Jan, Reid & Kiersten

  2. This is the CONFIDENCE we have in approaching God:that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we KNOW that he hears us-whatever we ask-we know that we have what we asked of him" 1John 5:14-15.
    We thank you, Heavenly Father, for the confidence we have in you-the confidence Scot, Carolyn & Brent claim in you, as you,dear God, oversee Brent's recovery, as you orchestrate his healing, as you guide the medical staff and grant them wisdom, and as you reign in control. We praise you and thank you for holding this family ever so close to your heart.In the precious and powerful name of Jesus, we pray, Tim & Cathy G.

  3. Dear Beloved Carolyn and Scott

    Just recieved an email at 5:15pm today from Morris Cerullo World Prayer Center.(& others recently)
    They are praying for Brent and have put him on the prayer Center for 30 days also. I will update them at a later date with the good news!
    "For I will heal you of your wounds, said the Lord" (Jeremiah 30:17).
    Be incouraged that prayers of faith are not going to dwindle. As we ALL together believe the Word and stand on His promises,know that we are in agreement with you on faith for God to move in a mighty way on your behalf. We love you!
    May the Lord grant you favor over all that you desire of Him, and may His light shine on you always.

    In the mighty name and service of King Jesus.
    He's always their for the hurting.
    An intercessor for my King Jesus.

  4. Keep fighting little bro. Love you cary and scot, yuo two are such wonderful parents. I know that healing is coming. the moment i read the goofy post about Brent listening to music in surgery haha. thats good old lil Brent. I am always praying for you all, even while i am sitting here at work. see you in a few weeks. Lots of Love. Take care.. Love TARA CAMERON

  5. Scot, Carolyn & Brent
    Please know that we continue to pray for you, as do many others whom you do not know.
    Our God is sufficient, He is enough!
    May you rest in His comfort & presence today.
    Les & Reta S

  6. Still praying, and still believing for God's complete healing for Brent. So thankful for all who are praying...the body of Christ is amazing..."Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think." All our love, Gord, Trudy, Carlie, Ben

  7. Keep fighting Brent. We are praynig for you everynight and day. We want you to get better so you can come back home to s'toon. Hang in there Scot and Cary. Our thoughts and prayers are with you aswell.

  8. One day closer to Brent's full recovery. Loving, praying and hoping with all of you that the power that rose our Lord Jesus from the dead would do its' work in each of our lives!

  9. Stay strong Brent, you can do it, everybody is praying for you back home. All of us are looking forward to seeing you soon, so you gotta keep fighting! Scot and Carolyn, your doing an amazing job keeping strong yourselfs, I love all three of you, and so does everybody else. God will move much more in all of you like he already has with the healing. We can thank him. Brent YOU WILL recover. So close to the process.
    Ali Dueker

  10. Scot, Carolyn and Brent,
    As ALWAYS, you are front and center in my thoughts and prayers - every breath and every moment of every day! Love you lots! Peace be with you.

    I found a picture of Brent today from grade 7 camp - he was dressed in a lovely pink jacket for a game of Mission Impossible!! Of course he had a goofy grin on his face! Good times! I love it!

  11. We are thankful for these regular updates --- thank you Pastor Rob for your commitment & care to this faithful family. I find myself checking several times a day to see if anything new has been posted, & in doing so, I am constantly reminded of you Carolyn, Scot & Brent. It is easy to remember you in prayer, & I simply want to encourage you that so many prayers are being lifted up for you - for healing, for continued strength, for hope, & for peace. We have a mighty & powerful God who cares for our every need!

  12. So thankful for the updates. We end the evening again with Brent's update and time on our knees for his healing and strength for Scot and Cary. God bless you all.

  13. Our group prayed again for Brent's healing and comfort, strength and endurance for the whole family. Thanks so much for the update. God knows and is at work through everything.

  14. Keep fighting Brent, we know you can do it!

    Scot and Cary your so strong, and so brave, your incredible parents. Continue to love, smile and believe...

    Love, Adele,Megall & boys
    Huw, Angela & Karla

  15. I think of you guys everyday and admire the courage and strength that you have. Just remember that you have so much support in your family and friends. We are all so happy to hear of Brent's progress!

  16. We are praying for you guys! I am filled with joy for the improvements that are happening and I pray that God will bless the interaction that you guys have with Brent as he becomes more alert! We wish we could be there to hug you!!!
