Saturday, April 11, 2009


Hey everyone! What a difference twenty four hours makes in the healing journey. Here's what's happening with Brent:

  • oxygen level is at 50 %
  • blood pressure is more stable tonight
  • the dialysis machine is proving very effective
  • all the necessary fluids that need to be removed are being removed
  • this is causing less pressure on the body
  • all the vital organs are experiencing less pressure and are beginning to work better
  • his fingers and toes have more wrinkles now which means the swelling is starting to go away
  • he now has two nurses watching and treating him
  • he is doing therapeutic exercises with assistance from Mom and Dad
  • the Doctor wants to ensure his mind is active so starting today they are playing movies and music in his room

Yesterday (Good Friday) was a dark day for Brent and his parents.

Today (Saturday), there is more light shining through this dark suffering.

This Sunday we celebrate Easter - new life. There are significant signs today in Brent of new life. There are also significant signs in Scot and Carolyn (Cary) of renewed energy and hope. Easter is all about the new life and hope found in Jesus Christ. Scot received this quote from a friend today:

"When things look the darkest that's when God's light shines the brightest".

Keep hoping.Keep loving.Keep praying.

Thank you for your prayers.


  1. This update is excellent news. All of the praying is working. Thanks be to God. Happy Easter, Scot, Cary and Brent. Keep on believing all.

  2. Hallelujah! Another Victory this Easter Morning! We rejoice with you, Scot & Carolyn, -such wonderful news. Praise God for His mercies are new every morning! Our prayers are continually with you- Bless you this special Easter Day! We send you much love- Merla, Melanie, Cathy & Daphne.

  3. Praising God with you!
    Still Hoping, Loving and PRAYING!
    The Grimms

  4. Still praying and believing for healing.
    We continue to be in prayer for strength and comfort during the special weekend for you Scot and Carolyn.Love your family. Sending Brent our love and thinking of him alot!!

  5. PRAISE THE LORD...For HE is good!!!!


    Continuing to pray for Scot, Carolyn and Brent!

    This is truly a time for celebration and how more appropriate than on the day the Lord has risen.

    The Lord is great!!

    Happy Easter to a very, very special Family!

    Looking forward to hearing more wonderful reports on Brents healing!


  7. Special thanks to Pastor Clark for continuing so diligently to keep friends, family and followers of the blog updated.

    I do not know the Peterson's but have been following this extraordinary family. I have been praying for them daily and will continue to do so.

    I feel a special thanks is also needed for this special pastor who is helping so many by updating this blog.

    Happy Easter to you and your family as well.

  8. we join in praise and thankfulness for this good report,we'll keep on like so many others praying and believing for Brent's complete healing,for his body to continue to respond in positive ways. Scot and Cary,we pray for you renewed hope and strength and the calm assurance only God can Jesus Risen Name......Shirley,Leland Ali,BJ.

  9. Scot and Cary-We too rejoice with you this Easter morning for encouraging signs of healing in Brent's body. God is good and again we see His love and caring for you as a family.
    We also pray for renewed strength and hope during this Easter season

  10. Always believing, always praying.

    Scot & Car, God's light shines so brightly through you, even in the darkest times. He is using you in ways you never could have imagined as you walk with Him through this time.

    Brent, you continue to make my day! Our Heavenly Father is doing an incredible work in you and I am so excited to see what He has planned for your life.

    Lots of love,
    Jan, Mattias, Reid & Kiersten

  11. Praise the lord slowly prayers are being answered. This is really awesome news scot and cary! We love you guys and are continuing to pray hard for both brent and you.
    Love Jake and Natasha

  12. Thank you, Lord Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!!

    We rejoice with you Car and Scot with each blessed inch forward!! Our God is an AWESOME God!!!!
    HAPPY EASTER Car, Scot and Brent!!!
    He died and rose again so that we will have eternal life!!
    Love, Jenn

  14. Happy Easter to Scot,Cary and Brent, also to the Clark family, thank Jesus for answered prayer. Don't know any of you but we are in the same family thanks to what Jesus did on the cross at Easter. Our prayers continue for you.

  15. Praise God!!! Continuing to pray for you Brant, Scot and Cary.

  16. Happy Easter Carolyn, Scot, Brent and Pastor Rob's family.What great news to start the day. Always believing, always hoping, Always praying

    Love the Zirks

  17. This is great that hes getting better. I know he can make it the rest of the way. Brent I hope your back in toon town soon we really miss you. Scott and Cary again you guys are amazingly strong people.

    All my love and support,

  18. In his time, In his time. He makes all things beautiful in his time. Lord please show me ever day as your teaching me your ways,that you do just what you say, in your time!God is using this journey for his glory! Love always Uncle Garry and Auntie Heather.

  19. Praise God! Good news - keep going Brent!!
    The Bowerings

  20. So glad to hear good news - we are encouraged & we rejoice in this day with you! We continue to remember all of you in prayer.

  21. "I will praise the Lord at all times. I will constantly speak his praises. I will Boast only in the Lord; Let all who are helpless take heart. come, let us tell of the Lord's greatness; let us exalt his name together.
    I prayed to the Lord, and he answered me. He freed me from all my fears. Those who look to him for help, will be radiant with joy; no shadow of shame will darken their faces; in desperation i Prayed, and the Lord listened; he saved me from all my troubles. For an angel of the Lord is our guard; he surrounds and defends all who fear him.Taste and see that the lord is Good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him! fear the Lord, you his gosly people, for those who fear him will have all they need. even the young lions sometimes go hungry, but those who trust in the Lord will lack no good think." Psalm 34:1-10
    I love you all so much, continue to praise God through everything. God is so good. I continue to pray for you cary and scot and for my lil bro Brent. you eep fighting lil bro, you can do it, dont you ever give up. With love from your older sister: Tara

  22. We praise and thank the LORD for what He has done already. We stand in faith for full restoration. In Jesus' name. Hoping, loving & praying.

  23. We are still hoping and praying- Happy Easter- HE HAS RISEN-so that we can still have hope- Brent, we're behind you all the way!!!
    Char,Ken and boys

  24. Keep going Brent! Thanks Pastor Rob for the updates, we are glued to the computer.
    Brent, Buddy keep fighting, we love you!
    Scott & Carolyn, stay stong!
    Brent & Tammy Klassen

  25. We are still praying all the time for Brent. Keep fighting Brent! We all can't wait to see your smiling face again up and around. Hang in there Caroline and Scot...God will get you through this
    the Derkachenko's

  26. The Lord gave his son to save us, and today is the day he rose again. Brent is in the Father's hands and heart, and will be taken care of. I pray for the family, the doctors, and the church which has given so much to everyone in this time of need, we are all touched by this situation, and cannot help but think of them in our daily routines.

  27. Bless the Lord oh my soul and all that is within me bless His holy Name. Give Thanks to the Lord, the horse and its rider has been thrown into the sea. We bless you our Lord1 You are indeed a Faithful God. Love you Brent, you sure have a great future well ahead of you and I bet you are a BIG threat to the kingdom of darkness. Fight on Cary, Scot and Brent, VICTORY IS SURE, HALLELUYAH!!!!!

    Soji, Titi and girls

  28. Praying for an Easter healing. Be encouraged.

  29. Scott, Carolyn & Brent:
    Trusting God moment by moment for you!

  30. What a testimony Brent will be to the Glory and power of God!!!!! There will be goodness brought from this tragedy of that I am sure. God never allows a moment to go to waste everything works together for his Glory, even if we do not understand it.
    Still in prayer for you Daily, praising God for the steps in the right direction.
    your co-worker Michelle

  31. Scot, Carolyn and Brent, I think we all read this update with renewed energy and hope. Your unwavering faith has brought you through some dark hours and will continue to serve you for the times that await. You are AMAZING and INSPIRATIONAL in your strength and faith. Brent, Monkey Boy, I can't wait to see you swinging through the trees again! Slow and steady will get you there my man! You are all embraced by so much love, and I'm certain that you feel it. Love you lots! Peace be with you.

  32. What great news on this Easter Sunday!

    Almost five years ago, a member of my family was in a serious car accident. After days and weeks in the ICU, all of the ups and downs, the middle of the night emergency surgeries, the signs of hope only to be dashed by turns for the worse, I remember someone saying "God doesn't give you more than you can handle." I also remember thinking..."Okay God, ENOUGH ALREADY...i think you are really pushing it!!"

    Well, sure enough, the tiny little victories turned into bigger victories, the small steps became big steps, and four months later, she made enough progress to be discharged as an outpatient. She faced months of rehab and healing but did make it through.

    We were in a strange city, living in hotels and trying to find the strength to face each day. But this experience taught our family so many things: how to treasure each moment, how there are so many wonderful people working to help you...from the medical teams, to the hospital social workers and chaplains, to the SGI case workers, and of course, our family, friends and co-workers.

    Scot & Cary...I hope you can continue to find the strength to face each day. Celebrate each tiny sign of hope (like finger wrinkles!) and remember that He has a plan for each of us (as hard as it is to understand at times).

    Stay well. Be strong. Know that you are not alone.

  33. Scot and Cary, what great news! I am so happy, Im just so so happy. Brent my little fighter, you keep on fighting boy, Its going to be long and its going to be tough, but you've got everyone behind you, and boy we know you can do it. Love Always, Adele & Family
    Huw & Family

  34. We are so happy to hear the news of the healing and restoration in Brent's body today. One day at a time Brent, it is so true; what a difference 24 hours can make! Scot and Car... don't give up! Keep pressing on, God loves you all so much, and He has a beautiful plan, keep looking to Him for strength. He will see you through this.
    God bless you, Love "The Michalyks"

  35. As we were singing Look what the Lord has done
    in church this morning,my thoughts were of you Brent.I believe the Lord has a special plan in store for you one step at a time.Victory in Jesus on this Easter day!
    God bless you Scot and Carolyn.Praying for all of you.
    Love,Dale Litzgus
