Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Thank you for praying for Brent. Here are some quick facts:
  • Brent is moving his toes, fingers, hands and arms well (not back to full strength but he's working hard at moving them)
  • Blood pressure is good all day today! :)
  • Healing is going slowly, but going in the right direction

Some other facts:

  • The Peterson home in Saskatoon is being well looked after by friends, neighbors on a daily basis. One of the Peterson's friends, who is a police officer, checks on the house on a regular basis.
  • Scot and Brent were having a great time today watching OVERHAUL
  • It is understood that Brent doesn't really know about the passing of Katie. Mom and Dad have mentioned a few things like "Katie's in heaven" etc. but they really haven't had a talk with him yet. They are waiting for the most appropriate time to let Brent know.
  • Pray for the Peterson family in a greater way this Thursday. This Thursday is April 30 which would have been Katie's 17 th birthday.

Pray for Brent for the following:

  • pray for strength in the movement of his leg, feet, hands,arms, fingers.
  • pray for him to overcome discouragement - when he is playing the wii or trying to write - after a little time has passed he's not able to do it anymore. Brent feels like he's failing. Pray that Brent won't have that fear of failing and that his confidence will grow.
  • Brent is having times of sadness - pray that he will comfort when he feels this way

It's all about love. On Monday, Brent wrote slowly and carefully a note - on the paper it said, "Love you Mom". Today (Tuesday), Brent wrote another note and on it were the words, "Love you Dad". These words went a long way into the hearts of Scot and Carolyn (Cary). God's love is strengthening the love in this family. Your love is sending out huge encouragement to the Peterson family.

Keep praying.Keep hoping. Keep loving.


  1. Praise God for the small miracles that happen. Even though this are slow, God's hand is so evident on Brent. We have been praying for Brent at our church and it is amazing to see how pray is making a difference. Know that we are still praying and believing for bigger and better!

  2. Brent every day you prove how strong you are and everyday you bring encouragement to everyone that nothing is to big it just takes time, so be patient. Scot & Carolyn I just want you to know that you are incredible people and I thank God that I got to know you.

    Pastor Rob thank you so must for the updates.


  3. Father God,
    Thank-you so much for all the miracles You have done in the Peterson's lives. Thank-you for all that You have done and all that you will do. Father God I pray that Brent will feel your presence in every way possible, I pray that he will not get discouraged when he dosen't get something, but that he can realize how far he has come. I pray for all his strength to come back and that he can celebrate with his parents every little accomplishment that comes his way. I thank-you that Scot and Carolyn know You and Thank-you for always taking care of all of us.

  4. This update brings tears to my eyes. I can only imagine how precious the notes are to you. Lila

  5. Keep plugging away Brent - you have come so far! We know you can do it but remember that God is right there beside you helping you. He won't ever leave you.

    We have missed being there with you and are looking forward to the weekend. Scot & Car, those notes will be treasured for the rest of your lives - how precious!
    Always praying, always believing.
    Love from,
    Mattias, Jan, Reid & Kiersten

    P.S. Tomorrow will be a special day as we celebrate Katie - we'll be thinking of you and praying for you.

  6. We love you Brent. You are a special gift from God. The days that seem to be slow in the recovery will be behind you...I will pray for more encouraging, positive, healing days for you. I am touched that you are able to communicate the way you did...amazing how 3 words can mean more than anything. You are an amazing child of God that has blessed many people. hugs to you. Sandy

  7. Brent,
    Your doing great, Im so happy to hear all the progress you are making, and I know its going to take some time, but the best things in life are worth waiting for. In a while ill be getting you to help me tear and soon after Ill be tearing you again... its going to take some time, but we are all going to take these steps together to get there. Take care, and Brent your doing awsome.
    Adele and Family.

  8. Aaahh, Brent, you are doing so good!! We are so happy to see how far you've come, and we know you will keep getting stronger! We love you and pray for you often. Keep at it!!

    Scot and Car, you are continually in our thoughts and prayers. Thank you for allowing God to shine through you even in the darkness!!

    Love you lots!
    Edith, Marlin & kids

  9. Brent please don't become discouraged when you can't do things for long periods of time. The healing process takes time, but hard work and positive attitude are KEY to success!! I work rehab and I know that everything takes time and you must know that everytime you are able to do anything, such as play Wii, watch tv, etc, you are taking all the right steps towards recovery.

    Scot and Carolyn - what a blessing that only a few words can bring -Love you - the epitome of your family.

    Take care.
    Bruce & Bev

  10. Brent, Scot and Carey you have all come a long way. We can see how prayers are being answered. Will continue to pray for you all and also the staff that is so diligently working side be side. I am sure they are being touched seeing the healing taking place.

  11. Harold & Edith LarsenApril 29, 2009 at 11:09 AM

    Hi Caroline, Scot, Brent, Harvey & Maggie,
    Happy birthday to Katie up in heaven. Heaven is so much closer now that you have your precious loved one up there. God's peace and
    healing be with all of you this day. We are so thankful that Brent is improving even though it step by step.
    Love you all.
    Edith & Harold

  12. Great news. Hope you guys can come back to s'toon soon.

  13. Hi Scot and Carolyn. I just want you two to know that you are an amazing couple. With all that you two have been through you still have your heads held high. I know there are days that you don't know if you can do it anymore but remember that God is with you every step of the way. Also, your friends and family are with you too. Rob and I love you guys tons and are truly amazed by you both.

    Brent, hurry and get better. I miss you around the church listening to your Itouch. Love you!

  14. Continuing to pray you through the journey! Love and prayers,
    Andrew, Jo-Ann, Luke & Kate

  15. I love hearing about each new triumph for Brent. I can just picture his wonderful smile. Continuing to pray for you all.
    Sandra Willner

  16. Even though I haven't met your family, I have been praying for healing, and keeping up with Brent's recovery. My heart goes out to you in regards to Katie- my son, who just turned 17, just barely survived last year, so I can only imagine how you must feel. I am encouraged to hear that Brent is doing better, and writing Mom and Dad notes: It is what we've been praying for! May God bless you all
