Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Brent is facing the greatest challenge of his life on Wednesday. We are asking you to find a moment to pray for healing during this surgery. The doctors met with Scot and Carolyn (Cary) today and communicated the risks involved with this surgery. The surgery will begin at 9 a.m. Saskatchewan time. The surgery is now expected to be a minimum of ten hours. This complicated surgery involves the infected aorta area. When the surgery is complete and the doctors have met with Scot and Carolyn (Cary), we will let you know.

Pray for:
  • full healing for Brent
  • strength and encouragement for Scot and Carolyn (Cary)
  • supernatural wisdom and energy for the medical staff

Keep hoping.Keep loving.Keep praying.


  1. will be praying all day..... I know many others are as well.

  2. Our thoughts are with you Scot, Cary and Brent.
    We will be praying for yous. we love yous
    Uncle El and Aunt Darlene

  3. My thoughts and prayers will be with you all today!!

    God never has a busy line to us when we pray just remember that and know that many many people will be lifting your whole family up in prayer today!

  4. Prayer alert is out for you all as you are preparing for this surgery. May God continue to guide the surgeons and continue to heal all of your hearts! You are loved by many- May peace reign in your hearts today and in the days that follow.
    Epps from Winnipeg

  5. AMEN to all the above!

    Joshua 1:9 "Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."

    Praying for you today!
    Deborah, Saskatoon

  6. Scot and Cary and Brent,
    We will be praying today for you and the medical staff involved in Brent's surgery. We commit Brent into the hands of his Heavenly Father who loves him even more than we do! Brent you are a special guy to all of us, and God has a special plan for your life. Know that we care so much for all of you and are so blessed to have you in our lives.
    Love, Uncle Dwayne, Auntie Barb, Ryan, Tanner & Jaeda

  7. You will be in my thoughts today as always.

    Stay strong. Rest well. Know that you are not alone.

  8. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all today. May His strength carry you through.

    Calgary, Alberta

  9. Thinking of you and praying in this difficult time.
    Hang in there !

    Monique Howat

  10. Will be thinking of you all day , praying & hoping for a safe outcome.
    Love Mo, Mike Amy & Carly N

  11. Brent, you will be in the hands of the great physician, who will continue to do his will in your life!

    Scot and Cary, we will be praying for you for as long as it takes for your family to get through this chapter in your lives.

    "Where would we be with out someone to save me..." Those words kinda say it all, we have Jesus Christ, and with Him we are not alone! He will get us through anything and everything that we need to go through!


    Shauna in SE SK
    (as well as our Church)

  12. Will be praying for all of you throughout the day..... stay strong.

    Renee - Paddockwood, SK

  13. We are with you now more than ever today our hearts are with you and our prayers are many.
    Praying, Hoping, Loving, Believing

    Rob, Lorri, Zack, Nate & Alex

  14. Dear Lord God: Be very near and dear to this precious family today. I pray for wisdom and divine intervention for the medical team during Brent's surgery. I pray against any complications and for complete healing and restoration. I pray for stability of Brent's blood pressure and for his nausea to be completely resolved. Keep fighting Brent. I pray for Scot and Carolyn and their extended family a "peace that passes all understanding". Hold them all close to your heart as they wait through the long hours of surgery. May they all feal the love, prayers, hope and trust that "if we ask anything in your name you will hear and answer". Thankyou Lord that we have a loving powerful amazing God to lean on when our strength is weak. I pray you fill the operating room and ICU waiting room with your presence so all who enter will feel and know your power. In all things we give you all the honour and glory. Loving, hoping, and believing always, and praying with every breath I take. Merla and family.

  15. Kathy Kalynka, Regina, SKMay 20, 2009 at 8:32 AM

    I have been following this blog since the beginning of this horrific accident. I can't imagine the emotions that Scot & Carolyn and their extended families have been experiencing. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. Thank you Rev. Rob Clark for the blog updates and for leading us in prayer.

  16. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all, especially today.
    We will rejoice in the Lords work.

    Chris Tracy Chloe and Luke.
    Warman. Sk

  17. We are praying for you,Scot and Cari and Brent. we are praying for the doctors, nurses, anethsetist and all the other assistants in O.R and around the O.R. May God flood you with His peace that passes our understanding. Abba Father hold them all close in Your gentle hands. Give Scot, Cari and Brent your supernatural peace, the medical staff your amazing wisdom and pour out your mercy today.
    Thinking of you and sending our love
    Daryl, Rowena in Regia

  18. I do not know you personally but have been in prayer for your family and especially today pray for comfort and endurance for all involved; especially for a successful outcome from surgery......God Bless you all

  19. I will be praying for you today. May god guide the surgeon's hands.

  20. We will be praying for all of you today. Stay strong. HOPING, LOVING, PRAYING.

    The Zirks

  21. Scot, Carolyn, Brent and your family and medical team, you are in my most urgent prayers today. Please bring comfort, strength, wisdom and healing to these people. Peace be with you all!

  22. You do not know me, but I have been following this blog. I am praying for you all. I do not know what you are going through, but I pray God's peace will wash over you all.
    Karen Funk, Gretna, Manitoba.

  23. You are in my prayers throughout the day as Brent has just gone into surgery. I pray for wisdom & guidance for the doctors and that your family would be surrounded in peace. Be blessed!

    Louise - Regina, SK

  24. We are praying. George and Ardell

  25. Thanks for calling, Car.
    It was so good to hear your voice. I'm proud of you guys.
    I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH, and I'm there with you in spirit, today especially!
    My prayers will not cease.
    Thanks to the many prayer chains that are remembering Brent as an urgent prayer request today.

  26. Janice - Regina, SKMay 20, 2009 at 9:43 AM

    My thoughts and prayers are with you all. I will continue to pray for your family throughout this difficult time. You are amazing people and your strength and love is inspirational.

  27. We will be praying all day.

    The Grimm Family
    Hodgeville, SK

  28. Caroline/Scot thinking of you and praying for you and Brent and the medical staff throughout the day and during this difficult time.
    The Kondraczynski's

  29. Scot,Carolyn & Brent:
    Praying today that the very hands of Jesus would be the hands of the surgeons and staff who perform this complex surgery. Keeping you in our prayers today constantly.
    May you experience His blessings and comfort.
    Reta & Les S (Saskatoon)

  30. Phyllis Funk, Abbotsford, BCMay 20, 2009 at 10:24 AM

    Will be praying for you today...that God will guide throughout the surgery, and that His peace will be given to Scot and Cary as they await the results. God is still in control, and He loves all of you so very much.

  31. You're in our thoughts and prayers today and always.
    We are praying for Brent to have a remarkable surgery and speedy recovery.
    And for you Scot and Cary to have the strength.
    We are sure that Katie is keeping a close eye on her little brother.

    Brian & Tammy Klassen

  32. "The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; ... my stronghold" Psalm 18:2
    The Lord will be that and more through the storms of life. Stay anchored to the Rock of Ages.

  33. Praying and fasting till my lil bro is out of surgery. God is always there. you can do it lil bro. scot and cary, you are both soo amazing

  34. Rest assured that God is with you & with Brent every minute of this day. I'm praying today that you will cling to that knowledge, & that you will feel His presence & His love surrounding you.
    Rhonda, Calgary

  35. Praying for you all today...God's peace to you all...the Dyck's, Prince Albert

  36. My prayers are with you all today and everyday. May God give Brent the strength he needs to recover fully and live a very healthy life!

  37. we're proud of you Brent...hang in there

    Rob, Saskatoon

  38. Brent, we're praying and hoping for a great healing

    Sherilyn, Saskatoon

  39. Mrs. Sestak and her grade 6/7 class are praying for your full healing and for wisdom and strength for the doctors, Scot and Carolyn. We want you to know we are thinking of you every day!
    God Bless you!

  40. I have been praying or you from the moment I woke and will continue to keep praying. Take comfort in knowing that Brent is in God's loving hands and in His care. God knows the outcome of everyones life and right now I put Brent front and center and pray that God's will be done. Praying for strength for you Car and Scot; I hope you take some comfort in knowing that we are all in this journey with you...loving you,praying with/for you and hoping with you!

  41. HOlding Brent and the entire family in our prayers all......

    Love & Prayers for Canwood

    Matt, Joy, Tristin, Walker, HAdley & Kyran

  42. Keep fighting Brent. Scot & Carolyn, your doing great.

    Ali, Leland, Brantford, Shirley.

  43. been thinking of you all day, our hugs and prayers are with you.

    Rachelle,Asen & Ronin
