Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Brent with Grandma and Grandpa Peterson

Brent with one of his teachers, Ms. Fooooouuuuuurnnniiier

'Little Man's' big surgery is still in progress. Thank you for praying.

Keep hoping.Keep loving. Keep praying.


  1. Keep fighting my lil Bro, I love you so much. Cary and scot, stay strong. God has his arms around you both and Brent today

  2. praying and fasting throughout the surgery....God we are calling on you...give wisdom and work through the doctors hands, strengthen Brent through this day, comfort Scot and Cary and hold them. Be glorified Jesus!
    hang on you.

  3. Cary & Scot,
    Our thoughts and prayers are with you during these hard times. Brent keep on fighting boy, you have done wonders already, and we need you to hang in there just alittle longer.
    Love Always, Adele & Megall Bandet and boys.
    Huw & Angela Morris.

  4. Our thoughts and prayers are with you as you wait for Brent to come out of surgery. Have been thinking and praying for Brent all day today. Keep fighting Brent we are all cheering for you. Scott and Cary please get some rest as you wait for Brent remember to take care of your selfs wish I could give Scott some coffee from Tim Hortons and Carry some chocolate. take care The Millard family

  5. Praying all day for a successful surgery. May God guide the surgeon's hands and bless Brent's earthly body with supernatural healing.

  6. Brent, you're not a little boy anymore. Wow, what a handsome young man. Praying for you Bud!!!!!
    Brent & Tammy Klassen!

  7. Continuing to keep you all in prayer...Randy and Laura Dyck, P.A.

  8. Hope you guys are hanging in there. I hope everything is going smoothly in that operating room. Just wanted to let you know I have been thinking about you constantly today (just as 100's of others are). I have checked the blog many, many times hoping to see nothing because no news is good news but yet hoping to see something saying so far so good. The pictures are wonderful; thanks for posting them. I will continue to check the blog until bedtime and praying for this hurdle to be in the past (remember its more than 1/2 over). Brent I know you can do it; you are in good hands with the medical team and the almighty doctor in the sky. Sending you all our hope and prayers Darcy, Darrel, Dexter and Dan-Elle

  9. In Christ alone,
    my hope is found.
    He is the light,
    My strength, my song.
    This cornerstone,
    This solid ground,
    Firm through the fiercest drought and storm.
    What heights of love,
    What depths of peace,
    When fears are stilled, when strivings cease.
    My comforter, my all in all,
    Here in the love of Christ I stand!

  10. Hoping.Loving.Praying.
    Thanks for the update.
    Shauna in SE SK

  11. Kevin and I continue to pray for a miracle for Brent...
    Kristin & Kevin Janzen
    Ladysmith, BC

  12. Still praying...still waiting...still journeying with you.

  13. stay strong brent. (:
    cary & scot, your in my prayers.

    love, morgiie. <3
    [i'm an old friend of brents]

    I'm with you still today, Monkey Boy! Love you lots!!! Peace be with you and your family!

    ~Ms Fournier :)

  15. We are pulling for you Brent! I know you will fight as hard as you can!

    Booth family

  16. Brent today and everyday since the accident you and your family have been in our thoughts and prayers and we will keep praying for the strength for you and your family to continue fighting as hard as you have been.
    Love the Skibinsky's

  17. Say strong! We are with all.


  18. Hang in there guys.YOu are so strong. Even when you don't feel like it!!! Especially when you don't feel it yourself because that is when God is carrying you in His arms. The battle belongs to Him and we believe with you for total healing for Brent.
    Love and prayers
    Greg and Michelle Dueck Moose Jaw

  19. We will be praying for Brent tonight at our kid's club

  20. Scott Carolyn and Brent;
    Standing in prayer on your behalf again today. The pictures are great. What a awesome son and Special Grand Parents!
    Here is a poem I wrote when going through one of my valleys.
    I've come through the valley and not to my dispair
    Yes,I've come through the valleyon the wings of prayer;
    With my eye ever focused on His love and His grace
    I've come through the valley and He was my hiding place.
    Waters o'er took me but for a short time...
    He picked me up and set my feet on a dry shore line.
    I now walk away from the waves of despair
    Knowing in my heartHe answered my prayer.
    The sun ever shining,my skies ever blue,
    Remember brother, sister, He cares for me and you.
    Marie Sylvan Lake AB.

    Isaiah 49:15c,16 "I will not forget you! See I have carved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are ever before me."
