Thursday, May 14, 2009




Brent is in the operating room at this moment for surgery number twenty four. He is getting his vac dressing changed and they are doing routine cleaning up around the abdomen area (after about seventy minutes surgery twenty four is complete and went fine - this surgery ended around 8:35 p.m.).

Today has been an eventful day for the Peterson family full of unexpected bad news that brings a higher level of anxiety. The following news brings greater challenges ahead for 'Little Man' Brent. Here's what's happening:

  • this morning Brent went for angiogram
  • after a long day of waiting the medical staff finally met with Scot and Carolyn (Cary)
  • unfortunately the news they heard during that meeting was not what they wanted to hear
  • Brent has a hole in the aorta which is causing the leaking
  • this leaking is not causing the seizures (the cause for this is still undetermined)
  • the leak is much bigger than anticipated, therefore they were not able to repair the aorta today
  • not only is the aorta leaking, there is an infection in the aorta as well
  • one solution is that Brent will have to endure an eight hour surgery sometime next week to try and get this problem with the aorta repaired
  • this surgery and repair is only temporary - if it is successful Brent will have to go again for aorta surgery in two or three years
  • the surgery will involve high risks (especially with the possibility of the kidneys shutting down)

What do you say? Obviously these are serious challenges for Brent and his parents. I am a parent and I cannot imagine the emotions Scot and Carolyn (Cary) are possibly feeling. The most difficult part of this as a parent must be the sense of helplessness:

  • we do not fully understand why this is happening to Brent
  • we do not fully understand why we haven't seen full healing yet
  • we do not fully understand the delicate complications of this situation
  • we may question where is God in this whole situation

The delicate hope through this journey is the faith in Christ that brings strength and hope. Scot and Carolyn (Cary) have endured so much these past three months. The fact that they are functioning as well as they are only speaks of God's strength working through them. The greatest hope of faith in Christ is that we do have eternal hope. The bible describes a man by the name of Job who endured impossible circumstances to the point of questioning where is God. Job encountered incredible loss. The end of this book describes how the Lord totally honors and blesses Job for his faith and perseverance.

The Peterson family is experiencing great trials at this moment. They are placing their faith in the Heavenly Father, The Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit. They or we do not know what the outcome of this situation will look like. They and we do know that God is in control and will continue to be with us.

Keep hoping.Keep loving.Keep praying.

(Thank you for your responses to the blog. Scot and Carolyn (Cary) read them every night. If you do write a response can you please leave your name and if you like, where you reside - thank you!)


  1. Phyllis Funk, Abbotsford, BCMay 14, 2009 at 8:39 PM

    I cannot possibly know what Scot & Cari are going through and my heart goes out to them. I think often of Job's words, "though He slay me, yet will I trust Him". We know that God always does what is best for us, but sometimes it's pretty hard to understand the "why" of it all. Be assured that our prayers are with you Scot and Cari, for God's comfort and peace, and for Brent that God will be in control and bring about healing in his body.

  2. We all continue to pray for Brent. Hold strong Scott and Carolyn, so many people are there for you. God will see you through this
    Melanie, Marshall and Miranda

  3. My heart breaks with you tonight Scot, Car & Brent. I feel so helpless and can't imagine how you are feeling right now.

    I choose to trust that God has everything in control and that He sees the picture from the right side because I (and you) have experienced that understanding many times before. He does not change and loves you no more or less than He did 3 months ago. His plan is perfect even when it is hard to comprehend His ways.

    It feels so easy for me to say these things and I hope you know that my heart is right there with you holding on when you can't hold on any longer. Consider yourselves hugged and held!

    Brent, keep trusting Jesus. He loves you incredibly and is always faithful. Rest in His love and let Him carry you through this time. You are in my heart always and forever.

    Love you,
    Auntie Jan

  4. You all do not know me; I am one of these folks(I think there are many) who has heard of this situation through friends on Facebook. My husband and I know Norm and Angie from many years back and I am also cousin to Robyn Friesen who is the sister to one of Scott's friends. Anyways, I was reluctant to post but I feel compelled to share that there are many people praying who do not even know you. From my own personal experience with a baby in the NICU, I understand the awesomely overwhelming feelings that come with seeing your child in such a helpless state. Please know that our God is greater than the plans we have for our kids and whatever HE wills, will be the PERFECT answer. As hard as it is, hold on to faith. "For my God is able to do EXCEEDINGLY ABUNDANTLY more than we could ever ask OR think".Eph 3:20

  5. We know that God works in mysterious ways. That is what makes Him strong. That is what makes Brent strong to get through all of this.

    Cary, keep looking at the necklace I lent to you. It is a constant reminder that He is carrying you through all this difficult times. And that I am with you in spirit because I can not be with you in person.

    I know that I can speak for everyone here in Saskatoon, as well as around the world we are thinking of you always. Remember to close your eyes, take a few deep breathes, and feel everyone's arms around you all.

    Hugs, Love, and Prayers

    Sheila, Drew and family

  6. Scot, Carolyn and Brent,
    Our family continues to pray for you daily. My heart goes out to you both as I can not imagine the pain that you are enduring as you see your son suffer through the pain and setbacks of his injuries. Just know that we will continue to pray for Brent's complete healing.
    Love Kelvin, Sheila Kyle & Scott Neufeld
    Strathmore, AB.

  7. Scot and Carolyn,
    I can't even imagine what you might be feeling right now. This has certainly been a journey of highs and lows in Brent's healing over the past weeks. Brent is an amazing young man with incredible faith of his own! He is inspirational.

    I was thinking today about how when he was in grade 7, we would greet each other regularly. I'd say "BREEEEEEEENT!" and he'd say "MS. FOURNIERRRRRRRR!" (he'd know how this was supposed to sound). I was thrilled when he joined my class!!! He taught me a lot - soccer tips and all! He's a great young man!

    You are constantly in my thoughts and prayers. I pray for God's wisdom to reach your medical team, and for you and Brent to rest well, to heal and to feel peace. I love you lots!

    Pass a "BREEEEEEENT!" on to that wonderful young man of yours! Peace be with you!

  8. our thoughts and prayers continue to be with you. We hope, pray and trust for God's miraculous love to be with you during this hard hard time. Brent we love you, hang in there.
    Car and Scot, let God's loving arms comfort you.
    Psm 91:2 I will say [b] of the LORD, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust." 3 Surely he will save you from the fowler's snare and from the deadly pestilence. 4 He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.
    In Christ The Bloomfields, Kindersley

  9. I have read your blog regularly and can not imagine what you must be going through tonight...I am a friend of Richard & Jennifer Smith's..I will continue to pray for all three of you. Sharon.. Saskatoon

  10. Oh, guys, this is so hard to hear...I can't even imagine what you are feeling. Through this jourey so far I have been awed by your seemingly unwavering faith in God. I'm not sure what I can say as an encouragement, except that you are constantly in our thoughts - we check the blog several times a day. We are praying for you, and have friends and fellow Christians praying for you as well. Just like Pastor Rob said, we don't know what the outcome will be, or why this happening, but we do know that God is in control of all things, and He is using this for His glory.

    We pray for wisdom for the medical staff, for healing for Brent and peace and comfort for you, Scot and Car.

    "Why am I discouraged?
    Why is my heart so sad?
    I will put my hop in God!
    I will praise Him again -
    My Savior and my God!
    Now I am deeply discouraged,
    But I will remember you....
    I hear the tumult of the raging seas
    As your waves and surging tides sweep over me.
    But each day the Lord pours His unfailing love upon me,
    And through each night I sing His songs,
    Praying to God who gives me life."
    (Psalm 42:5-8 NLT)

    Lots of Love,
    Marlin & Edith & kids

  11. Scot, Carolyn, & Brent,

    We (our family, our church, our prayer groups) are still upholding you in prayer here in Kamloops. Scripture promises that we have a God who knows how you feel. I pray for divine comfort, peace, and a renewed hope and deeper knowledge that He is still holding you.

    Love and prayers from Sherry Young and family.

  12. our small group prayed for you tonight and half of them don't even know you!
    Elaine (Letkeman) and Dwight King, Saskatoon

  13. As we sit here tonight, Brent you are all we can think about! We love you and we don't understand "why" you have to go through all of this...all we can do is trust that God will hold you close tonight!
    Scott & Carolyn,we send you our love!!!
    Brent,Tammy,Brandon & Donavon Klassen

  14. Scot,Cary and Brent we continue to hold out for hope and pray for a miracle. We hold all three of you in our hearts and pray that all will be well. Scot and Cary you two have showen us strengh that we can only imagine. Its so nice to see how many ppl care and love you guys. Know we are here for you.

    Brian & Tammy Klassen
    Saskatoon, SK.

  15. Scott & Carolyn - Sending you a hug even though you don't know me! (we have various friends in common though) I know, that as a mom to four little boys, I sometimes even cry along with them when they have severe diaper rashes or earaches, as minor as that seems, because it is sooo hard to see a child suffering & not be able to make it better instantly - therefore I cannot even imagine what you are going through on such a much more intense situation. I pray that God would wrap his arms around you & give you an extra dose of peace, strength & comfort. Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers - we'll also pray for you at our mom's group tomorrow morning. You have been a blessing to all who read your blog.

    Brent - you are an amazing young man!!! Stay strong & keep fighting! I pray that God would heal you completely & that He would guide your doctors in all that they do...

    Louise (Avonhurst Church, Regina)

  16. Praying for you and thinking of the difficulties you have encountered. He walks with you, giving you strength. I continue to pray for Brent. Especially now.... Madelaine

  17. I feel like my heart is breaking for you. I want so much to ease your pain and let you know how much you are loved.They are only words but you know they come from the heart. I love you,I cherish our friendship and if you need anything I am there for you.I will hold you close to my heart,lift you up in prayer and send you"butterfly kisses".Love Aunty Heather.

  18. We continue to pray for your family.

    We can't begin to know what you are truly going through, you are amazing parents. We pray that God protects your hearts and minds, gives you His peace and calmness in the storm. Praying for complete healing for all of you.

    You are all constantly on our minds and in our hearts.

    Thank you for this blog Pastor Rob.

    Jason & Tracy Stupak
    Saskatoon SK

  19. Car,Scot,and Brent, Wow...My heart cries out for you guys. I can not begin to imagine what you are going through. All the highs and lows..the good news and bad news. Take comfort in knowing so many people are holding you up to God many times daily. We don't have answers to the why's but we do know that Brent and both of you Scot & Car are in Jesus's care!! Praise God for His Love and Strength! I wish I could be there and wrap my arms around you but I can not...Jesus is though..reach up and let Him wrap His strong arms around you.
    Brent...I am praying for a special healing for that the Dr's will be amazed with!! Praying God will take the pain away.
    Lot of love and prayers,

  20. Scot and Carolyn you are in our thoughts and prayers at this very difficult time,another valley experience,surprising to us but not to God.And like Job,we continue to trust him and rest in his word.The eternal God is thy refuge,and underneath are the everlasting arms.May God cradle Brent and both of you in his tender Fatherly Arms!!Lets keep looking up and Praying. Daphne and Shauna (CDSCH)

  21. Dearest Scott & Cary,

    I do know somewhat of what you are going through. I remember like it was yesterday, the day that Daniel, my son was born. Very premature, 3lb 8 oz and his lungs not developed and so many more complications - too many to mention or remember. The news was not good- in fact they told us he would probably die. He was only a few hours old and yet I felt like he had been there all of my life. The thought of living without him seemed unimagable. I remember being there all alone, weeping, wondering would God heal my son or take him home in His complete healing? Scripture came and went out of my head and everything seems so overwhelming. Words of encouragement came. "Trust God, He'll see you through" and yet sometimes fear overwhelmed me and yet so would His peace.
    Then the Doctor's came- they had burst his lungs trying to help him breathe- he would die.

    I tell you all of this because God wants you to keep your eyes on Him not the circumstances.
    God is faithful and just and He loves you!!!!
    There isn't anything that He cannot and will not do. Don't doubt the master plan he has.I know that right now everything seems impossible and yet God is the God of the impossible.
    Proverbs 3:
    Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
    And lean not on your own understanding;
    In all your ways acknowledge Him,
    And he will direct your paths.

    And then God stepped in. He decided that Daniel's healing would be on this side of heaven. He healed his burst lungs instantly. God was glorified. Today Daniel is 25.

    Trust Him.

  22. As I was driving and thinking of everything that has been happening over the last 3 months and my son and I were fighting and I was busy feeling sorry for myself as a mom a song from Miley Cyrus came on the radio and it made me think of you. the lyrics go something like this:

    "The Climb"

    I can almost see it.
    That dream I'm dreaming, but
    There's a voice inside my head saying
    You'll never reach it
    Every step I'm takin'
    Every move I make
    Feels lost with no direction,
    My faith is shakin'
    But I gotta keep tryin'
    Gotta keep my head held high

    There's always gonna be another mountain
    I'm always gonna wanna make it move
    Always gonna be an uphill battle
    Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose
    Ain't about how fast I get there
    Ain't about what's waitin' on the other side
    It's the climb

    The struggles I'm facing
    The chances I'm taking
    Sometimes might knock me down, but
    No I'm not breaking
    I may not know it, but
    These are the moments that
    I'm gonna remember most
    I've just gotta keep goin', and
    I gotta be strong
    Just keep pushing on, but

    There's always gonna be another mountain
    I'm always gonna wanna make it move
    Always gonna be an uphill battle
    Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose
    Ain't about how fast I get there
    Ain't about what's waitin' on the other side
    It's the climb

    Keep on movin'
    Keep climbin'
    Keep faith baby
    It's all about, it's all about
    The climb
    Keep the faith, keep your faith.

    Now I'm sure Brent that you're not a huge Miley Cyrus fan but I thought the song might help you out when you are having some bad days. I also told the kids that you probably like the ice cream and the nurses way better in the ICU then on 6th. LOL

    Hoping, Loving, Praying

    The Zirks (Saskatoon)

  23. Oh dearhearts! Our hearts ache and we don't know what to say. We pray for God's mercy because we don't have the words even to pray... God's grace is there and His mercies are new not just day by day, but hour by hour and minute by minute. Abba Father hold Brent and Scott and Cari close. Breathe your peace into their hearts. Whisper your love to their souls.
    Daryl & Rowena ~ Regina

  24. I was so thrilled on Monday to read about Brent's improved condition, I could just imagine Maggie's joy at talking to him, but my heart aches today for all that your family is going through. I know that you gain strength from God and I hope that you also gain strength from the prayers and well wishes of your friends. Praying for all of you.
    Sandra Willner

  25. "In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express." Rom. 8:26

    These are the lyrics from a Babbie Mason song that I wanted to share with you, to remind you that you are not alone on this journey.

    "I heard that you were hurting
    That you were suffering pain
    But I didn't dare just turn my head
    And look the other way
    For when your heart is aching
    My heart is aching too
    Let me help you bear your burden
    That's the least that I can do

    I'll be standing in the gap for you
    Just remember someone,
    somewhere is praying for you
    Calling out your name
    Praying for your strength
    I'll be standing in the gap for you
    Right now you may be troubled
    But everything will work out fine
    For the Spirit knows before you speak
    What is on your heart and mind
    So I'll be interceding
    Til your standing strong again
    The peace that passes understanding
    Is going to be yours, but until then..."

    We, your many brothers and sisters across our nation and literally around the globe, some who have never even met your family, are standing in the gap for you, Brent, Scot and Cary.

    Joanne Poirier, Winnipeg

  26. Wow! Not what anyone wants to hear! All I can think to tell you Scot and Carolyn is that Brent and both of you are constantly in our prayers during the day and the nights we are awakened. At these times we whisper a prayer for Brent's healing, or speak it verbally (intercede). I can only think of one Scripture and Chapter at this very moment that can help in this difficult situation--Psalms 23 "The Lord is my Shepherd...yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for thou (You) are with me, thy Your) rod and staff they comfort me."
    Dear Lord please comfort S & C now and always, and cause Brent's condition to turn back to stable! In your name we pray. Amen
    I & G, Edmonton

  27. I believe God wants to heal this boy and He is more than able! Praying for Brent's healing! Nothing is too difficult for the Lord.

  28. Scot and Carolyn,

    As a parent, I can not imagine the pain and agony you've gone through these last three months. The great joys and the great sorrows - all wrapped with great anxiety. We continue to take you and your family to the throne of God to ask for healing, strength and peace. Our kids pray for Brent most days, too. Though they do not know him, they have been touched by his struggle as well.

    I feel so helpless and I can't imagine how you must feel watching your baby suffer. It breaks my heart. But we're praying and trusting for a miracle! Know that heaven is ringing with the prayers of many and we'll continue to knock on heaven's door on your behalf.

    Please let us know if there's anything else we can do!

    In Him,
    Richard, Jennifer, Logan and Mikaela Smith
    Saskatoon, SK

  29. your gonna make it buddy, your gonna make it. stay so strong Brent, i love you lil bro. hey cary and scot, cary i left a few messages on ur phone tonight. i love you sooo much and i am fasting a praying for you all day tomorrow. Brents healing will come. You two are doing so well. I pray for a strength in Brents Kidneys so if he has to undergo this surgery that they would not fail, i also pray that that aorta would be instantly healed. Love you Lots. Tara
    Love you lil Bro <3 you keep holding on. i have something special for you bud. your gonna love it. Love your older sister: Tara Cameron, Saskatoon/ Edmonton

  30. Keep fighting Brent, you are a amazing young man with incredible courage, we are here cheering you on.

    Our hearts ache for you, we can not imagine what you are feeling or how overwhelming the last few months have been. I just want to say that we love and cherish you all so much and we are trusting God to carry you all though this tough time. We are always praying for you and lifting you up. We are all with you.
    *hugs* always hoping, praying, loving and believing
    The Gaucher's

  31. Trevor ConquergoodMay 14, 2009 at 11:14 PM

    We are with you guys and send our love and prayers. Trevor and Lorna Conquergood

  32. Scott & Carolyn,

    I'm praying.

    Renee Dynna (Saskatoon)

  33. I continue to keep your family in prayer.

    I cannot begin to imagine what is going through your heads right now, please know that many many people are holding you up in prayer and asking for a miricle.

    I do not know you all personally but feel a bond though Christ our Lord and Saviour.

    Hope and trust in that.

    Thanks to Pastor Rob for keeping us all updated.

    heather in saskatoon

  34. Scot, Car, Bubs,
    Can't write anything now that hasn't already been said....
    All my thoughts are only of you, and like Jan said, we just have to keep trusting that God has everything in control. Even when it's too painful to trust. It's all we can do. And as Pastor Rob encourages us: to hope, love, and pray.
    Right now, I don't know what to say other than I hate it that we're not there with you in person. I hate it that we can't be there to hug you. I hate it that we can't go to Western Pizza with you. I hate it that I can't tag along to Costco and sneak things into your cart. I hate it that we can't hold you and pray together. And mostly I HATE it that I can't look into my darling Brent's eyes and hold his hand and tell him that it's gonna be okay and that his Auntie loves him and that Jesus is going to heal him, and for him not to worry or fear. (Yes, Mom, I know I'm not allowed to use that "H" word, but sorry, that's just how I feel right now!)
    Anyhow, I love you all dearly, and please tell Brent that Auntie thinks he's a stinker for putting May 13 as his birthday on facebook. XOXOXOXOXOXO
    Nadine, Vancouver

  35. Scot & Cary, and Brent too if you are reading these posts to him...

    I really don't know what to say.... I check up on Brent daily... I read this blog about 10 or more times a day just to see if there is anything new or if I can just send an encouraging word to you all to keep strong and keep your chins up. I am a mother to a 15 yr old boy... and I love and cherish every single moment we have together.... he is MY miracle... it was a miracle that I was able to have him.... so I know what a gift these beautiful children can be...... but with your story and all of the updates and such.... I find each time I get a chance I hug my son... every single chance I get... I tell him I love him.... even more so now since reading all of your grief and sorrow... I know you two are doing a fabulous job of letting Brent know how much he means to you and just how much you love him..... keep up the terrific work.... and know that there are MANY people that have never met you or your family that LOVE YOU and wish we could help you and hold you and tell you that this will all get better...... I cry most days for your family.... but especially when Brent is not having such a great day.... as I can only imagine what it would be like for you as parents to be going thru such turmoil. Scot, Cary, you are wonderful loving parents and I am so very proud of you two... I would be honoured to meet you both some day and just hug you for being you!!!! Please take care of yourself the best you can ... and give Brent a big smooch on the cheek for me... LOL my son would say... " MOM...... OKKKKKKKKKkkkk... enough! " but he would let me... cuz he knows it's just me being me... and letting him know I love him. :) I pray for you and will continue to do so!!

    Susan - Saskatoon

  36. Hi Scott and Carolyn we were so sorry to hear of your accident. We have been kept updated with the blog . There are no words to say how much our heart goes out for you but just want you to know our thoughts and prayers are with you at this very difficult time Love Garry and Darlene

  37. Nothing said will make it better so I will only let you know that I am praying in Malaysia for you all. I am friends with Nadine and a missionary there. Been praying for about 6 weeks for Brent and your family.

    "God works together for the good in ALL things for those who love Him and who are called according to His purpose."

    Thats you.

    Blessings, Lana Gummeson

  38. Brent you are in my thoughts and prayers,I am believing in a complete healing for you.I will continue to pray for you and your wonderful parents.You are loved by so many and I pray tonight that you will feel the love of Jesus in a new and wonderful way as He holds you close.
    Love,Dale Litzgus...Saskatoon

  39. Brent, Carolyn & Scot, you are often in my prayers and never have my prayers been more fervent. I can't help but think that God is not through yet. He's brought you this far, I believe there's more to your story, Brent. I haven't met you yet, but I feel I will someday. You're all so often on my mind nowadays. Stay strong, keep your faith in the Lord, hold steadfast to His promises, and rest as much as you can in His love. Our Healer, Comforter, and Great Physician is in control, although we often don't understand His timing or His ways; that's where our faith has to stand firm.

    Know that you're all loved by many and so many prayers are being said on your behalf.

    Claudia Shafer
    southern California

  40. Scot, Cary & Brent,
    Heavenly Father, we come to you tonite and ask for your will to be done, we pray that you will strengthen this family in your name! We pray for the doctors and staff to continue to know what to do and for the wisdom to help Brent. We pray that Brent will not be in pain, that he will not suffer and that Scot and Cary will feel your presence with them as they learn what needs to be done.

    You are the Prince of Peace and the King of Kings! Lord, we pray for those around this incredible family, Lord that they would come to know you by their actions and your touch on their lives. Lord give them the rest they need to get thru their days and nights. We pray this in your most Holy Name, AMEN.

    Forever hoping, loving and praying!
    Shauna in SE SK

  41. Praying for all of you Scott and Cari. I have also sent your blog to a number of people around the world. They are praying for you also

    Christina from Chilliwack BC

  42. "By His stripes, we ARE healed...." I pray in the name of our almighty God and precious Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ....a supernatural healing right now this a mighty work Lord God....take this young man and raise him up and may Your will be done in his life today...We pray a miracle right now in the name of Jesus...healing in the name of Jesus, deliverance from this pain in the name of Jesus....and comfort and peace....thank you God for your unfailing love..and for never leaving us or forsaking us.......May you feel Him today surrounding you more than ever before...Love and prayers to your family today and everyday as you continue on this journey.....

  43. I don't know any of you but want you to know that I am praying for all of you. Keep trusting God, HE is in control and loves you so much.
    Ineke, Saskatoon

  44. Brent you just have to keep fighting can make it I know...I miss you terribly and I can't wait to see you again...

    All my love and support,

  45. Scot, Carolyn & Brent;
    Our hearts and prayers are still with you every day. We will continue to pray for Brent's healing and strength for the two of you. When you are feeling doubt, just think of all the people who love you!

    How sweet the name of Jesus sounds
    In a believer's ear;
    It soothes his sorrows, heals his wounds,
    And drives away his fear.
    ~John Newton

    Love Always ~ The Podhorodeski's (Warman,SK)

  46. Dear Cary, Scot and Brent,
    Eldon Schultz preached a sermon on this once that really spoke to my heart:
    Jesus was in the boat with His disciples, sleeping comfortably on a pillow during and in the middle of their terrible storm. When they found Him sleeping, they asked, "Don't you even care that we could all die in this storm?" And Jesus spoke PEACE to the elements of nature. God's peace rules. May you be granted a great measure of God's abiding and comforting PEACE, I pray.
    Linda Holmes
    Warman, Sk.

  47. We are sending our love to Scott,Cary and Brent. You are on our minds each and every day. We will see you soon Brent, and you will be alright.
    Adele Bandet & Huw Morris & Families.
    Saskatoon, Sk.

  48. This is not the news we wanted to hear on the blog...but God is faithful...He is present...He hears our outward cries of anguish...He hears our inward torment...He understands....He cares...He calls us to be unwavering in our faith in Him and in His sovereignty even though it may seem virtually impossible in our human understanding...His purposes are unfathomable...His wisdom is incomprehensible...His love, mercy and compassion are boundless...His strength is made perfect in our weakness...Keep trusting in Him, friends!
    We will continue to pray for you, Brent, Scot, and Carolyn.
    Jason and Natalie Dueck and family

  49. I am sitting here weeping as i read the updates on this almost unbelievable I am sure so many of us feel our own situations don't even begin to compare to the enormous pain that you the Peterson family are enduring, I can't help but be lifted up and encouraged in my own faith by all your strength. I have experienced the awesomeness of God Almighty. We absolutely need to keep the faith so God's will is done. I am praying and continue to pray for God to sweep through this and mightly move the mountains that are standing in Brent's way. I send my love and prayers to the whole family.

  50. My daughter plays SUSC soccer and played with you Brent in community soccer Everytime we go to a game I think of you Brent and say a prayer, even when we were playing in the snow yesterday. Keep fighting, you have so many people that are praying for you and love you. I work at the Shaw Centre that is adjacent to Tommy Douglas. I know your friends and teachers miss you and want you back at school. Keep hoping, loving and praying.

    Kim Gorham (Saskatoon)

  51. Dear Brent
    From my hospital bed to yours, I pray for your healing and mine.
    Should we feel at times disheartened and discouraged, a simple movement of heart toward God will renew our powers. Whatever He may demand of us, He will give us at the moment the strength and courage that we need.

    Bev S( has been in St. Paul's hospital for last 2 weeks)

  52. I read the updates every day and like soo many other people, and can not imagine what these last few days have been like for you both. Whenever I feel frustrated with the girls or the daycare, I always think it could be much worse. I just want everything to work out for you both and Brent.What a journey this has been and not too many people could have kept such a positive additude.
    Always in my thoughts and prays
    Love Mo

  53. Brent, you will pull through this setback. You are strong, your army of supporters are backing you with prayer. Try to stay calm and let your body continue to heal.

    Scot and Cary, as a parent my heart aches for you. Please know that you are constantly in our hearts and prayers. Stay strong, stay calm, this too shall pass.

    Blessings also upon you, Father Rob. Your total dedication to this family is such a gift. My father was also a man of the cloth and I know of the sacrifices in family time, the phone calls at all hours of the day and night, etc. I also know of the deep satisfaction and the rewards that someone in your shoes experiences in helping someone. Know that our prayers also include you and your family. May you continue to support the Petersons through this time. Thank you for the updates and guidance in prayer. We all appreciate it.

    Holding all of you up in prayer. Peace be with you.

    I. Kindrachuk (LBP)

  54. We are praying feverishly for you Brent. God is with you and he is in control. He has a plan for you and your family. Hang in there and don't lose faith or give up hope. God is love.
    The Derkachenko's

  55. I learned of your hardship from my father in law who is a cousin of Scot , I believe..
    I have been following the blog and including your family in our prayers. Such a hard blow to a family life cannot help but remind everybody that the unexpected can happen at any moment, and to cherish the ones we love. You are a great example of courage and strength. And with both of you in his corner Brent has the best team in his corner.
    I do not know you at all.. but thinking of you all and sending you all the positive vibes possible.
    Monique Ruta Howat

  56. brent , i read the blogs many times a day and praying for you i know you can fight this and we all want to see you back again.. Everyone keeps tallking about you at school hoping you get better and i know god is with you at this time. Get better sooon. ( =


  57. Brent, I know that with God on your side you can make it, just keep being strong. I don't know you but you met my sister Jessica Andres at Living waters Bible camp, she was another counseler there. praying always.

  58. You all are continually in our thoughts and prayers. Star City, Sask.

  59. Even before the 7:49pm update we were again praying for all of you last night at our small group meeting from Westside. We will contnue, individually and corporately, to ask the Lord for healing, strength and His peace. Sandra - S'toon

  60. He is able more than able
    To accomplish what concerns me today
    He is able more than able
    To handle anything that comes my way
    He is able more than able
    To do much more than I could ever dream
    He is able more than able
    To make me what He wants me to be

    © 1989 Maranatha Praise Inc.

    If I struggle with questions of why you are having to endure what you are at this time, I can only imagine your own questions and discouragement. I praise God for holding you all in the palm of His hand at this time. I wish I could give you more, but the only strength I can offer is knowing that no matter how terrible things look right now...God truly does hold you all tightly and He cares for each of you beyond any scope of understanding that we can have. I pray for God's best for you all!! I send my support and prayers and anxiously await the next post. With love and concern for you all! Laura Dyck

  61. There is such an outpouring of love and care and support...I hope you can feel it and in some small way be strengthened by it. We feel so helpless and can't imagine how you are feeling. It is such a roller coaster ride but I'm grateful God is with you... and that you know He is with you!
    Cort, Angela, Ashley,Christopher

  62. It is hard to say something that hasn't been said or expressed already. We are praying that our big God continues to do big things with Brent. God has brought him though so much that He isn't going to stop now. I have Brent on our prayer list at our church and the kid's on Sunday mornings are praying for him too. Be encouraged that there are people praying and believe with you that God is doing a healing in Brent's body! Many prayers!!!
    Shawna (Seitz)Lavender, Saskatoon

  63. Scott, Cary and Brent,
    We want you guys to know that we are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. We have never met you before but felt drawn to your blog and to pray for Brent. He sounds like such an amazing kid, and as parents you should feel proud of yourselves. God has great plans for Brent. Keep relying on God to hold and comfort you during this difficult journey and know that many are praying for you all.
    Jason + Joelynn, Saskatoon Saskatchewan

  64. God is able to do more than we can ask or imagine. Let us ask and imagine GREAT things of Him on Brent, Scot and Cary's behalf.

    May the Holy Spirit bring a peace that passes all understand and guard all of our hearts in Christ Jesus.

    Love, The Croatto Family

  65. I can't seem to think of anything to say that hasn't already been said, & it's difficult to find words to say. So just know that, like so many others, our family has all of you in our prayers. I check this blog several times a day for updates, & you are so often in my thoughts & prayers. I will continue to pray for God's healing touch, & for strength for all of you as you face each new circumstance in each day. As you must be utterly exhausted, I pray that you will continue to lean on the One that is able to carry you. Rhonda B in Calgary

  66. My heart is so heavy as I write this, so much progress as been made. Brent I know you can make it through this latest setback, you have the love and support of your family as well as many others out here who you have never met, who are all on their knees praying for your healing.

    Scot and Carolyn you are doing so well through all of the tests God is putting you through, you will all prevail, YOU ARE SO AMAZING!!

    Keep staying strong and trusting in the Greatest Physican of all.

    Love and Prayers;
    Renee Paddockwood, SK

  67. We pray and are trusting the Lord with you through this. May he continue giving you strength and peace in knowing he is in control. Blessings on you all.
    The Estrada's, Saskatoon, SK

  68. Petersons. I'm praying constantly every day for you guys, I don't really know what else to say but that you guys are in my prayers and thoughts. CLCC in abbotsford is praying for you guys as well as my summit friends as well as APA and as well as other church communities. We're here for you. Proverbs 3:5. Much love and prayer are extended towards you.

  69. In December 1999, we were in hospital with our sick son, who had just turned 5, but who had been battling a rare lymphatic disorder for almost 2 1/2 years by then. We spent what I considered to be an excruciating 3 weeks in the hospital with the constant 'ups and downs' as we rallied between periods of hope and discouragement, sometimes a roller-coaster of a multitude of emotions throughout the coarse of moments, let alone an entire day! When I think of the frustration and discouragement that I felt in that length of time it all just seems so short now, compared to what I have 'seen' your family endure! Still, I remember how it felt, and I wish so much that you didn't have to be going through this!!! Still, all I can do is pray...I don't know what kind of decisions that you are facing right now, or if you really have any tangible choices other than to 'just' rely on the wisdom on the doctors and the mercy of God's hand, but I am praying that you will be at complete peace about any choices that you do have to make and that God would guide your thoughts and your hearts, filling you with the wisdom that you need to make them...and then, that you would have complete peace in your hearts, knowing that you made the right ones for Brent, and for yourselves. We made some tough choices about our son's care, but even as I reflect back on that time and wonder 'did we make the right choices?', I have realized that I (we) would make the same choices all over again if we were back in the same place once again. Your thoughts and emotions are surely racing. Just know that your decision-making is backed with tons of prayer support and that God's hand is guiding you each step of the way. There are no mistakes. God IS in control! May you feel wrapped in His loving arms today!!! Love, The Dyck's

  70. My daughter was a grade lower than Brent in LBP and she talks about what an awesome boy Brent is. I have been faithfully following this blog from the start and I can’t imagine going through what Brent, his parents and extended family are now experiencing. I applaud your strength along with your faith and trust in the Lord. I grew up being a ministers’ daughter and I know God is listening and I pray for Brent and his family. You are an inspiration to everyone. I pray also for his medical team to continue being guided by God’s hands. I also pray and thank Rev. Bob Clark for his support and commitment to updating us all.

  71. We've been following and praying through this journey with you all. Still hoping, still praying. May His peace fill you all during this struggle. Praying for Brent's full recovery and that God's will is accomplished through this struggle. Blessings to Katie in heaven. We think of her daily.

  72. After reading the blog entry it is hard to find the right words to say. There is not a minute in the day that you guys are not in our thoughts. Brent you are an amazing young man with wonderful parents. Keep fighting!
    Love the Skibinsky's

  73. Scot and Cary, although we have never met, Cary you are actually my cousin, your mom Anne is my Aunt. I have been following this blog almost from the beginning and each day it gets harder for me to read because it brings back so many painful memories for me. Although I can't understand the loss of a child,(and I am so sorry for the loss of your daughter) I can understand the pain you are feeling as your precious son fights for his life. My grandson Brenden was hit by a car when he had just turned 7. He received a severe brain injury and was in a coma for 3 months. It is coming up on the 6th anniversary of his accident and though he will never be the same little boy, every set back is devastating and every milestone no matter how small is joyous and a miricle.

    Just know that I am praying and will continue to pray for Brent's full recovery and peace and strength for both you and your family.

    Julie (Goertz) Neufeld
    Kamloop, BC

  74. We all continue to pray for Brent. Scott and Carolyn, We are here for !

    Roman and Deb

  75. Dear Scott, Cary and Brent, I don't know what to say, but I want to encourage you and be there in anyway I can. Our family is continuing to pray and cannot fathom all that you are experiencing now. Please know we love you and are here for you if there is anything more we can do. We love you and will pray with our kids tonight about Brent's healing and for you as his parents too. You guys are doing an amazing job. Hold on.
    John and Sara Paterson

  76. we're standing with you,along with so many others,lifting you Brent,Cari&Scot,in prayer...our hearts ache for you...words seem so empty,but Jesus knows& in His name we pray... Shirley D.; Saskatoon

  77. We are praying for Scot and Cary to have strength and peace. We are praying for Brent's full recovery. We serve a great and mighty God!!
    Dave and Elodie Clark
    Orillia, On

  78. Scot, Cari and Brent,
    Our hearts are breaking for you as you are dealing with the severe medical issues that Brent has and is facing. About this time last week, we were honored to have a time of food and fellowship with you. You are amazing people!! Cari and Scot, your faith and attitude are a testimony to your trust in our Heavenly Father. Brent, we will cherish your goodbye "wave" to us. What a guy!! You all are an inspiration!!
    Be assured that we are continuing to pray for you, as are others from far and wide - praying for the medical team for Divine wisdom, for Brent to receive complete healing and for supernatural strength and peace for Scot and Cari. Love, Don and Marg Saskatoon
    PS. Scot, your computer illiterate friend has finally learned how to "post-a-comment". Even old people can learn!

  79. scot ,carlyn and brent our love is with you. You are in our thoughts all the time .We love you
    Uncle El and Aunt Darlene

  80. Hi Scot and Carolyn, though I have only met Scot on a couple of occasions as a Paladins soccer team mate, you need to know that the thoughts and prayers of your teammates are with you. My son Samuel is 7 years old and recently received his sacrament of confirmation. He has been pretty consistent in praying with his rosary every night and now includes Brent in his prayers as well. As a parent I truly respect the strength and devotion that you have shown in this personal ordeal. May you continue to find comfort and strength from each other and from your faith.

    John, Dianna, Samuel and Lauryn Campbell
