Saturday, May 23, 2009


Brent spent most of Saturday sleeping and resting. He's on the ventilator at 30 % oxygen. The concern today is the blood pressure is rising. It's important for the blood pressure to remain consistent at a lower level. Pray for:
  • the blood pressure to be lower and to remain consistent
  • wisdom for the medical team looking after Brent
  • encouragement and strength for his parents, Scot and Carolyn (Cary)
  • for Brent to be able to breathe on his own

Thank you for your prayers.

Brent's 15 th birthday will be in four days!

Keep hoping.Keep loving.Keep praying.


  1. We are still praying with you all. Thanks for the update. What a journey. Know you are supported and prayed for all day. Will surely pray for Brent's full healing and that God's plan is fulfilled.

    Campbell River, B.C.

  2. Still praying for this incredible boy and such amazing parents!

    Heather in Saskatoon

  3. Thanks for the update.
    Scot, Car, Brent...praying for you all. Always. It goes without saying.
    Lots of love.

  4. "Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28

    Scot, Cary and Brent, May God wrap His arms around you and give you the strength and peace that you need tonite and each and every day and nite. We will continue to pray...

    Shauna in SE SK

  5. "My God will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus."
    Phil. 4:19
    We continue to pray for your family.
    Harold and Elinor

  6. Thank you for this update.
    We have come to know your family through this blog and prayer requests via Christian prayer circles.
    We continue to follow daily and pray for complete healing for Brent and peace in the journey for all of you. Blessings on Katie in heaven. Continue to fight the good fight. We hope to see in the future how God unfolds his plan through your family and especially through Brent's life. With such a powerful story, we can only imagine that He has much to accomplish. "I know the plans I have for you"...
    Continuing to journet daily with you. May He supply all your needs accordingly to His riches in Christ Jesus.

    Calgary, Alberta

  7. when i was in the grocery store last night Ronin decided he was going to throw a huge imbarassing tempertantrum, In my moment of pure parental frustration and while every sole in that store was glaring at me, i had to praise God for my son, i had to thank him for this beautiful screaming almost terrible two year old he has entrusted me with. Cary, You have always inspired me as a mother, now more than ever, Thank you for your shining example of what a mothers love should be, your incredible journey is helping me to be the best mom i can be, it has given me some perspective on how precious a screaming child is. I miss you, hugs and love always-Rachelle Toronto,ON

  8. Glad to hear things are progressing forward again. We speak peace to you, Scot Cary and Brent. I have done the same as the lady in the story above, quite a few times. These children are so precious even when they frustrate us as parents, we sometimes need to stop and think about others who have been through much worse. Hugs to you guys. Parenting is never an easy task, but God will give you peace, courage, understanding, patience, wisdom and love enough to face anything!! We will come in to visit you once you are out of ICU again.
    Thinking of you lots, praying for you and loving you.
    Greg and Michelle Dueck, Moose Jaw

  9. keep fighting Brent!
    - Jeff Magdalin
    Lester B. Pearson School

  10. We're with you guys. Praying, hoping, loving and believing. Andrew & Jo-Ann in Selkirk.

  11. Scot, Carolyn and Brent,
    We are still following the blog and still praying for all of you. You both are an incredible example of love and faithfulness.
    Happy Birthday Brent!
    Love, The Bowerings (Saskatoon)

  12. Brent, it'll be rotten being in bed for your birthday. Just enjoy everyone making a fuss over you. Remind Mom to give you your card that I left there on Saturday. I love you!
    Aunt Kathy

  13. I was reading in John 9 this morning when the desciples were walking with Jesus and saw the blind man. They asked Jesus who had sinned, this man or his parents that he was born blind? Jesus replied: "Neither..this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him." Rejoicing with you all on the little miracles that have happened and for the ones that are still to happen so that many will see and hear and put their trust in our AWESOME GOD! Little Man Brent, Scott and Cary be encouraged today! Loving, hoping and praying with you.
    Deborah, Saskatoon

  14. Is there an address where we can send birthday cards?
    sandy - warman,sk

  15. I am continuing to follow the updates and pray for Brent. 12 years ago our family experienced the bittersweet birth of my nephew. There was great apprehension at his birth about whether he would survive. A verse that my mom found when she opened her Bible for a word of comfort was this one from Acts 3: 16 "By faith in the name of Jesus, this man whom you see and know was made strong. It is Jesus' name and the faith that comes through him that has given this complete healing to him, as you can all see."
    My nephew survived his birth; and recently celebrated his 12th birthday. He has had and still has many challenges. He learned to walk when he was 8 and has developmental delays. He has never spoken a word; but his life speaks louder than any human words. He is full of love and has shown that we are not human "doings" but we are human beings. His complete healing may not come until he reaches heaven; but while he is a guest on earth he is teaching others many things about perseverance and unconditional love. None of us knows what the future holds for ourselves or for our children; but we know that God is able to heal and make complete. It just isn't always according to our human desires and plans.
    May God continue to give you daily wisdom and help you to have joy in the journey.

    Marlene in Edmonton
