Monday, May 18, 2009


Hi everyone!
Brent had surgery twenty five this morning - a routine surgery changing the vac dressing and once again cleaning out the abdomen area. Everything went well with this surgery.

The big surgery (number twenty six) involving the aorta is now scheduled for this Wednesday. Your prayers are greatly appreciated.

Keep hoping.Keep loving.Keep praying.


  1. Hey Brent, way to be so strong in facing all of these "tidy up" surgeries. We will keep you in our hearts and minds on Wednesday while you face your next hurdle. Now that Katie is up in Heaven telling God all the stories of how you both tormented eachother, but how wonderful a young man you are. You have so much more to teach us Brent. So keep up the fight!
    Scot and Cary, as I said before, I would love to come down and spend time with you but I would be a blubbering idiot and you don't need that right now.
    Do you know yet what time the surgery is scheduled for on Wednesday. I would like to say a prayer for guidance for the surgeons when he goes in.
    Hugs, Love and Prayers,
    Sheila and family

  2. BREEEEEEENT! I've been thinking about you lots again today! It was sooooo good to see you! I'll be sending extra extra extra prayers up for you on Wednesday! Love you lots, Monkey Boy! Peace be with you and your parents!

  3. You don't know me, but I have been following your blog and praying for your family. I spent over a month living in the waiting room of ICU as God led my husband back to us. I pray for you, the staff and I know from experience that "God hangs out in ICU!" Draw from the strength of all the love and prayers surrounding you.

  4. Brent: You are never far from our thoughts and prayers. We are so proud of the strengh you show and the determination to live. We are also proud that you are a big enough LITTLE MAN to be able to express your emotions. We want you to know that we are also praying for mom and dad so that you don't have to worry about them. They to are in Gods arms and he is taking care of each one of you. Rest well and here is a special hug and kiss from Uncle Garry and Aunty Heather.Be down to Regina to see you soon. Love from Mackenzie,Carsyn ,Sheldon and Jordi also.

  5. Well....this is just another stepping stone on this road. Never give up!!!!! We are praying for you daily and every road has dips and bends and sometimes surprising ones that catch us off guard but as long as we hold God's hand on that journey, He will guide us through. Katie would not want you to be broken hearted, not in your spirit for her or in your physical body. I cannot say I know what it is like to lose a sister, but I do know what it is like to lose a child. Katie is in heaven cheering you on Brent, at every step you take. God knows how much we can handle and even when we feel we cannot handle anything more, He will help us to hold all the "un-handleable" things. Rest in Him honey.......let your spirit be at peace, knowing that He is well able to look after everything.
    Greg and Michelle Dueck - Moose Jaw

  6. The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make His face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you His peace.
    Loving, Hoping and Praying with you,
    Deborah in Saskatoon

  7. My heart goes out to you Scott Carolyn and Brent. You all are on His mind. Many Many Christians are praying and believing God for Brents recovery. I read the blog daily expecting a miracle for you all.
    I sent out a prayer request to Oral Roberts website today and also another pastor that has a healing ministry. God hears all these prayers.
    Pastor Rob Clark we are so thankful for all your updates and prayers, you and your family are in our prayers also. God Bless You for ALL YOUR SERVICE UNTO HIM AND THIS PRECIOUS FAMILY.
    Would like to know the exact time of the surgery so can be in prayer at that time.
    Romans 4:17c Calling those things that are not as though they were.
    Dear Lord you hear all the prayers of your people and we put you in rememberance of your word, whatever we ask in your name Jesus you will do. We Thank You for answers as each day comes and goes.
    Thank you for your precious blood that was shed for our healing. By those 39 stripes you suffered for each of us.
    In Jesus Name we give you thanks.
    Marie Sylvan Lake AB.

  8. You are the strongest, most inspirational, a good fighter....may God continue to heal and give you strength as you face each surgery.
    and each day! love you so much Brent!

    Lane and Cassidy says HI!!
    Warman, Sk.

  9. Good Morning to all you fine people. We don't know you, but want to let you know that you are all continually in our thoughts and prayers. We will be remembering you all tomorrow as Brent has his surgery. What a testimony for the Lord all you people have been and will continue to be. A great inspiration to us all. Take care. Remember we serve a BIG BIG God and he is in control and knows what is best for us all.

  10. Hi Scott & Carolyn, I am Char Epp's sister-in-law (Ken's sister)and have been following your blog and praying for Brent and you both. I have also got my church down here in Georgia praying as well as other friends. I pray you will experience God's grace, peace and strength and know that He is with you all in a very tangible way. We're praying for a complete healing and restoration for Brent. God is Able!!!
    Ron & Carolyn Cataldo
    Fayetteville, Georgia

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. God must be very busy with all the prayers coming in for your family, good thing he's God! still praying
    Saskatoon , Sk

  13. Scot,Cary & Brent:
    Thanking God each day for you & praying for God's power may continually be exhibited in your lives.
    Psalm 139:7-12 reminds us that even though there may be darkness in our days, there is no darkness that prevents God from seeing us.
    Brent, I know that God is going to be right beside you in your surgery tomorrow, just like He is going to be right with your Mom & Dad.
    Keep trusting Him. We continue to pray for you.
    Reta S (Saskatoon)

  14. Man Brent, you are amazing. I'm sure you don't feel that at the moment but those of us on the outside can surely see it. You are persevering so well under extremely difficult days. Well done, don't give up. We're praying for you and will do so throughout tomorrow as you go for your big surgery. Hang in there, what plans God has for you must be pretty huge. Hold on, keep fighting, we love you and are hoping for a great night of sleep for you. A good nights sleep helps everyone :) Take care, and well, wow, you are a strong and brave young man.

    John and Sara and family

  15. I don't know you but I have been following your brave journey. I do know how it feels to be the ones waiting for a loved one in heart surgery. I have been at the Regina General several times with my father's heart problems. I remember those same 8 hours waiting for news. I do know the staff at Regina General are amazing. Your son is in good hands - they have done miracles for my father. He wasn't suppose to make it past 2004 and the work they have done and the fight they continually fought for him has been successful - he is still with us today. I hope that gives you some comfort going into this surgery.

  16. Hey Brent,what a battle.Praise the Lord,it's over and you can rest.we continue to pray for your complete recovery.What an awesome medical team you had for your surgery.Scot and Cary,we pray that God will give you His peace as you continue your watch at Brent's bedside.Brent,Scot and Cary,we love you.
    Grandma and Grandpa
    Swift Current
