Saturday, May 2, 2009


Brent is out of the operating room and he recovering fine at the moment. Brent is experiencing moments of fear. Pray that he would not be fearful and trust the medical staff is a greater way.

Keep hoping.Keep loving.Keep praying.


  1. We want you to know that you, Scot and Cary and Brent are continually in our prayers. We check for updates often throughout the day. We don't know you as I have commented before, but we feel you are family, and we truly are, because we all know Christ and we are all in his family. You people have done so well and stayed so strong, we pray that God will give Brent healing and you wonderful parents peace, and strength to carry on.

  2. Scot, Cary & Brent:
    Considering all that has happened in the last couple of months, it is not surprising that you have experienced so many emotions, including worry, fear, and sadness.
    Psalm 33 reminds me that our "Great God" created everything seen by us & unseen, including each one of us. He holds together everything He creates, including each one of us, and He carries us throughout our life.
    Today, may you sense His great Hand holding you together as a family, and know that He is watching over you lovingly.
    "Lord, let your unfailing love surround the Peterson family, for their hope is in You alone!" (Psalm 33:22)
    May God bless you this week with faith, joy and peace.
    Continuing to pray for you.
    Les & Reta S

  3. So thankful for these updates. We have prayed daily for peace for you all as you walk this very difficult journey. PTL Brent is recovering. We pray for the Lord to give Brent and Scot and Cary calm spirits as they trust Him for the outcome. Blessings to you all. Fear not. He knows the plans.

  4. Dear Jesus,

    We pray for a sense of peace and faith for Brent as he begins his journey of knowledge and change in his recovery. As he processes the accident and the passing of Katie, may You be the rock that the entire family leans on when fear and uncertainty creep in. May You give them the emotional strength to trust You with all their hearts and not lean on their own understanding. May Brent have faith in the medical staff and may You build a friendship of trust between them and Brent. May your will be accomplished even through such difficult times.


  5. I don't know how our Heavenly Father straightens out the crooked pathways we face or fills the valleys we walk through or removes the mountains that block our way...But I am asking Him to do those very things for you (Brent, Scott and Carolyn) today.

    "Is anything too hard for the Lord?" Genesis 18:14

  6. Our visits with you are the highlight of our week! We are so thankful for your friendship and that we are able to be there with you. Brent, you amaze us with your strength and determination - keep going bud! It is so exciting to see the progress you are making and we can hardly wait until the next visit:) You are all a regular/normal part of our day in prayer and love. See you soon.
    Mattias, Jan, Reid & Kiersten

  7. Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid -Deuternomy 31:6

  8. Everyday I think of brent and how much I miss having him sitting in band class and annoying the hell out of me with jordan. It just makes me miss him even more. It's a really hard thing to comprehend for me because its gone by so fast. It feels like it only happened a couple of days ago. Its weird because then it makes it seem like even longer till he will be back but at the same time so short. We are really going to miss him on the band trip for sure. The last time we all went for a band trip and he was there it was really fun because we all were together and laughing so much. He made it really fun. I miss him alot and can't wait till hes back and things are kinda normal again even though everythings changed so much. Hes an amazing person with really amazing parents. Scot you were right when you said its okay to cry, thanks for that.

    All my love and support,


  9. Scott & Carolyn, Brent, We continue to keep you all in prayer as you work through this situation. Even over here where we are, we are with you in love and prayer. Sam & Anne Biro

  10. hello i was wondering when they were going to move brent to saskatoon and has he asked about katie?
