Saturday, May 9, 2009


Good Saturday morning everyone,

Brent is in ICU at Regina General, but some great stuff has been happening over the past couple of days:

  • Brent ate over sixteen spoon fulls of frozen yogurt
  • two spoons of chicken broth (didn't like this very much)
  • a taste of mushroom soup (didn't like this one either)

Something really cool? Brent is talking a little bit through his trach. He said hello and phoned Grandma and Grandpa Peterson. When he phoned them he said he loved them (and for some reason after that he was very emotional). Brent also talked to his Auntie Nadine and said he loved her. Brent is saying only a few words at a time (he's not talking alot, but he is talking and one day it'll be non-stop).

Your prayers are working. Please continue to pray for full healing. Pray for more energy for Brent and less discouragement.

What great news for Carolyn (Cary) that Brent can talk a bit. What a great gift for her for this Mother's Day weekend. Well, you better pray for Scot - his Boston Bruins team is not doing too hot and is on the brink of elimination ...poor guy.

Keep hoping.Keep praying.Keep loving.


  1. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY CARY!!! This is great news for you guys. He is coming along wonderfully. "Slow and steady wins the race" right?
    Scot, sorry dude, but maybe you need to make "better choices" for your hockey team. Haha just kidding.

    We all are waiting for the day you all come home for good and are able to finally put all of this behind you. But we will all be patient so that when you do come home, it is for good.

    Brent, I know that you get frustrated some times. But know that is ok. If it wasn't God would not let you have that emotion. But know too that He is giving you the fight and determination that you are going to get to come home and kick the soccer ball around again. You will be giving your dad a rough time again. And tell your mom that she is the best there is.

    Hugs and Love,
    Sheila C

  2. Way to go Brent! Can't wait to see you next weekend. Happy Mother's Day Car - what a treasured gift you have been given. Scot, well what can we say...keep believing:)
    Lots and lots of love & prayers,
    Mattias, Jan, Reid & Kiersten

  3. amazing news... so awesome to hear that Brent can talk, i'm sure the sound of his voice is the greatest gift for a mother on mother's day!

  4. Wow...God is GREAT!!! Slow and steady wins the race! Keep it up Brent! Car, I am so happy for you that you have recieved such an amazing mothers day gift!! Katie is looking down from heaven and smiling too at Brents awesome gift!!:)
    As for Scot...Scot,Scot,Scot...You need to cheer for the canadian team!!!! Its the CANUCKS year bud!!!

    Praying,Loving,Hoping, And REJOICING!!!
    Love Jenn
