Friday, May 1, 2009


Hey everyone! Brent had a good day on Thursday. Brent's blood pressure and heart rate have been good. The trickle feed was taken out. "Little Man" was able to try a popsicle for awhile and then had to stop because of nausea. Later on in the day he tried ice chips and did very well.

Please continue to pray for:
  • full physical healing
  • for encouragement
  • for peace when he feels sad

The Peterson's thank you!

Keep hoping.Keep loving.Keep praying.


  1. Fantastic update. Still hoping and praying daily. Stay strong.

  2. Or be weak, cause somewhere it says in our weakness He is strong :)
    Hope your day is really good, great to hear he was able to try a popsicle at least! PTL for small wonders too !!
    Praying still,

    John and Sara and family

  3. Hey Brent; we haven't forgotten about you and more importantly neither has Jesus...we think,pray and are cheering for you lots of times through the day...Keep on..popsicles,a small step in the right direction...Scot and Cary: thank you Jesus for who you are and what you stand for; on this unchosen path,your lives and Brent and Katie's lives are touching so many others...we're believing for another good day.......Shirley Leland Ali,BJ

  4. hello brent :
    we are hoping and praying for your revovery and we think you should keep up the good work,
    we miss you and we cant stand that this is happening
    we are with you every step of the way .
    we love you from your old school leaster.b.pearon and mrs.fourie's class :)
