Thursday, April 9, 2009


Swelling is now becoming an issue for the "Little Man". Brent's abdomen where the "vac" dressing is located is swelling. The medical staff is working on getting the swelling down and they are doing tests to see where they may be some more swelling. Brent is not passing enough urine which is causing some of the swelling.

Blood pressure is still not stabilized and is fluctuating too much.

We rest in the hope that God is in control.

Keep hoping.Keep loving.Keep praying.


  1. A new challenge we will uphold to the Lord. Thank you so much for these faithful updates. Prayers continue for you all.

  2. Praying hard for yea. Lil bro you get better soon, keep fighting and believe int he fathers healing Love. Lord i pray for strength in cary and scot, that they would just feel you comforting arms around them. Lord i also pray that you would just transform Brents life lord. that the sweeling will just miraculously be healed and that his Blood Pressure would be normal and stop jumping around. Amen. I love you all God bless<>< Stay strong

  3. Yes, God is in control, He is able!! Luke 1:37 "Nothing is IMPOSSIBLE with God." Loving, Hoping and praying with you, Scott, Cary and Brent,


  4. Continued prayers are being offered for Brent and his parents.

  5. We stand on guard in prayer and are appreciative of the frequent updates that help us focus our prayers. We continually pray for healing for Brent and strength and courage for Scot and Carolyn.
    Cort, Angela, Ashley, Christopher

  6. We continue to pray!
    Tammy Klassen

  7. God we know what you are capable of and we put our trust in you, we ask for healing for Brent and strength for Scot and Carolyn.
    Hoping, loving and praying,

  8. Thankyou for the updates... Scot, Carolyn, and Brent stay strong.
    Love Adele

  9. Gods will be done on earth as it is in heavan. Nothing is greater than our God. We will continue in prayer and you keep standing strong. In Love and Faith

    Auntie Heather and Uncle Garry

  10. These words of an old song reminded me that as we rest in Jesus He is in control!

    In the rifted rock I’m resting,
    Safely sheltered I abide;
    There no foes nor storms molest me,
    While within the cleft I hide.
    Now I’m resting, sweetly resting,
    In the cleft once made for me;
    Jesus, blessed Rock of Ages,
    I will hide myself in Thee.

    Peace which passeth understanding,
    Joy the world can never give,
    Now in Jesus I am finding,
    In His smiles of love I live.

    In the rifted rock I’ll hide me,
    Till the storms of life are past;
    All secure in this blest refuge,
    Heeding not the fiercest blast.

  11. Today, as always, I am with you in prayer, Scot, Carolyn and Brent. I pray for your strength and healing. I love you all! Peace be with you.


  12. Heavenly Father, we lift up Brent to You right now and ask for your healing hand. He is in need of Your touch. Please stop the swelling and reverse it, please settle his blood pressure and make his organs work as they should. We know You can do these things, and we ask that You work a miracle in his life. Please make him strong and restore him to health. Please watch over Scot and Cary and give them the endurance, peace, patience they also need right now. Comfort this family, Lord, and make them strong. In Jesus' name, amen.

  13. Scot and Cary:
    We continue to pray for healing for Brent and strength, peace and healing for you.
    Yours. . .His. . .
    Daryl, Rowena and Shaya

  14. Praying for you all, especially Brent as the battle continues. We love you and are wishing and praying that he will be completely healed. NO words can express...any of this. God bless you and keep you.

    John and Sara

  15. Car & Scot, Praying God will continue to give you strength when you feel you have no more strength. Let Jesus's loving arms carry you. Praying for the medical staff at Regina Gen. but not forgetting Brents ULTIMATE GREAT PHYSICIAN JESUS CHRIST!! God bless you all!!AMEN
