Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Who doesn't love listening to music? "Little Man's" surgery went great. The Doctor chatted with Scot and Carolyn (Cary) and said that the dressing change went fine plus everything is looking good. Another great day for the Peterson family as Brent slowly moves in the right direction.

Another sign of things becoming somewhat normal is Brent was able to listen to music while the surgery was occurring. Brent was wearing headphones that takes away all the noise from the ICU in Regina General. These headphones help to block out the noise and keep his mind active. Today, during the surgery he was able to listen to Scot's IPOD. Wonder if there was any good music on there?

Scot and Carolyn (Cary) are grateful for your prayers and concern.

Keep hoping.Keep loving.Keep praying.


  1. That's great news!!!

  2. wonderful news! Brent is getting stronger and stronger. God is so great!
    The Derkachenko's

  3. This is fantastic news! The last few entries have brought joy to us! To hear of Brent "playing around" with his parents and now listening to music. Such encouraging times for his parents! May you continue to feel the Lord's presence and be encouraged as you walk through this with Him! We continue to hope, love and PRAY!
    The Grimm's

  4. PRAISE THE LORD!! Nothing is too big for God. We continue to lift you in prayer.

  5. Exciting news. It is so wonderful to view this blog and see such answer's to prayer.

    Praise the name of the Lord.

  6. We love you Brent, keep on the good fight. Scot and Cary, you are amazingly strong. God knows this has been tough on you and now He is showing you how good He is at healing. Praying, loving, hoping, BELIEVING IN HIM.
    Hugs and love,


  7. Like was said before God is good! It is so encouraging to hear how God is bring a healing to Brent's body! We are still praying that God would continue the healing that He has started!
    God bless!!!
    Shawna Lavender (Seitz)

  8. Great news:)Scott and Cary you are a true inspiration. Thank-you for keeping us posted. Take care.
    Beno & Cheryl Arevalo

  9. More awesome news. I am so glad to hear this. Scot and Carolyn, you are two of the strongest people I know. Keep the faith in Brent and his will be here. My thoughts are wil you all!

    Patty Booth

  10. So good news to hear this improvement! We are still praying---every day!
    I & G, Edmonton

  11. So Brent - what did you think of your Dad's music choices?
    Dweeby? Old guy's choices?
    or right on!

  12. Scot & Cary & Brent:
    Such encouraging news over the last couple of days. I am so grateful that our God knows, not only what you are going through day by day, but He knows YOU.
    He continues to show you His attributes: His love, His faithfulness, His gentleness, His goodness.
    Thanking God each day for you, and continuing to pray for you as a family - that God would continue to work out His will in your lives, and give you His healing power.
    Reta S

  13. "The art of being happy lies in the power of extracting happiness from common things" (like high 5's and sticking out tongues and ipods)
    So glad to hear of you all being happy!! Thank God!

  14. The Lord your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing. Zephaniah 3:17 NIV

    I am rejoicing over the positive reports, and praying that God will continue to bring restoration to your family. Thanks to Pastor Rob Clark for your diligence in regularily updating the blog.

  15. Exhale! Rejoice in the miracles of today! Sleep well tonight and continue to heal tomorrow! I love you all! Peace be with you.


  16. Hi Scott and Carolyn,

    I was talking to Paul C tonight (it's been about 8 years I think, and about 20 since I have seen you Scott), and he told me about Brent's situation and the existence of this blog. My family and I, and our church will be praying for you and Brent.

    Mark Michie michiequarterhorses dot com

  17. I been praying for you and your family and am trusting God to answer my prayers and those of the saints that are also praying for you.

    Terry Peckham
    ps Chuck keeps me well informed.

  18. man, i am so glad to hear that he is doing better!!! i haven't stopped praying yet! i can't wait until Brent can come home!!!
    it's good to hear that Brent can listen to music during the surgery...i doubt Scot's ipod has anything good on it... haha, just kidding. but seriously, it's great to hear that he's doing better!
    i love you all and you will never leave my mind or my prayers!!


  19. Scot and Cary,
    We continue to pray. We are greatful that God has chosem to finally move Brent in the right direction. We pray that He will allow Brent a full recovery as soon as possible. Easter is a time for new life. We pray that He will give Brent a new life.
    Terry and Sandra Martin

  20. We're so happy that Brent is making such positive steps in the right direction. We are praying for a full recovery so that Brent can be back on the soccer field (also that he can pick his own music soon!).
    Thank God for his healing power!
    With love and our constant prayers,
    Angela, Cort, Ashley and Christopher

  21. We are so happy, positive steps in the right direction, its a blessing. Brent, hope you didn't have to listen to the Beatles or anything like that...I know thats what I would have been stuck with If I had my dad's IPOD. Take care boy, and don't stop fighting.
    Adele & Huw and Families.

  22. so good - will keep praying!

  23. Scot & Carolyn - I am really pleased to see that Brent is improving. These have been very, very difficult days for you but I know that your faith in God has sustained you through this darkness. My thoughts and prayers are with you always.
    Linda, Admin. St. Pauls Hospital

  24. We are so thankful for the steps in the healing direction, we are still praying, loving, hoping, and believing!
    the Gaucher's

  25. Great news! That is way too cool. We are rejoicing with you for the daily miracles and ways God is working. Do you need some Larry Norman or Petra to subliminally infuse into Brent? Sorry, showing my age.
    Yours. . . His. . .
    Daryl and Rowena

  26. I worked at a gym where one of Brent and Katie's teachers worked out and after hearing your story I would always ask her for updates. Now I am following on my own, and although I don't know you personally my thoughts and prayers are with you all!

  27. Praise the Lord! We rejoice with you and continue to pray!
    The Estrada's

  28. what great news,can just picture brent giving it back!!!
    thinking of you all, all of the time

  29. We are so pleased to hear about the improvements in Brent's condition.
    Blessings to Pastor Rob for his care and diligence with the blog postings.
    Bonnie (Buhr) Meier

  30. What wonderful news. Now as I quilt, I pray and rejoice. Thinking of you always.

  31. Prayers and best wishes from Horizon College and Seminary.

  32. My late husband always said "We are in God's hands, there is no safer place to be." This is my thought for you all.

  33. What Wonderful News!!
    We will keep hoping, praying, loving & BELIVING!!

    The Kristiansen's

  34. What an incredible day for the family!
