Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Brent is simmering down a bit. His blood pressure is a little lower tonight. Please continue to pray for his blood pressure to stabilize.

Keep hoping.Keep loving.Keep praying.


  1. Shepherd of Life (Psalm 23)

    The Lord of Life is my shepherd
    He leaves me with nithing to want
    And He leads me along
    With His staff and His rod
    He is here to comfort my fears

    Though I walk through the valley
    I walk with His hand in mine
    Thought I passed my last breath
    In the shadow of death
    But I'm still here, safe on the other side

    Here with the waters beside
    Cool in the grasses I lie
    Here with my Lord
    Who gently restores
    The Shepherd of Life

    There's a table laid out before me
    There's a cup in which joy overflows
    Surely goodness and love
    Will follow me all of
    The days, all the days of my life

    by Steve Bell 1989

  2. praying for Brent now. And for the both of you as well. We hope the night is uneventful and peaceful. God welcomes us to wrestle with him, to lament, so we pray that you will be able to do that freely when needed. Love you all,

    John and Sara
