Sunday, May 10, 2009


Seventy three days later a whole new world opens up for the Peterson family on Mother's day. This new world brings progress and more significant changes. Change is the constant in our lives and when we are thrusted out of our comfort zones it can bring emotional upheavel. The ICU at Regina General had be home for this family - the sights, smells, and people sharing the journey in this season of their lives.

The fantastic news is that Brent is now listed in STABLE CONDITION. Today, he was moved out of the ICU and moved up to 6a room 19. This brings alot of change - new room, new staff to get accustomed to, and a new place to become home. This change brings mixed emotions for the Peterson's. Scot and Carolyn (Cary) are pleased with Brent's progress, however this move brings alot of mixed emotions for them. Pray for the following:
  • Brent's pain to go away (he's not on morphine anymore)
  • With less medication Brent is now feeling his true emotions - his emotions at the moment are erratic
  • Strength for Scot and Carolyn (Cary) - for them to get used to the new change
  • For Brent - for his fear (he's fearful of some things that are happening) to go away and encouragement and a new confidence in this young man to emerge

Through this journey, Scot and Carolyn (Cary) have shown tremendous flexibility and resilience. This Mother's day brings a tremendous gift for Carolyn (Cary) to have her son stable and healing well.

If you are reading this blog, please leave an encouraging note for Scot and Carolyn (Cary) as they go through this change. Brent is understanding things very well now so if you could leave a note for Brent that would be awesome.

Prayers are being answered - thank you for your prayers.

"I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15:13

Keep hoping.Keep loving.Keep praying.


  1. This poem was in our church bulletin today. I thought of Carolyn when I read it...

    A Mother's Love

    A Mother's love is something
    that no one can explain,
    It is made of deep devotion
    and of sacrifice and pain.

    It is endless and unselfish
    and enduring come what may.
    For nothing can destroy
    or take that love away...

    It is patient and forgiving
    when all others are forsaking.
    And it never fails or falters
    even though the heart is breaking...

    It believes beyond believing
    when the world around condemns,
    And it glows with all the beauty
    of the rarest, brightest gems...

    It is far beyond defining,
    it defies all explanation,
    and it still remains a secret
    like the mysteries of creation...

    A many-splendored miracle
    man cannot understand
    And another wondrous evidence
    of God's tender guiding hand.

    Author unknown

    Thankful for the upgraded status in Brent's condition; continuing to hope, love and pray on behalf of all of you...

  2. What good news to hear that Brent is now listed in stable condition--an answer to prayer inspite of having to leave the area of the ICU and caring staff that all of you became familiar and friendly with. A new location, different staff does create concern. Brent we will not cease to pray for your healing and God to give you His peace to cope with the changes, your fears, and having to progress so slowly. We all want things to happen quickly so you can return to your comfort zone and friends. Carolyn and Scot may the Lord uphold you with His strong arms this week during the new adjustments. You have shown your utmost concern of your son's welfare by your dedication and faithfulness. The Lord bless and keep you in his loving care. Don't give up Brent as many are praying for you, even though the progress is slow--you have come a long way from this terrible accident.
    I & G, Edm.

  3. What fantastic news! Moving out of ICU is a big step in Brent's recovery. What a feeling of strength, perseverance and accomplishment you must all be feeling.

    Cary, Scot and Brent: thank you so much for sharing your journey with all of us. Each one of you is such an inspiration to all of us. It really puts into perspective the tiny obstacles that most of us face...nothing compared to your last few months.

    Brent...keep up your GREAT work getting better. I know you're not from Regina but there is a great ice cream place pretty close to the hospital..the Milky Way. I bet your dad can find it and treat you with one of the gazillion flavours that I bet you like.

    What a fantastic Mother's Day for your family.

    P.S. Pastor're awesome too. Thanks for helping spread the good news.

    Stay strong and rejoice in every little victory.

  4. Its good to here Brent is now in stable condition. miss you at work Carolyn. Praying for you. Kathy Harder

  5. Great news that Brent is now out of ICU. We will continue to pray for healing and for strengh for Scot and Cary. We miss you and hope that you can return home very soom. God Bless.

  6. What a wonderful Mother's Day gift! Each day will turn over a new leaf and from what I heard from the blog these last few months, Scot, Carolyn and Brent you definately deserve these new days! Stay strong and keep your heads up, everyone is still praying and staying by your side!!
    Joleen, Kent and family

  7. WOW That is awesome news guys!!!!! We are so happy for you. We are believing with you guys for a complete and full recovery for you Brent. You are a walking miracle. As for the Boston Bruins, well lets go one miracle at a time. LOL JUST KIDDING!! God can handle anything. We are very happy to hear that you are talking Brent. What a journey you have been on. We pray that every day God would fill your heart with a new song of His Love, mercy and grace. You are here for such a time as this. Happy Mothers Day Cary!!! What an awesome gift for you to have your son out of ICU. We are continuing to pray for you guys every day. God bless you
    Greg and MIchelle Dueck

  8. Your family has been on my heart today - the mixed pain and joy of being a mother especially. I treasure my little ones and hold them close and pray for your healing. I pray that your memories will soothe your hearts and that God will continue to give you strength and peace.

    I check the blog daily. Brent, I am praying for you. Don't let discouragement and fear hold you back. God is bigger than your biggest fear, He is stronger than any battle for physical or emotional healing that you face. He has the power of the resurrection - and that same power is in you and keeping you safe in His arms.

    I will continue you to bring your family before God in prayer.

    Donalda Reimer (Osler)

  9. Hey Brent, I know that things are really weird right now with your emotions. Know that part of that is because of the pain killers that you are coming off of as they leave your system.

    Brent you are the strongest young man that I have ever known. You are a mix of your parents and you show all of us this everyday that you keep up the healing process. I told your mom that I am going to call you "Our Little Hulk". You will be kicking the soccer ball soon again. It will happen!!!

    This is a stepping stone for you guys. Now you are 1 step closer to coming home. Which will be a bitter sweet experience for you all. But know that we are all here to help through all emotions that you will be feeling. I can not wait for you to come home and see you Cary at the corner so I can lay on the van horn and stick my hand out waiving like a goof ball.

    Hugs and Prayers,
    Sheila C

  10. That's fantastic news! A huge step!!! This means you are one step closer to coming home to Saskatoon - even if it means a little more time in the hospital here. At least you will be home.

    Brent, you are a true champion! We are all so proud of you. It's easy to give up, not so easy to battle it out - just as you have chosen to do with God's healing hand close by.

    We will continue to pray for your continued improvement. So many have prayed so many times for this move to take place. Change is good even if at first it seems strange and uncomfortable. It won't take long to get used to it.

    I'll continue to pray for Brent's improvement and for comfort and peace for you all. Happy Mother's Day, Carolyn. May you and Scot rest well tonight knowing that Brent's journey of healing is moving along in the right direction.

    God bless you,
    I. Kindrachuk (LBP)

  11. Scot, Car, and Bub,
    Though we are far away, we are close in spirit. You are never far from our thoughts and prayers. We are so excited that Brent is now out of the ICU. That is such great news! But we know change, although GREAT, can also be difficult, so our prayers will never decrease. We commit our continued fervent prayers for you.
    Brent we continue to pray for you many times each day..that Jesus would continue healing you and helping you. You are such a strong, brave boy and we are so proud of you. You made Auntie's day on Friday. You don't even realize yet what a miracle you are already!! Nobody can understand what you're thinking or feeling, but you probably know by now that thousands of people all over the world have been praying for you for so many weeks!! Bub, when you feel sad or down or fearful, please just remember that we are praying for you, and GOD IS BIGGER THAN ALL of this!! HE has GREAT PLANS for your life, and we believe that you have a very special calling on your life. WE LOVE YOU!!!
    Park and Tee are counting down the days until they get to come to Saskatchewan and see you. Park will probly call you this week sometime. You're his bestest bud, and he prays for you so much and misses you.
    Cary, today in church Pastor Greg mentioned you by name as he prayed for special Mom's. You are such an example to me of a Godly Mom, and you always have been. Katie and Brent have been so blessed to have you as their Mom. Your love for your family is evidenced not only in words, but by your actions. We are a better family for having you in it. I still have that book you once gave me, "The Power of a Praying Mom" (by the way, you did GIVE it to me, didn't you??)
    And Scot, we love you lots and are incredibly proud of you. Through all of this, your faith has never wavered and you are also an example to all of us...right from the first day when you whispered the secret to Park and Tee..
    God has brought all of you so far, and we are so thankful to Him for all He has done. WE LOVE YOU ALL.
    Jase, Dean, Parker & Tory

  12. We have been following along your journey each day, Scot and Cary and Brent. It is so encouraging to hear that Brent is in stable condition! We love you guys and will continue to pray with you.

    Rich & Haide
    Langley, BC

  13. WOW this is great news, finally hes stable!!! You guys are amazing dealing with this all. Brent you are amazing too!!!! You have been doing so well!!!! I miss you SO much!!!!! I can't wait to see you again!!!!

    All my love and support,

  14. Scot, Carolyn & Brent,
    PRAISE THE LORD! It's so good to hear about this move for Brent!
    I understand the feeling of having your child move from ICU to the regular ward, as I experienced that with my daughter as a baby. It's not easy, but trusting that God can work through a new setting and a new set of nursing staff helped me get through the move.
    You don't know my family, but we've been praying for yours since the day after the accident. Our kids have been praying faithfully for Brent, every night during their prayers. At first we had no idea who we were praying for, but after about a month someone led us to your blog. We read it faithfully, and when we saw your family picture, I thought I recognized Brent from LWC Family Camp. (We've been there the last 2 summers.) I called my kids to the computer to see if they recognized anyone in your family, and our 11 year old son said, "Hey, that's Brent! He was my counsellor at camp!" We now have a picture from camp of Brent, Josiah, and Dylan (our son) hanging in our kitchen as a reminder to pray for Brent.
    We will continue to pray for your family on a daily basis. Our church also prays for Brent every Sunday. When I read today's report out loud to my family tonight, they whooped it up! Our kids are 11, 10, & 8 years old, so it's neat to see that they are seeing answers to their prayers.
    Have a great week! And if Brent happens to remember Dylan from camp, say Hi! to him from Dylan.
    Wishing you God's blessing and strength from above,
    The Meier Family
    (Star City)

  15. This is another exciting step in the process for you all, but change is never easy. Be reminded moment by moment that you are not alone and never will be.

    Brent you are my encouragment when I'm feeling overwhelmed with life - all I have to do is think of you and your smile and determination, and I know that I can handle whatever comes. I can't wait to see you again - I'm sure your new room will be well decorated by then!!! Remember that God is your best friend and He is with you every step of the way - walking beside you or carrying you through. Together you will be victorious.

    Love you lots,
    Auntie Jan

  16. Happy Mother's Day, Carolyn! I'm sure this has been a day of very mixed emotions for you, and you have been in my thoughts. You and Scot continue to be inspirational in your strength and faith. There are a whole lot of us exhaling right now!!! I swear I've been holding my breath for the entire 73 days! God is GREAT and He has answered many prayers today.

    Brent, I miss you, and I'm so incredibly proud of you, as I've always been. Listen to some tunes, read some Bone, and take your time. You are one of my heroes! I love you lots! See you soon!
    ~Gwyn :)

  17. Scot Carolyn and Brent
    We have been waiting for this great news for weeks now!! Healing continues and we are thankful this day for God's hands on all of your lives! We remember you all daily in our thoughts and prayers and wait for the home coming party to be announced!!!! Keep hanging tough...

    Father, May you continue to pour out your miracles on this family- We praise you for every small step of hope. We trust that your perfect plan for thier lives will be orchestrated by you alone!

    Charlene and Ken Epp

  18. hi scot andcary and brent iam so happy to hear that he is doing very good itwas a very long jonuery and james his jump now that he is doing much better happpy mothers day cary and u cany reach james at his grandmas plz call me at home

  19. Brent,
    I start my work day with tears of joy as I read how you are coming along. You have so many people that love you and are praying for you!
    You have given your Mom a wonderful Mothers Day with your progress. Brent we pray that the fear will go away...we love you so much and are excited to see what God has in store for you! We trust that the week ahead will be a good one. You are an amazing boy!
    Love & Prayers,
    Brent, Tammy, Brandon & Donavon.

  20. So wonderful to hear these answers to prayer. We pray faithfully, for your family. We will continue to pray for healing for Brent and peace for all of your. Thank You Lord .

  21. Hi ALL:
    It is good news to hear. We are still praying for you all. As we start a new soccer season I and team thinks of you daily. Blessing to you all.

  22. What a fantastic update! Praise the Lord Brent has become stable. As this new journey continues, we pray alongside you all for peace and new joy. Know you are being upheld in prayer and thought about daily. May the peace that surpasses all understanding guard your hearts and minds through our Savior, Christ Jesus.
    Thoughts and prayers extend to dear Katie in heaven and for Brent to process her passing into the arms of Jesus.

  23. Wow, this is soooo awesome. I hope you had a great Mother's Day Cary, and Brent buddy, you're one step closer to being back home so you can come by and say hi. Can't wait to see you walk in my classroom door for a visit.
    J. Simpson (at LBP)

  24. Hey Brent,
    It is so awesome to read this and see how much better you get every day now. I'm sure if I was in your position I would be scared at times also, but you need to be strong and keep fighting, you have so many people cheering you on. I may not comment on here much but know that I'm still reading daily and still praying for you all. I wish I could've come to see you today, this is the 3rd trip I've missed out on! I will try to make the next one, until then, keep ROCKIN!


  25. Oh my goodness, this is such great news and what an awesome answer to prayer!! Keep it up, Brent, the Lord is on your side!


  26. What an answer to prayer!!

    Change comes in our lives like the seasons. Brent you are entering a new season of your recovery. Nothing but lovely blooms from now on for you.

    Patience is hard but so rewarding when one is silent and lets God work his ways. You are a very special boy and remember that God loves you.

    Things are looking up and it is nice for all of us who have followed your journey to see such progress.

    Praise the Lord and what a special Mother's Day present!

    Keep up the great work and keep going day by day and hour by hour.

  27. Carolyn Scot, and Brent,
    I have been following your journey since the beginning.I have cried with you rejoiced with you and Prayed everyday for Brents recovery.Carolyn, you are an AWESOME mom, and a great person and an inspiration to all the moms. Brent, I have never met you but I love you like my own son .My son Colton (8yrs old) asks how his "brother is doing today". He will be jumping for joy when I tell him you are stable.

  28. What great news that Brent is out of ICU! We continue to pray for Brent's healing both physically and emotionally. We ask for strength for Scot & Caroline. You are truly amazing parents and we may not post comments very often either, but there are alot of us following your journey daily and you are in our thoughts and prayers daily. I'm glad you had a nice Mothers' Day Caroline.
    The Kondraczynski's

  29. Scot and Cary, I pray for strength for you during these encouraging yet challenging times.

    Brent, I pray for your full recovery as God will allow, but just as in soccer, never give up, always strive to do your best!

    Terry and Sandra Martin

  30. Praying for all of you -- as you make the adjustment to the new unit -- as Brent deals with his emotions -- as the parents continue on this difficult journey.

    May God's peace surround each one -- may hope abound -- and may the prayers of many comfort you.

    Annette RN, Calgary, AB

  31. oh my how God is wonderful!!! brent you are amazing! keep up the fight!! uncle scot and aunite car, i am praying for you and brent. i hope that you will be able to make the adjustment to the new room, staff, etc. i am also praying for brent, that he would not be afraid and that he would continue to heal. God is amazing and is doing wonderful things in you brent! i believe that he will use you in wonderful and amazing ways! love you all and always praying!

    Kiersten Andreae

  32. awe you guys i am so happy for you!! Glad to hear that Brent is FINALLY having some good news and moving toward a full healing...although parts of his heart may never heal, good health is a GREAT start to moving forward...Brently, im so proud of you for being so strong these past months, i cant wait to see you again lil bro! Scott and Car, i miss you guys so much, and im so happy to hear about this, some good news finally!! Happy mothers day carey! i love you all and pray for rest and understanding for all 3 of you.

    Amanda (Polly) and Chris

  33. I have been following this story since the moment I heard...this is the most fantastic news. I am a nurse in saskatoon....and this is a huge step in the RIGHT direction!!! Congrats...and work hard are doing wonderful!!!

  34. Gosh, Brent, I knew you would do it.
    Your just about there hun..
    You guys are doing great!
    I will keep praying for you guys,
    and i cant WAIT to see youu! ♥

    HaileeyMcinnes. :)

  35. I'm sure the ICU was a comfort blanket and now you have to adjust to a new one. Fear of the unknown is still fear. Put your fears in God's hands and He will see you through,Brent. Scot & Cary ,we continue to uphold you in our prayers and we rejoice with you in the newness of another ward. Luv ya all -
    Marlyn & Leander

  36. Hi Brent, Scot and Carolyn; What wonderful news. I know the journey is far from over and you will still have many ups and downs but I know that you support each other and give each other strength. Brent, you are one strong young man and everyone is so proud of you. Hang in there and know that so many people a rooting for you and praying for you.
    Sandra Willner

  37. That is soooooooooooooooooooo awsome!
    All thanks and glory go to God for getting Brent to this milestone. We will continue to pray for you all.

    Jason and Natalie and family

  38. This is the best news we have heard for some time. We can only imagine the feelings Scot and Carolyn are going through. Excitement and relief would be two for sure. We am sure those are feelings we have all had upon hearing this news. Scot and Carolyn, you two are wonderful and devoted parents. Brent is one lucky boy to have such terrific parents.

    We am so proud of you Brent! You are one amazing young man. It won't be long before you are out with your friends and back in your groove. Keep up the healing Brent!

    Patty, Kevin and Dillon Booth

  39. Hey uncle scot and aunty cary...
    aunty cary this must have been both a joyful and a difficult day for you... wish i was there to give you a hug, but i'm glad that mom and dad and shauna were there to give hugs!
    Brent, shauna told me you like to have your ankles and your feet rubbed... wish i could be there to use my massaging skills on your sore ankles...
    lots of love from me,

  40. Thrilled to hear this good news that Brent is out of ICU!! PTL!

    Psalm 94:19 "When anxiety is great within you, Scott, Cary and Brent, I pray that God's consolation would bring you joy!"

  41. I am so happy to read this great news. Brent I am very proud of you. I often brag to the teachers at my new school about this incredible student I was lucky enough to meet last year while I was at LBP.
    I wish you all continued strength and courage while you continue on your journey to good health.
    I look forward to seeing you again Brent.

    C. Smith now at Mount Royal formerly LBP

  42. i love you auntie cari you and brent and uncle scot are in my deepest prayers and i love you guys so much and i miss you. i can not wait till brent is back to saskatoon and you and uncle scot ill be so happy and make sure you know i love you always and forever

    Jilli-ann hanson

  43. hey brent

    i love you brent. i hope you recover quick,
    and i miss you alot also.and i want you to know that i love you tons and tons
    ant that i beileve in you
    you can make it

  44. Praise God for this new step!! May God guide you through this next stage of the journey and give you peace!
    Our Father is not of fear - perfect love casts out fear. I pray that His perfect love will surround you all.
    Kristi Hopf
    (Kathy & John Priebe's niece)

  45. Following the progress and praying for more and more God Days and Good News. Take care of each other, together you are unbeatable !

    Monique Ruta Howat ( Montreal )
