Sunday, May 3, 2009


Every now and then we all have "off" days. Today, Brent had an off day. Brent threw up several times and the feed line was taken out. Also, that pesky blood pressure was at a high level today. Brent still cannot talk as this moment as he still has the trach. His writing is getting much better and he has not asked about Katie. Pray for the following:
  • That Brent stops throwing up
  • Brent's blood pressure become stable
  • for Brent to not be discouraged or fearful

Brent is progressing very well, but we're hoping he won't have too many "off" days.

Thank you for praying for Brent, Scot and Carolyn (Cary).

Keep hoping.Keep loving.Keep praying.


  1. Scot, Carolyn & Brent
    Life is full of ups and downs but we can all rely on God to get us through the tough times. We are praying for all of you, hoping that even when you are down you will still find things to smile about, we are loving it when good things are happening for you and believing that God is in control of what is happening.
    Lorri,Rob & boys

  2. Today, our pastor was preaching and stated "Jesus calms our fears", I thought of Brent and prayed for him to grasp that concept and for you too Scot and Car! As you can tell, you are always on our minds! We love you and care for you deeply as you know!
    We are continuing to hope,love and pray...
    Love, Auntie Ang, Uncle Norm, and girls

  3. Hang in there Brent, better days are coming! We continue to pray for you. Scott and Carolyn your strength is amazing.
    Always thinking & praying for all of you
    Milimo & Melanie

  4. Baby steps, baby steps, baby steps...we have been praying constantly for this boy, for his recovery, and I am sure as loved ones, by his side, it must sometimes feel like its all happening much too slowly. We celebrate with you when Brent makes some progress and we hurt with you when he has his 'off days'...hang in there, put your trust in the one who can comfort you during this most difficult time. Brent couldn't have been blessed with better parents....Cary and Scot, you are amazing!!!
    Hugs from afar...
    Ron and Cindy Mathies

  5. Well we certainly have off days ;) but so far they haven't been quite this off! So we will definitely keep praying specifically for Brents emotional peace, blood pressure and that the poor guy would get some good food and be able to finally keep it in! We pray and hope for you all,


    John, Sara and family

  6. Be sure.....we are all still praying fervently for total healing and peace for you all. Blessings to Katie in heaven.
    May the Lord direct the timing to discuss Katie's passing with Brent.
    Praying for a peaceful time of recovery for Brent and encouraging spirits for Scot and Cary.

  7. We continue to pray for Brent everyday. We hope that Brent can come back home to S'toon very soon. Scot and Cary we pray for you to have the strengh to deal with this.

  8. You are in our thoughts and prayers daily. Our focus will be to ask Him to still Brent's spirit. To allow Brent to be still and know that He is God. Still hoping and still praying.

  9. Scot, Carolyn and Brent,
    I write hoping that each of you had a better day today. You are never far from my thoughts and always you are in my prayers. Brent, I wait every Thursday afternoon for you to come by and bug me! One of these days, you're going to be there! Chin up, young person! Love you lots! Peace be with you!

  10. "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

    ...for I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep what I have committed to Him until that Day"

    2 Timothy 1: 7, 12b
    Praying for better days ahead...

  11. This was written by a friend of mine and I thought I would post it on here for you guys to read to give you something to think on. Scot, Cary and Brent, you are always in our thoughts and prayers. You are diamonds!!!
    Greg and Michelle Dueck

    Just rambling unedited thoughts.
    I was thinking this morning about life. Do you ever feel like it never plays out like you expect? You know what I mean. You are planning, preparing, expecting life to play out as it should and then BAM. Its like a bomb has gone off in a small space. And the splinters of your dreams are buried deep in your skin and in awkward places.

    You too? Well then walk with me for a bit then as we chat.... When was the last time you looked at a diamond? In a catalog. A store window. Your mom's wedding ring. Or an earring.

    How would you describe it?

    How about tested by fire?

    Do you know what diamonds are? They are precious minerals made of carbon. Deep within the earth's crust, these minerals work their way up toward the earth's surface when gases and heat combine. Through phenomenal heat and pressure, diamonds are born.

    It's only after they are tested by fire that they become so beautiful.

    In the New Testament, in the book of Romans 5:3-5 it says,
    This doesn't mean, of course, that we have only a hope of future joys - we can be full of joy here and now even in our trials and troubles. These very things will give us patient endurance; this in turn will develop mature character, and a character of this sort produces steady hope, a hope that will never disappoint us. Already we have the love of God flooding through our hearts by the Holy Spirit given to us.

    Now here is the thought...Have you ever felt pressured as if you were being squeezed from all sides?
    Have you ever had a day that was so tough you felt as if you would be crushed?
    Have you ever sat in a puddle of tears, raging against life, because it just seems that the pain is too much?
    Have you have just said, ‘screw it. I can’t do this any more’?
    Have you ever felt as though you were being tested by fire?

    And then you read or hear some idiot say 'turn your lemons into lemonade' or 'whatever doesnt kill you will only make you stronger'.

    How do YOU deal with the darkness of life? Do you hide? Drink? Eat? Shop? Avoid? Work? ...the list is long, cuz we have all found ways to cope.

    Have you ever tried this thing call rejoicing? Actually choosing to be thankful? I know its a stretch...but in the middle of the pain, suffering and hard times, finding a way to express love?

    I hear the voice of the Lord Jesus beckoning me, "Try it...just try will grow brighter and stronger if you do!"

    Why? cuz you...I...We are God's diamonds.

    Yes. You.

    God polishes you with His love, grace and mercy. And the pressure...the struggle...the trial...the resistance makes you stronger...they make you grow. They call you (or maybe force you) out of the dark, dirty, lonely places where you are left as a piece of coal.

    The great question of course is, 'Is God doing this to me?' I will venture out on a limb and say NO. Life is hard. And unfair. And cruel at times. But it is only the precious love of Jesus that is able to take the worst that life throws at us and turn it into something redemptively beautiful.

    Henri J. M. Nouwen writes,
    In this crazy world, there's an enormous distinction between good times and bad, between sorrow and joy. But in the eyes of God, they're never separated. Where there is pain, there is healing. Where there is mourning, there is dancing. Where there is poverty, there is the kingdom.

    See with new eyes today. Because the Father of Lights, from whom everything good comes down from, is looking at you...and me...and saying:

    You are rare.
    You are strong.
    You are brilliant.
    You are valuable.
    You are wonderful.
    You are loved.
    You shine.
    You are beautiful.
    Did you catch that? YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL.
    If you will allow Me, I will use ALL things for your good...and you will shine forth, brilliantly reflecting My light.
    You are chosen.

    Can you feel Him rejoicing over you?
    I can.
