Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Brent's surgery is over and everything went fine. Please continue to pray for full healing for this courageous young man.

Keep hoping.Keep loving.Keep praying.


  1. Scot, Carolyn and Brent, I continue to rejoice at the updated posts. I'm so glad to hear of movement in such a positive direction.

    Brent, there were many people waiting for you before you were born. It's exciting to wait for a baby to be born and frankly, it's downright hard to wait those whole nine months sometimes. As parents, we want nothing but to meet that tiny person and hold them in our arms as soon as possible. However, God's perfection takes time, and, as parents-to-be, we need to learn patience, because we really want everything to be right, and not rushed.

    Then, once the baby finally comes, it's sometimes excruciating waiting for the baby to sleep through the night, we are excited for first words and first steps. And babies sometimes don't stop crying, and sometimes they don't know how to communicate what they need. Sometimes they even fall down when they're learning how to walk.

    We know, however, that with practice, patience and time, everything will work out. They eventually learn to sleep through the night, they learn to walk and talk, and once they're at that point, we look back and it seems like everything happened in the blink of an eye.

    I guess what I'm trying to work out in my heart, Brent, is that with practice, patience and time, you're going to be okay. And sometimes you won't sleep through the night, and sometimes you won't be able to communicate your needs clearly, and sometimes you might even be afraid. We are all learning patience, because we really want everything to be right with your healing. And once this "blink of an eye" is over, we will all be better people because of the incredible faith your journey has allowed us to build.

    Brent, take your time, enjoy your ice cream! You are in my prayers and thoughts every day! Love you lots!! Peace be with you!

  2. Thats wonderful how much Brent is improving even though it is slowly and can't come fast enough for everyone. God has a plan and we must not lose sight of this.
    The kids have their band trip this week and some of them were mentioning about wishing you were there and can hardly wait until you are back in Saskatoon.
    Hang in there, we are continually praying for healing.
    The Derkachenko's

  3. Brent Little Man, we continue to think of you daily and we are sending you our love! Keep fighting, you are doing well!
    Brent, Tammy, Brandon & Donavon.

  4. Dwight and I continue to pray for you. Even though he's not met you, Dwight asks regularly how "the young man" is doing and we pray together for all of you!
    Elaine King

  5. So thankful for these updates. We continue to pray daily for complete healing, strength and peace on this difficult journey. May you all be able to look back one day and understand His 'why'. Until then, we pray you can continue to trust our Father who is able to do more than we could ask or imagine, and may you rest in His strength which surpasses our own understanding.
    Still hoping....still praying.

  6. So thankful for the continued baby steps in a positive direction. We are continuing to pray for you all and waiting....... patiently. We are hoping, praying, loving and believing!

  7. brent you are a great kid and you are doing an amazing job hang in there bud we continue to pray for you

  8. What a beautiful word picture from Gwyn (top post)...I couldn't have worded it better and fail to know what else to say that hasn't already been said, so I just add my 'ditto' today, along with the reminder that you are all in my thoughts and prayers continually!! It is wonderful to see the answers to prayer for your continued healing! With love, The Dyck Family, Prince Albert

  9. hey brentathan miss ya man bet you'll never guess who this is

  10. Still praying with you all....wonderful to hear steps of slow improvement.
