Friday, October 16, 2009

Yodel (A-He-Ho)

Me and my new dog Yodel. Mom bought it for me from the gift store, she's the bestest.

Me showing off to 5A how good i can walk with little assistance (Go Tigers).

Go Riders Go!!!! Get better Weston Dressler.

Continue to pray for:
Pain in Brent's back.
Pain in Brent's left hand.

Met Mom at mental health doors.
Mom bought me a dog called Yodel.
Dad and Mom went to Reebok and Urban planet and bought me 3 new bunnyhugs.
Went to 5A and walked 25 steps for Julie, Edwin and Nancy.
Went to 5F and tried to walk up the steps.

Thank you for your prayers.
Keep hoping. Keep loving. Keep praying.


  1. Your mom definitely is the bestest!! Just a question...what was she doing at mental health??:) Are you and dad that hard on her? Ha, ha.

    I think you have grown about a foot in the past few weeks - wow! You must be doing awesome walking cause you can see the pride and excitement on the faces of the nurses.

    I like Yodel, but where are you going to put all these things when you get home??? It will be a fun time figuring that out.

    Can't wait till you come home. Basement is coming along...painted Reid's room tonight - black & brilliant yellow!!! Crazy kid.

    Love ya & always praying,
    Auntie Jan

  2. Oh Bubserewski!
    I LOVE YOU!! I love reading your updates. I check a hundred times a day cuz I don't wanna miss anything.
    Yodel looks soft and cuddly..your mom is so sweet.
    That's great that you got 3 new BUNNYHUGS!! Which is WHAT THEY ARE CALLED-bunnyhugs!! It annoys me when everyone calls them "hoodies." They're bunnyhugs, people! (just auntie's little rant of the day!)...heheh...
    It's amazing to see you walking with just a little help! I'm so proud of you. Be careful not to overdo it, though. :) You've come SO far, and we're all so proud of you and thank God for how far He's brought you already. A few months ago, I thought there's no way you'd be walking by October. I always knew God would heal you, but I didn't think it would happen this fast! You're doing so well. "He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it!!"
    I love you and miss you and continue to pray for you.
    Auntie Dean xoxoxoooxoxxoxxoox

  3. O.k. You know scamp and Gracie are going to be jealous. Will have to keep Gracie away from yodel or she will think thats her new best friend! Good work and keep smiling. See you when you get home. Hugs....

  4. You make that physio look like a midget...Rose...Calgary

  5. Hey Brent,

    Just to echo all of the above:

    When did you get so TALL??

    What WAS your Mom doing at the mental health doors?

    Definitely bunnyhugs....never hoodies!!

    We are very proud of how you're progressing, and very excited that you will be home soon (tell mom I will definitely bring you guys some HOMEMADE chicken noodle soup!!)

    As for some of the down times you struggle with - well, having never been through anything like this, I have no idea what you're going through, and I don't want to be like Job's friends who went on and on and their words were of no comfort to Job. All I can think of is that God will not give you more than you can handle, and when you think you can't handle it, He'll give you more strength and grace to handle even that. That's all I know....

    Love you lots - hope you're enjoying the sunshine down in Regina like we are here!!

    Auntie Edith (for the rest of the Thiessen's)

  6. Continue to follow your progress Brent! You are doing awesome....Cheer those Riders on this afternoon!

  7. Wow great job with walking!! Cute dog too :-)

    Saskatoon, SK

  8. Arrg! I WANNA COME VISIT YOU SO BAD!!! You are doing so well! I wanna see you walking and sitting in your chair in person! I love you and your parents so much and I miss the crap out of you guys! :( <3<3 Hugs and Kisses to all the Peterson family!
    Love Julia Bloomfield

  9. I don't know you Brent but I've been following your progress since the accident.

    You are such a courageous and delightful young man! Any time I'm having what I think is a bad day, I come to your blog and I'm reminded of how fortunate I am and how strong and resilient you and your family have been.
    It's incredible to see you posting your own updates!

    Keep on keepin' on!

  10. I agree with the above poster, doing your own blogs is great, and thanks to your dad too for keeping everyone informed. I also don't know you or your family but have followed your story with interest since the beginning. I know other that have also followed it, you will never understand how your misfortune may have changed lives. Your faith is inspiring. I know you will soon be moving back to Saskatoon but I hope we get to follow your progress, in many ways I feel I know you and would miss knowing how you are doing.
    Barb, Regina
