Friday, October 2, 2009

Brent the TIGER returns

Brent lifting weights and wanting to get back to Tommy Douglas gym.

Brent was doing his best on the bench press. I never told Brent that there was no weight on the barbell.

Continue to pray for:
Pain in Brent`s back
Pain in Brent`s left hand
Pain in Brent`s right thumb

We went to the cafeteria and had dinner with Pastor Doug.
We went for a walk to 7-eleven and Anderson`s rehabilitation (where Mom has her physio) and Shopper`s Drug Mart. We bought snacks for the Rider game.
Brent was in the chair for 3 hours. Good job Brent.
We watched Winnipeg beat Edmonton. Yah Yah !!!!!!!! (Sorry Dwayne, are you and the boys crying again????)

Thank you for your prayers.
Keep hoping. Keep loving. Keep praying.


  1. Fantastic pictures! Keep up the good work!
    Still thnking of you all and so glad to read these encouraging updates.

    Calgary, Alberta

  2. HI Bud, I haven't taken the time to write a comment lately but have been keeping up with your progress and so impressed at how fast you are learning how to walk again! You are a strong guy and we are so proud of you!! It is so awesome that we get to see pics of you outside going for slurpees etc... I love it, I love to see you smile! Keep it up you are doing so well, we are always praying for you and think of you often. Love you so much, Auntie Ang, Uncle Norm and girls

  3. Those photos made me smile :-) Amazing to see the progress you have made so far and are continuing to make! Yay!
    Melissa H.
    Saskatoon, SK
