Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Brent having his first pizza party since Feb. 27

Brent is pressing on and is improving daily.
Here are the latest happenings with Brent:
  • He enjoyed a pizza party on Monday night
  • drank an english toffee coffee
  • ate a half can of zoodles
  • he is not liking the hospital food at all
  • His mom (Carolyn/Cary) and Auntie Ev went grocery shopping for him
  • Brent has a new pair of converse high top shoes (these shoes are on during the day to support his ankles)
  • Watched, "The Day the Earth Stood Still" with his Uncle Rich
  • loves laying on his sheepskin blankets (much more comfortable)
  • Visitors included Uncle Rich & Auntie Ev (from Sudan), Al and Robin Thiessen
  • Brent's vitals are exactly where they should be - vitals are doing awesome
  • Myles, the physiotherapist, is working with Brent to build up his muscles
  • One of the meds, TPN, is on during the night which affects the liver and in turn gives a yellow pigment to Brent's skin for now.
  • Brent is also having some very emotional moments

Thank you for your prayers for this family.

"Be strong in the Lord and in his Mighty Power" Ephesians 6:10 (The Bible, NIV)

Keep hoping.Keep loving.Keep praying.


  1. I am sitting here crying tears of joy, Brent you look amazing for someone that has endured so much!!!!

    Love always,
    Drew, Sheila, and kids

  2. Excellent news! We are very happy for you Brent and you too Scot and Carolyn :) Keep on keeping on! You continue to be in our prayers.
    Kurtis and Val Bowering

  3. Simply amazing! Thanks be to God!

  4. Oh, so nice to get some good news!!! Praise God from whom all blessings flow....and the medical staff at Regina General!
    Still trusting and prayig along with you all.
    Calgary, Alberta

  5. Woo Hoo! Way to go Brent! I can't blame you in regards to the hospital food. Not the best no matter how hard they try.
    I am very proud of the Peterson family for their strength, courage and love for each other. What an inspiring family!

    Patty Booth

  6. What a hoot to be able to show this pic to our kids. They have prayed for you every day, Brent. They were so excited to hear you were eating pizza, too! God bless! May he continue to hold you in the palm of his hand. Keep believing!

    In Him,
    Richard, Jennifer, Logan and Mikaela Smith
    Saskatoon, SK

  7. Look at you!!! Makes me miss seeing you this week:) Consider this a big hug from me (I know it's not me you want a hug from but too bad!:)

    I am so proud of you bud. Keep trusting and God will keep giving you everything you need for that day.

    Love you so much and praying constantly.
    Auntie Jan

  8. Wow Brent looks fantastic. That is great his appetite is pretty good and his eyes are doing well too. Wonderful. Continuing to pray! Thanks for these updates/photos.
    Melissa Hoeker

  9. Lookin' Gooooood!! I don't blame you about hospital food; but it sounds like you're getting some of the good stuff,(pizza,etc.)
    we're so happy for you & you're progress...we'll keep on praying & believing..


  10. Brent, you sure are looking good!! You and your parents are constantly in my thoughts and prayers!! So glad to hear that you had a pizza party. What fun!

    Deborah, Saskatoon

  11. Brent, we're so glad that you're doing so much better. Ben's been asking when we could see you again. Soon. Some time this month for sure!!!
    Keep hanging in there. We miss you!

    We pray for you daily.

    Love from all of us,
    The Shepherd fam.

  12. Brent I am so extremely happy and crying tears of joy for you. You have succeeded and progressed amazingly and you haven't stopped. You'll be up and running before I heal all these scrapes and bruises on my legs. The mosquitos are brutal; Absolutely brutal! From one hour outside in capris, I have 19 bites. Not too fun. I'm so happy that you're doing great. Praise the Lord for that. You are the best fighter I know, and the best fighter I'll ever know. You and Katie are in my prayers and thoughts everyday. Remember, this is the challenge God has given you in your life. You overcoming this challenge will change numerous lives in this world. Every little thing you do will have a great outcome. Even those Converse shoes are an awesome start! Converse freaks like me smile when they read that. I told you that you'd have some on your feet in no time! See, I don't lie. :) Today I couldn't stop thinking and praying for you. You are truly a great friend and I can't wait to have you back at Church. Even the kids miss you there. Everyday and night we're praying for you. I'm glad you're getting so much better.

    in my prayers and thoughts always,

    Brittney Forsythe :)

  13. Bubs,
    You know your Auntie Dean is with you every day in heart. I can't physically be there right now, which makes me sad, BUT...it makes me VERY HAPPY that I get to talk to you sometimes. Hearing your voice is the most beautiful sound to me, Bubs. You're my very special boy, don't ever forget that!!!!
    I love you forever and always!!!
    Auntie Dean.
