Sunday, June 21, 2009


"Little Man" is progressing nicely :) . There was some activity Saturday with friends visiting. The Andreae family and Brittney Forsythe watched a movie with Brent. They were also able to chat with Brent for awhile. A week ago (June 12), Kiersten Andreae and Brittney Forsythe organized a benefit concert (at Elim Church) for the Peterson's. Yesterday, they presented a cheque for $ 4115.00. Thank you to everyone who donated. The Peterson's are very grateful.

Brent is:
  • little irregular with the blood pressure
  • covering his trach often now to talk
  • after his vac dressing/abdomen surgery yesterday - he was awake most of the day (very surprising, but good)
  • we're not sure if the nightmares have stopped - we're hoping they have and that he is resting peacefully during the night
  • Brent is doing physio now with physiotherapist Miles - they are working are getting the legs stronger
  • still in ICU at Regina General in critical condition
You are welcome to visit or send cards. Brent's friends Josiah Bloomfield and Daniel stopped by. The visits are very encouraging to Brent.

A bittersweet Father's Day as Scot remembers his daughter Katie who is causing a energy stir in heaven. Scot is so thankful that his son, Brent, is here today. This whole situation gives new meaning to being thankful for the new mercies that come every new morning. Pray for Scot and Carolyn (Cary) as they are still grieving Katie and getting used to this "new normal".

Keep hoping.Keep loving.Keep praying.


  1. It was so nice to see you Brent (and Cary/Scot)..Brent love the new clothes your mom bought looked good!!

    We will continue to pray for your recovery.

    Cary, thanks for the are an amazing mom...inspiring in your faith. God is good and will pray as you continue down this road you are on that you will receive strength, peace and wisdom. Love you guys.
    Sandy Warman,Sk.

  2. Happy Father's Day, Scott. Rest in knowing Katie is cared for by the best Father of them all. Brent is blessed to have you as his father here.
    Still praying daily for you all as you continue this difficult journey.

  3. Happy Father's day Scot......even though it is difficult. It is okay to be happy too. Katie would want that I'm sure. You guys are doing so well considering what you have come through in the last few months. Brent, glad to see that you got to wear your own clothes the other day. I remember how absolutely amazing it felt to get out of a hospital gown after weeks in them. That's so awesome. We are hoping to stop and see you on tuesday. It will be so great to finally meet you! Cary we are looking forward to seeing you again and Scot we saw you when we were at the hospital but haven't officially met yet so that will be great as well. Until then, God bless you and keep you.
    Greg and Michelle Dueck Moose Jaw

  4. Happy Father's Day Scot!
    We check the blog daily and don't always leave a post as sometimes it is hard not knowing what to say to all of you. We think of you, Carolyn and Brent constantly and are just amazed at your strength.
    Please know that we are always, Hoping, Loving and Praying!
    We hope to come and visit with all of you real soon!
    God Bless you all
    The Kristiansen's

  5. Greetings!
    Keeping you all in prayer. So happy to hear the good reports.
    Could you please give us that mailing address once again, would like to add a little blessing to the Benifit fund for you, Scot Carolyn and Brent.
    Thank You
    Praying for you daily.

  6. Happy Father's Day, Scot! We were challenged in church this morning with the verse in Joshua: "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." And the fathers were reminded of their responsibility to lead their families to Jesus. I just want to commend you on the tremendous job you are doing as a father - I know you must miss Katie terribly; I can't imagine your pain, but you fulfilled the role God gave you in her life - well done! Right now Brent needs your support more than ever, and you are going above and beyond - I am amazed at your strength, though I know it is by the grace of our Father - Glory to God!!

    We never stop thinking about you and praying for you all.

    Marlin & Edith & family

  7. Still hoping, trusting and praying with you all.

    Calgary, Alberta.
