Thursday, June 25, 2009


Brent was still having a rough day Monday night and Tuesday morning. He just was feeling uncomfortable, vomiting, and he did have a nightmare about the accident. Pastor Angela McDonald, Tara Cameron, James Koch and myself were able to visit Brent for only a few moments on Wednesday. It was great seeing him and to hear him talking a little more. He blew us all kisses on the way out.

Pray that Brent's mind will become stronger and that he will develop closer trust with the medical staff and his parents to try new things. Sometimes, there is alot of fear in Brent's mind that almost paralyzes him. Pray for a greater peace for 'Little Man".

Tommy Douglas school raised $ 738.00 for the Peterson family. THANK YOU for thinking of Brent. He loved the school picture.

Someone asked if there was a cross placed near the accident scene to remember Katie. There is no cross at that location at the moment. The accident happened south of Lumsden.

Brent went for his 36 th surgery....changing the vac dressing and cleaning out abdomen area. The progression of this healing is going very nicely. Just before the surgery Brent kept asking for after the surgery Brently ate two and a half cups of jello. MMMM good!

Keep hoping.Keep loving.Keep praying.


  1. Wow that is the most Brent's eaten right? That is wonderful :-) Will continue to pray for healing, peace and comfort.
    Melissa Hoeker

  2. In the future there will be a cross at the site where Katie passed away?

  3. Glad to hear of the excellent progress! All glory be to God! I have been the trach a permanent thing? I don't recall hearing of damage to the larynx, and was just wondering if that is an item for prayer?

    Will pray for peace for Brent, Scot, and Carolyn.
