Friday, July 10, 2009

A Wii Day

Go Riders Go!!! Go Riders Go!!! Go Riders Go!!!

Continue to pray for:
Itchiness still there but not as bad
Pain in Brent's left hand
Pain in Brent's back
Vac dressing change tomorrow (41st)

Highlights today:
7-Eleven English Toffee from Grandma Peterson
Visit from Tanya, Jabin, and Jason Bromm of Regina
Playing Wii with Parker and Tory (Brent's cousins)
Paula from MPICU came up for a visit and a Pepsi Slurpee
McDonalds Chicken Nuggets

Thank you for your prayers.
Keep hoping. Keep loving, Keep praying.


  1. Hey Brent,
    You are becoming a junk-food-aholic! Must feel good to be eating again! Christopher played your old soccer team today for city semi-finals. I'm sure you will be just as disappointed as Christopher was...he lost to them! Your team plays for the city finals on Sunday. I'll let you know if they win or not.

    Take care...we'll come visit soon now that our company has gone back to England.

    Cort, Angela, Ashley and Loser...I mean Christopher

  2. Hey Brent, we're heading out to camp so won't be able to check the blog but will be thinking of you and praying for you as always! You are loved bud. Keep plugging away and we'll be there to see you again as soon as we are able:)

    Love ya,
    Mattias, Jan, Reid & Kiersten

  3. aw,i wish i coulda been there to play wii with you. although, i'm sure i would lose..unless it was tetris or something, which i don't even think they have for the wii?? anyhow, i continue to pray for you Bubs, and i miss you soooooo much and i love you all so much!!!
    Auntie Dean
