Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Brent Rockin with Guitar Hero

Brent got Guitar Hero for the Nintendo DS (which was Katie's) today and was rockin to the song "Paralyzer". He used his left hand and will continue to use it to strengthen his left pain in the "butt" hand.

Continue to pray for:
Itchiness to subside
Pain in Brent's left hand
Pain in Brent's back
Brent's headaches to subside
Skin Grafting to be done tomorrow (please pray especially for this)

A visit today from Uncle Norm, Auntie Ang, Alecia and Elliana
A visit from Auntie Edith
Guitar Hero and Mario Kart for Nintendo DS

A Special Thank You to those who helped on replacing the fence on Sunday and Monday. We now have an awesome fence that will last for many years.

Thank you for your prayers.
Keep hoping. Keep loving. Keep praying.


  1. Great news, may the miracles continue to flow and healing never cease.
    You are all still continually in our prayers.
    Keep strong, keep positive and keep your chins up.

    God is good


  2. We continue to pray for you Brent. Also for your Mom and Dad ,Grandparents, we are grandparents and we share what they are going through too. Hope to meet you some day. God Bless

  3. Hey there buddy, it was awesome beating you at curling yesterday and I want to tell everyone that you kicked butt in the cooking game with Alecia and I, how did that happen? You did do dishes once at our house and I have a picture to prove it!! Ha ha! Okay and we never finished our ends in curling! Next time. All kidding aside, we still think of you all the time and pray for you, it was great to give you hugs and kisses yesterday. Keep your chin up we love you so much, Auntie Ang
