Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Visit from Pastor Rob, Angela & Tara

Today Pastor Rob, Pastor Angela and Tara stopped by for a brief visit.

Continue to pray for:
Pain in Brent's left wrist - is getting better - PTL!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pain in Brent's left thigh - (from skin graft)
Pain in Brent's back
Pain in Brent's left elbow - not too much

Pastor Rob, Pastor Angela and Tara came for a visit
Brent received 2 movies from Pastor Rob, Angela and Tara
Math goals were set today and should be done by the time back surgery is scheduled

Thank you for your prayers.
Keep hoping. Keep loving. Keep praying.


  1. Brent, I am glad that to hear that the pain is getting better for you! PTL!

    Zephaniah 3:17 "The Lord your God is with you. He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you and rejoice over you with singing."

    Deborah, Saskatoon

  2. hi brent this is james mom gloria i would like to let you know that my boyfriend or finace and his mom have been really saying so many pray's for u and your family ever since the accident happen and he asked that one day hewould love to meet you in preson once he is home with me and our family becasue he belives that god was watching over you all the time.so contuine not to give up coz things come hard but then get better all the time in our life from koch family/mustafa

  3. Praise God from whom all blessings flow, praise Him all creatures here below, praise Him above all heavenly hosts, praise Him Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Brent you are awesome and the apple of His Eye. To God be the Glory. May Jehovah Rafah continue to heal you and bring His comfort upon you. See you real soon. Love your auntie, Nadine!
