Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Hey everyone,

Scot and Carolyn continue this journey with their son, Brent, in the Regina hospital. Scot is now updating us on this blog and is doing an awesome job. I commend both Scot and Carolyn on their commitment through this challenging time.

SURGERY FOR BRENT'S BACK - scheduled for Thursday, Sept. 3 at 8 a.m.

Your prayers are greatly appreciated for this upcoming week and surgery.

Please continue to leave your thoughts, prayers on this blog as it encourages the family greatly.

Thank you for your prayers.

Keep hoping.Keep loving.Keep praying.


  1. My thoughts and prayers are numerous for all of you and especially Brent who is so strong and courageous. Faith and courage is demonstrated throughout the moments of your life. Brent, you are an amazing young man and an inspiration to us all. I will pray throughout the coming days for your upcoming back surgery. God is our Healer. Praise be to God!

    In love,


  2. Scott and Carolyn:

    I have been following this blog from the beginning. It has been a real learning experience for me, watching the events unfold, especially watching as you both deal with the daily challenges. My prayers continue to accompany on your journey through these very challenging times.

    Blessings and Peace,

    Bill Judt,
    Elim congregation

  3. I am praising the Lord with you guys that you finally have a surgery date. My prayers are with you everyday, on Sept 3 I will be praying continually for all 3 of you and the doctors. Rest in Gods strong arms...He will never leave you or forsake you!
    In Gods love,
