Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Home Again ... At Last

Brent was discharged from Royal University hospital on Sunday Aug.21st. He was feeling better and the Doctors and Nurses were not doing anything different from what Dad and Mom could do at home. Carolyn and Scot were grateful that the Doctors kept a watchful eye on Brent for a little longer to make sure he was tolerating a "normal" diet. The Doctors are treating his symptoms as irritated bowel syndrome. Brent is on a reduced fiber diet so his bowels will have time to heal with as little stress as possible. He still feels quite a bit of discomfort in his stomach but we've been told this could be for awhile and is to be expected after his surgery. Brent's bowels have to be retrained to function after "sleeping" for 2 1/2 years.
Our prayer is that Brent will feel perfectly well by the time he returns back to school.
Keep hoping. Keep loving. Keep praying.


  1. Hey Little Man: In a few weeks you shall be feeling better and than you shall be back in school... and make sure you have some prune juice on the "rocks"... tastes great... just ask your old dad.. we all love you.... uncle buck and auntie barb and the big kids..

  2. Long time no chat!Miss you guys! Take it easy Brent! Hope all is going well now! Love you, Talk to you soon,
    Auntie Ang

  3. a complete stranger missing your updates. hope all is well. surrey, bc

  4. Any chance we could have an update? Hope that all is well and you are enjoying your fall.

  5. Bless your family this Christmas season.
