Thursday, February 17, 2011

Hate to say it...But Yes Brent is back in the Hospital

To all our faithful prayer warriors and followers. Brent was admitted to Royal University Hospital yesterday. He came home from school on Tuesday feeling nauseous and coughing.
Wednesday his left side was hurting and the abscess was looking hot and raised. By the time the Doctors saw him it was filling up. The doctors drained it for a large amount and put a drain in again. Brent was feeling a little better but still not great in the evening.
Please pray that the Doctors will have wisdom and knowledge to finally figure out this continous reaccuring problem. Until this is totally cleared up Brent is unable to have his stoma closed. He really would love it to be gone by summer.

Thank you for your prayers.

Keep Hoping. Keep Loving. Keep Praying.


  1. Hey Brent,
    This truly has been an adventure! When I went to Capernwray Bible School, I heard FAITH defined in an acrostic as a Fantastic Adventure In Trusting Him. I will pray for wisdom for your doctors to know what is causing the abscess to continue to fill up with fluid and that you will know the healing touch of the Great Physician, who is your Lord and Saviour. I pray believing that this will all be cleared up and the stoma closed up in time for you to fully enjoy the summer!

    Hoping with you and your mum and dad,
    Deborah McConkey

  2. Yikes! Deb and I are thinking of you guys.

  3. Love you Brently, and you too Aunty Cary and Uncle Scot
    xoxo Shauna

  4. This has been a long journey..will keep praying.

  5. Well Brent...don't know how you keep your spirits up. I get so frustrated reading about all of your are much stronger than I can ever hope to be. Sounds like you have fantastic parents and friends too.

    Hope this stay is short and this recurring issue finally gets solved. You're too awesome of a kid to keep dealing with this annoying stuff!

    Stay well. Keep warm. Don't eat the hospital food!

    Stella (Regina)

  6. Brent,you are in my thoughts and prayers, so are your parents.
    Dale Litzgus

  7. Annette Surrey BC, formerly CalgaryFebruary 23, 2011 at 5:40 PM

    Praying and believing that the doctors will find the reason for this recurring problem and that all will be resolved before summer.
