Greetings from the Peterson's. We have enjoyed many blessings throughout this last year.
Since Brent was discharged from RUH late July he has enjoyed good health and a lot more freedom. He enjoyed his sleepovers just like he said he would.
In August, Brent was at his cousin James's wedding and we had lots of fun with cousins, Auntie and Uncles, and Grandpa and Grandma Neufeld staying at our house. Brent also enjoyed lots of fun in our pool in the back yard (without having to get out every few minutes because fear of a leaky bag). He invited his friends over one afternoon also to swim with him.
Another highlight this year was getting his license. He had to share a 1991 Acura Legend with his Mom until he was able to buy it for himself which he has done just recently. He had to do a lot of chauffeuring for his Mom since Carolyn's leg was hurting quite a bit and was unable to drive. Brent really hated doing this...NOT!!!! Carolyn and Scot have enjoyed freedom from having to drive Brent to youth and other functions.
Brent was not feeling well just before Christmas and spent a few days in the hospital. We told his nurses he just missed them the most at Christmas. Dr. Bruce was unable to pin point a reason for him not feeling well. Brent has a referral to see a kidney specialist sometime in the new year. Brent has been feeling good since the holidays have begun.
We spent Christmas day to the 27th with the Neufeld's and the 29th till the 1st with Grandpa and Grandma Peterson. We all missed little Phoenix this year! It has been a very wonderful and special Christmas season and feel blessed by God's greatness. Once again we'd like to thanks our blog followers for their continued prayers. May God bless each one of you for your faithfulness to our family.
Keep hoping. Keep loving. Keep praying.